#N canvas 30 89 960 649 10;
#X declare -lib Gem;
#X text 742 8 GEM object;
#X obj 8 438 cnv 15 430 150 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
#X text 18 440 Inlets:;
#X text 18 558 Outlets:;
#X text 36 571 Outlet 1: gemlist;
#X obj 8 393 cnv 15 430 40 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -195568 -66577
#X text 17 398 Arguments:;
#X obj 8 76 cnv 15 430 310 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
#X text 50 12 Synopsis: [gemhead];
#X text 71 31 Class: control object;
#X text 29 77 Description: start a rendering chain;
#X obj 607 371 cnv 15 140 65 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -195568 -66577
#X msg 622 391 create;
#X text 618 370 Create window:;
#N canvas 0 50 450 300 gemwin 0;
#X obj 132 136 gemwin;
#X obj 67 89 outlet;
#X obj 67 10 inlet;
#X obj 67 41 route create;
#X msg 67 70 set destroy;
#X msg 142 68 set create;
#X msg 132 93 create \, 1 \, frame 2;
#X msg 198 112 destroy \, reset;
#X connect 2 0 3 0;
#X connect 3 0 4 0;
#X connect 3 0 6 0;
#X connect 3 1 5 0;
#X connect 3 1 7 0;
#X connect 4 0 1 0;
#X connect 5 0 1 0;
#X connect 6 0 0 0;
#X connect 7 0 0 0;
#X restore 622 411 pd gemwin (2fps);
#X text 21 91 [gemhead] connects the gem objects to the window manager.
The start of any gemList begins with the gemhead. Without the gemhead
\, gem objects will not receive the render command.;
#X text 20 366 example: "1" before "50" before "-10" before "-23";
#X text 22 149 Any gem object connected after the gemhead will receive
one render command per frame.;
#X text 20 294 The rendering-order value can also be negative. Negative
numbered [gemhead]s will be rendered AFTER all positive [gemhead]s.
Note \, that Higher values (-3) will be rendered BEFORE lower values
(-10). [gemhead]s with negative numbers will NOT be affected by view-point
changes !!!;
#X text 62 409 float : priority (default : 50);
#X text 42 471 Inlet 1: bang : force rendering now.;
#X text 42 453 Inlet 1: float (1/0): turn rendering on/off (default
#X text 42 490 Inlet 1: set <priority> : change priority value of this
#X obj 442 74 cnv 15 160 240 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
#X text 451 79 enable/disable rendering;
#X obj 451 123 cnv 15 100 40 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -24198 -66577
#X msg 470 240 gemList;
#X obj 470 134 gemhead;
#X msg 470 101 1;
#X msg 506 101 0;
#X obj 470 281 print ENABLE;
#X obj 470 199 square 0.5;
#X obj 606 74 cnv 15 160 240 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
#X obj 770 74 cnv 15 160 240 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
#X text 617 81 force rendering;
#X text 789 79 set rendering order;
#X obj 621 128 cnv 15 100 40 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -24198 -66577
#X obj 781 135 cnv 15 100 40 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -24198 -66577
#X msg 630 101 bang;
#X msg 791 101 set 45;
#X obj 791 286 print SETTABLE;
#X obj 630 284 print FORCEABLE;
#X msg 630 243 gemList;
#X msg 791 245 gemList;
#X obj 630 202 circle 0.5;
#X obj 791 204 triangle 0.5;
#X obj 791 144 gemhead 105;
#X text 21 188 All chain will be rendered one after the other. You
can control precisely the rendering order by giving [gemhead] a priority
value (argument or message). The default value is 50 The lower the
value is \, the sooner the gemhead will receive the rendering command
(a value of 1 is the lowest possible value). This value is important
when you are doing alpha blending and for certain objects (such as
#X obj 470 178 translateXYZ -2 0 0;
#X msg 854 101 set 105;
#X obj 630 181 translateXYZ 0 2 0;
#X obj 630 138 gemhead 50;
#X obj 791 183 translateXYZ 2 0 0;
#X text 42 520 Inlet 1: context <name> : change rendering context (for
multiple windows).;
#X obj 818 8 declare -lib Gem;
#X connect 12 0 14 0;
#X connect 14 0 12 0;
#X connect 26 0 30 0;
#X connect 27 0 48 0;
#X connect 28 0 27 0;
#X connect 29 0 27 0;
#X connect 31 0 26 0;
#X connect 38 0 51 0;
#X connect 39 0 46 0;
#X connect 42 0 41 0;
#X connect 43 0 40 0;
#X connect 44 0 42 0;
#X connect 45 0 43 0;
#X connect 46 0 52 0;
#X connect 48 0 31 0;
#X connect 49 0 46 0;
#X connect 50 0 44 0;
#X connect 51 0 50 0;
#X connect 52 0 45 0;