#N canvas 712 350 753 584 10; #X text 75 101 1- select the backend; #X text 89 47 videoNDI - receive NDI video streams; #X msg 261 102 driver ndi; #X msg 261 162 open MYMACHINE\ (TestStream); #X msg 261 212 open; #X text 75 211 2b- open an NDI-stream by IP:port, f 24; #X text 75 161 2a- open an NDI-stream by name, f 24; #X text 48 303 per default \, you can only open NDI-streams that are already present in the network.; #X text 74 431 3- open an NDI-stream by name \, even if it doesn't exist yet, f 24; #X text 53 342 if you want to wait for future (not-yet-existing) streams \, you can do do by setting the "future" property to "1" *immediately* before you try to 'open' the stream.; #X text 57 389 Once the NDI-stream appears \, [pix_video] will start outputting it:; #X obj 232 253 s \$1-ctl; #X text 447 151 NDI-stream names contain spaces and parantheses.; #X text 446 166 You must escape the spaces with backspace.; #X obj 232 503 s \$1-ctl; #X msg 260 432 set future 1 \, open MYMACHINE\ (Waiting\ Man); #X text 89 57 ====================================; #X connect 2 0 11 0; #X connect 3 0 11 0; #X connect 4 0 11 0; #X connect 15 0 14 0;