#N canvas 88 40 717 480 12; #X floatatom 50 254 0 0 0 0 - - -; #X obj 50 347 outlet~; #X text 130 346 signal output (delayed signal); #X obj 50 282 sig~; #X text 99 279 signal input (delay time in ms); #X text 218 310 creation argument: name of delay line; #X text 35 400 see also:; #X obj 24 16 vd16~; #X text 77 10 reads a signal from a 16bit delay line at a variable delay time (4-point-interpolation); #X text 31 51 vd16~ implements a 4-point interpolating delay tap from a corresponding delwrite~ object. The delay in milliseconds of the tap is specified by the incoming signal.; #X obj 50 314 vd16~ del_example; #X text 16 433 similar pd-objects:; #X obj 201 432 delread~; #X obj 285 432 delwrite~; #X obj 378 432 vd~; #X obj 123 403 del16write~; #X obj 242 403 del16read~; #X text 411 386 updated for iem16 version1.0; #X text 28 116 This is very similar to the pd-object; #X text 56 137 It uses only 16bit to store the samples \, which will need only half of the memory of pd's floatingpoint-based object.; #X text 57 175 However \, there are 2 drawbacks: there will be some additional noise (because floats are more precise than 16bit) \, and you cannot have values>1 stored in the delay-line; #X obj 375 112 vd~; #X connect 0 0 3 0; #X connect 3 0 10 0; #X connect 10 0 1 0;