This library extends the performance of miller puckette's pure data (pd). iem_matrix is written by Thomas Musil from IEM Graz Austria and it is compatible to miller puckette's pd-0.37-3 to pd-0.39-2. see also LICENCE.txt, GnuGPL.txt. iem_matrix contains 7 objects: "matrix_bundle_stat~", "matrix_diag_mul_line8~", "matrix_diag_mul_line~", "matrix_diag_mul_stat~", "matrix_mul_line8~", "matrix_mul_line~" and "matrix_mul_stat~". matrix_mul_*~ multiplies a message matrix with a signal array. matrix_diag_mul_*~ multiplies a message diagonal matrix with a signal array. matrix_bundle_*~ is a kind of additive signal multiplexer. The extension *_line~ means, each matrix message element will be interpolated from the previous to the current vallue by a signal ramp (like line~ does). The extension *_line8~ means, each matrix message element will be interpolated everey 8 samples from the previous to the current vallue by a signal ramp (this ramp has little steps, only every 8 sample, the value change). The extension *_stat~ means, each new matrix message element change the signal matrix multiplicator, there is no interpolation (like sig~ does).