#N canvas 203 0 664 575 10; #X msg 180 86 gemList; #X text 176 62 GEM object; #X msg 180 195 gemList; #X text 260 196 partList; #X text 254 89 partList; #X obj 180 152 part_source; #X text 184 25 [part_source]; #X text 51 252 add a particle-source. You will need this if you want any particles in your particle-system.; #X text 53 290 The initial argument (that can be changed) gives the number of particles that are emitted at each rendering-frame; #X msg 340 82 number_of_particles_per_frame; #X msg 340 107 domain; #X msg 340 132 <arguments>; #X obj 489 191 part_source 20; #X text 48 337 <domain>: one of "point" \, "line" \, "triangle" \, "plane" \, "box" \, "sphere" \, "cylinder" \, "cone" \, "blob" \, "disc" \, "rectangle"; #X text 49 401 <arguments>: up to 9 floats \, defining the specified domain (like "x y z" for "point" \, "x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2" for "line" \, "x y z r" for "sphere" \, ...). The meaning of the arguments depends -of course- on the domain.; #X connect 0 0 5 0; #X connect 5 0 2 0; #X connect 9 0 5 1; #X connect 10 0 5 2; #X connect 11 0 5 3;