iem_dp is a double precision library written by Thomas Musil and IOhannes Zmoelnig The goal of this library is to allow more than 24 bit accurate access to arrays and delay-lines. That means: with 32-bit IEEE floatingpoint we have a 23 bit mantissa with a resolution of 1 to 8388608. If you want to access to an array ( size greater than 8388608 ) by tabread4, you get a staircase-shaped output. The objects of this library work internal with double or 32-bit integer instead 24-bit mantissa of 32-bit float. To connect this higher resolution, we need 2 signal or 2 message cords. One for the float casted number and one for the difference to the higher resolution number. ftohex symtodp dptosym dptohex vline~~ samphold~~ wrap~~ phasor~~ print~~ add__ , +__ , +'' sub__ , -__ , -'' mul__ , *__ , *'' div__ , /__ , /'' add~~ , +~~ sub~~ , -~~ mul~~ , *~~ div~~ , /~~ tabwrite__ , tabwrite'' tabread__ , tabread'' tabread4__ , tabread4'' tabwrite~~ tabread~~ tabread4~~ max__ , max'' min__ , min'' max~~ min~~ random__ , random'' delwrite~~ delread~~ vd~~