path: root/Gem/develop/include/Gem/plugins/film.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 173 deletions
diff --git a/Gem/develop/include/Gem/plugins/film.h b/Gem/develop/include/Gem/plugins/film.h
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index 679c753..0000000
--- a/Gem/develop/include/Gem/plugins/film.h
+++ /dev/null
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-/* -----------------------------------------------------------------
-GEM - Graphics Environment for Multimedia
-Load an digital video (like AVI, Mpeg, Quicktime) into a pix block
-(OS independent parent-class)
-Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Mark Danks. mark@danks.org
-Copyright (c) Günther Geiger. geiger@epy.co.at
-Copyright (c) 2001-2011 IOhannes m zmölnig. forum::für::umläute. IEM. zmoelnig@iem.at
-For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
-WARRANTIES, see the file, "GEM.LICENSE.TERMS" in this distribution.
-#include "Gem/ExportDef.h"
-#include "Gem/GemGL.h"
-#include <string>
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- film
- parent class for the system- and library-dependent film-loader classes
- pix film movie
- -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
-struct pixBlock;
-namespace gem {
- class Properties;
-namespace gem { namespace plugins {
-class GEM_EXTERN film
- public:
- //////////
- // returns an instance wrapping all plugins or NULL
- // if NULL is returned, you might still try your luck with manually accessing the
- // PluginFactory
- static film*getInstance(void);
- /////////
- // dtor must be virtual
- virtual ~film(void);
- //////////
- // open a movie up
- /* open the film "filename" (think better about URIs ?)
- *
- * try to open the film with the requested properties
- *
- * about properties:
- * requestprops: are properties that can change the behaviour of how the
- * film is opened; examples are "colorspace" (e.g. GL_RGBA) or
- * "streaming" (rather than random frame access)
- * the backend need not implement any of the properties
- *
- * resultprops: give feedback about the opened film
- * if the film could not be opened, the content is undefined
- * if the film was successfully opened, following properties should be set
- * if a property can not be determined (e.g. variable fps), it should be set unset
- *
- *
- * discussion: should the colourspace be only a hint or should we force it
- * (evt. by converting the actual cs by hand to the desired one)
- * more discussion: i guess the cs should really be forced somehow by [pix_film]
- * now i don't know, whether the cs-conversion should be done by [pix_film] itself or
- * rather by the film*-classes.
- * but i guess film* makes more sense, because then, [pix_film] doesn't have to know
- * anything about the internal cs of the decoder
- */
- /* returns TRUE if loading was successful, FALSE otherwise */
- virtual bool open(const std::string,
- const gem::Properties&requestprops) = 0;
- /* some error codes */
- enum errCode { SUCCESS = 0,
- FAILURE = 1,
- DONTKNOW= 2 };
- //////////
- // Change which image to display
- /* this is the second core function of this class:
- * most decoding-libraries can set the frame-number on a random-access basis.
- * some cannot, then this might do nothing
- * you could also switch between various tracks of a file (if the format supports it)
- * specifying trackNum as -1 means "same track as before"
- */
- virtual errCode changeImage(int imgNum, int trackNum=-1) = 0;
- //////////
- // get the next frame
- /* this is the core-function of this class !!!!
- * when called it returns the current frame in the *pixBlock structure
- * dev: you can use "m_image" for this (and "return &m_image;")
- * if the image cannot be read, returns 0
- * dev: you probably want to set the whole meta-information
- * (xsize,ysize,csize,format) over again
- * if you are smart and the colour-space is fine, just point
- * if this is a "new" frame (e.g. freshly decoded),
- * pixblock.newimage should be set to 1
- */
- virtual pixBlock* getFrame(void) = 0;
- //////////
- // close the movie file
- /* close the file and clean up temporary things */
- virtual void close(void) = 0;
- ////////
- // returns true if instance can be used in thread
- virtual bool isThreadable(void) = 0;
- /**
- * list all properties the currently opened film supports
- * if no film is opened, this returns generic backend properties
- * which can be different from media specific properties
- * after calling, "readable" will hold a list of all properties that can be read
- * and "writeable" will hold a list of all properties that can be set
- * if the enumeration fails, this returns <code>false</code>
- */
- virtual bool enumProperties(gem::Properties&readable,
- gem::Properties&writeable) = 0;
- /**
- * set a number of properties (as defined by "props")
- * the "props" may hold properties not supported by the currently opened media,
- * which is legal; in this case the superfluous properties are simply ignored
- * this function MAY modify the props;
- * namely one-shot properties should be removed from the props
- *
- * examples: "colorspace" GL_RGBA
- * "auto" 1
- */
- virtual void setProperties(gem::Properties&props) = 0;
- /**
- * get the current value of the given properties from the media
- * if props holds properties that can not be read for the media, they are set to UNSET
- *
- * "width" (width of each frame in pixels)
- * "height" (height of each frame in pixels)
- * "fps" (frames per second)
- * "frames" (framecount)
- */
- virtual void getProperties(gem::Properties&props) = 0;
-};}; // namespace gem::plugins
- * \fn REGISTER_FILMFACTORY(const char *id, Class filmClass)
- * registers a new class "filmClass" with the film-factory
- *
- * \param id a symbolic (const char*) ID for the given class
- * \param filmClass a class derived from "film"
- */
-#define REGISTER_FILMFACTORY(id, TYP) static gem::PluginFactoryRegistrar::registrar<TYP, gem::plugins::film> fac_film_ ## TYP (id)
-#endif // for header file