/* For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. iem_matrix written by Thomas Musil (c) IEM KUG Graz Austria 2002 - 2006 */ /* -------------------------- spherical_line ------------------------------ */ typedef struct _spherical_line { t_object x_obj; int x_dim; double *x_work2; double *x_buf2; t_atom *x_at; } t_spherical_line; static t_class *spherical_line_class; static void spherical_line_rot_z(t_spherical_line *x, double *vec, double angle) { int i; double s=sin(angle); double c=cos(angle); double sum=0.0; dw += row*dim2; for(i=0; ix_dim; int i; double *dw=x->x_work2; double *db=x->x_buf2; dw += row*dim2; for(i=0; ix_dim; int i; double *dw=x->x_work2; double *db=x->x_buf2; dw += row*dim2; for(i=0; ix_dim; int i; double *dw_src=x->x_work2; double *dw_dst=x->x_work2; dw_src += src_row*dim2; dw_dst += dst_row*dim2; for(i=0; ix_dim; int i; double *dw=x->x_work2; dw += row*dim2; for(i=0; ix_dim; int i; double *dw=x->x_work2; double *db=x->x_buf2; dw += row*dim2; for(i=0; ix_dim; int dim2 = 2*dim; int i, j; double *dw=x->x_work2; int ret=-1; dw += start_row*dim2 + col; j = 0; for(i=start_row; i 1.0e-10) || (*dw < -1.0e-10) ) { ret = i; i = dim+1; } dw += dim2; } return(ret); } static void spherical_line_matrix(t_spherical_line *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { int dim = x->x_dim; int dim2 = 2*dim; int i, j, nz; int r,c; double *db=x->x_work2; double rcp, *dv=db; t_atom *at=x->x_at; if(argc != (dim*dim + 2)) { post("spherical_line ERROR: wrong dimension of input-list"); return; } r = (int)(atom_getint(argv++)); c = (int)(atom_getint(argv++)); if(r != dim) { post("spherical_line ERROR: wrong number of rows of input-list"); return; } if(c != dim) { post("spherical_line ERROR: wrong number of cols of input-list"); return; } for(i=0; i=0; i--) { dv = db + i*dim2 + i; spherical_line_copy_row2buf(x, i); for(j=i-1; j>=0; j--) { dv -= dim2; rcp = -(*dv); spherical_line_mul_buf_and_add2row(x, j, rcp); } } at = x->x_at; SETFLOAT(at, (t_float)dim); at++; SETFLOAT(at, (t_float)dim); at++; dv = db; dv += dim; for(i=0; ix_obj.ob_outlet, gensym("matrix"), argc, x->x_at); } static void spherical_line_free(t_spherical_line *x) { freebytes(x->x_work2, 2 * x->x_dim * x->x_dim * sizeof(double)); freebytes(x->x_buf2, 2 * x->x_dim * sizeof(double)); freebytes(x->x_at, (x->x_dim * x->x_dim + 2) * sizeof(t_atom)); } static void *spherical_line_new(t_floatarg fdim) { t_spherical_line *x = (t_spherical_line *)pd_new(spherical_line_class); int dim = (int)fdim; if(dim < 1) dim = 1; x->x_dim = dim; x->x_work2 = (double *)getbytes(2 * x->x_dim * x->x_dim * sizeof(double)); x->x_buf2 = (double *)getbytes(2 * x->x_dim * sizeof(double)); x->x_at = (t_atom *)getbytes((x->x_dim * x->x_dim + 2) * sizeof(t_atom)); outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_list); return (x); } static void spherical_line_setup(void) { spherical_line_class = class_new(gensym("spherical_line"), (t_newmethod)spherical_line_new, (t_method)spherical_line_free, sizeof(t_spherical_line), 0, A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(spherical_line_class, (t_method)spherical_line_matrix, gensym("matrix"), A_GIMME, 0); class_sethelpsymbol(spherical_line_class, gensym("iemhelp/spherical_line-help")); }