#N canvas 24 279 928 367 10;
#X obj 107 178 loadbang;
#X obj 107 250 print error;
#X msg 107 207 [gemtablet] is no longer available! \, use [hid] or
similar for interfacing a graph-tablet;
#X obj 127 312 outlet X-pos;
#X obj 137 331 outlet Y-pos;
#X obj 287 282 outlet Pressure;
#X obj 297 302 outlet Azimuth;
#X obj 307 322 outlet Altitude;
#X obj 317 342 outlet Twist;
#X obj 537 302 outlet Middle-Buttoh;
#X obj 547 322 outlet Right-Button;
#X obj 527 282 outlet Left-Button;
#X text 54 36 this is a fake replacement of Gem's [gemtablet].;
#X text 53 56 the object has been taken out of Gem \, since Gem is
a graphics library \, and not a hardware-interfacing library.;
#X text 51 98 you should be able to build a functional replacement
using the [hid] external.;
#X connect 0 0 2 0;
#X connect 2 0 1 0;