#N canvas 293 148 600 556 10; #X text 135 37 part of GEM; #X obj 157 187 gemorb 1; #X text 69 93 respond to events of a SpaceOrb on a specified comport. ; #X msg 157 290 (X Y Z) Position; #X msg 182 255 (X Y Z) Rotation; #X msg 208 219 (a b c d e f g) Button; #X text 152 70 [gemorb]; #X text 67 326 [gemorb] connects to a SpaceOrb on the comport specified as the creation-argument.; #X text 70 358 You have to have a SpaceOrb to make serious use of [gemorb] ; #X text 66 389 Position and Rotation give you float-triplets specifying the position/rotation at/for the 3 axis; #X text 66 426 Button gives a 9tuple with the state \, each button is in; #X msg 180 118 reset; #X msg 180 140 timer