#N canvas 44 17 653 456 12; #X floatatom 39 96 0 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 176 170 0 0 0 0 - - -; #X text 208 192 creation argument; #X text 210 210 is array name; #X text 76 87 set y value; #X text 74 152 right inlet selects x value; #X msg 55 117 set array99; #X text 163 116 change array name; #X obj 39 195 tab16write array99; #X obj 31 27 tab16write; #X text 388 378 updated for iem16 version1.0; #X obj 17 355 tab16write~; #X obj 17 374 tab16read4~; #X obj 121 374 tab16read; #X obj 121 355 tab16write; #X obj 216 355 tab16send~; #X obj 216 374 tab16receive~; #X obj 340 360 table16; #X text 29 334 see also:; #X obj 438 156 table16 array99; #X text 133 28 write numbers to a 16bit-table; #X text 20 256 since [table16] can only hold 16bit-values \, the stored numbers have to be integer (ok \, we take care of this!) values between -32768..+32767.; #X connect 0 0 8 0; #X connect 1 0 8 1; #X connect 6 0 8 0;