#N canvas 69 65 686 503 10; #X msg 122 72 gemList; #X msg 122 213 gemList; #X text 83 44 get a video signal; #X text 36 320 There are a group of messages that can be used to control the camera (especially to create an image with dimensions a power of 2!); #X text 45 373 dimen x y : set the x y dimensions in pixels; #X text 45 393 zoom x y : set the zoom factor (1.0 is nominal); #X text 46 417 bright value : set the brightness factor; #X text 47 441 contrast value : set the contrast factor; #X text 47 459 hue value : set the hue factor; #X text 47 478 sat value : set the saturation; #X obj 122 166 pix_indycam; #X text 121 26 [pix_indycam]; #X text 45 240 [pix_indycam] creates pixes from a SGI video camera. ; #X text 41 264 [pix_indycam] obviously only works with SGI video workstations. The name indicates that it likes SGI-indy's the most.; #X connect 0 0 10 0; #X connect 10 0 1 0;