#N canvas 174 110 664 498 10; #X msg 180 101 gemList; #X text 176 62 GEM object; #X msg 180 195 gemList; #X obj 180 152 part_head; #X text 260 196 partList; #X text 184 25 [part_head]; #X msg 289 106 speed ; #X text 45 242 starts a particle-system. The particle-list normally holds a number of [part_source]s (particle-generators) [part_]-modifiers and ends with a particle-renderer such as [part_draw]; #X text 45 325 you can set the speed of the particle-emission with the speed-message.; #X obj 493 168 part_head 10; #X text 44 380 [part_head] takes the number of particles that can exist in one instance of time as a creation-argument. (default:1000); #X text 53 424 if your particles do not die (e.g.: because the are killed with [part_killold]) \, your particle source will stop emitting particles after some time.; #X connect 0 0 3 0; #X connect 3 0 2 0; #X connect 6 0 3 0;