#N canvas 344 334 656 389 10; #X obj 82 233 s \$1-ctl; #X text 19 72 1- select the backend; #X text 62 27 With VNC backend you can open a remote desktop using the VNC protocol; #X msg 43 89 driver vnc; #X msg 176 166 device vnc://localhost; #X msg 128 128 set password *****; #X text 134 112 2- set password (IF needed by VNC-server); #X text 190 149 3- open a VNC-URI; #X msg 179 242 setProps mouse.x 100 \, setProps mouse.y 100 \, setProps. mouse.mask 1 \, applyProps; #X text 179 219 X- move mouse pointer (x \, y \, button-mask); #X connect 3 0 0 0; #X connect 4 0 0 0; #X connect 5 0 0 0; #X connect 8 0 0 0;