/* For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. iem_roomsim written by Thomas Musil (c) IEM KUG Graz Austria 2002 - 2006 */ #include "m_pd.h" #include "iemlib.h" #include /* -------------------------- early_reflections_3d ------------------------------ */ /* ** pos. x-Richtung Nase ** pos. y-Richtung Linke Hand ** pos. z-Richtung Scheitel ** Kartesischer Koordinaten-Ursprung liegt in der Mitte des Raums am Boden */ /* Reihenfolge der bundle-sektoren: index delta phi: 1 90 0 2 45 45 3 45 135 4 45 225 5 45 315 6 0 0 7 0 45 8 0 90 9 0 135 10 0 180 11 0 225 12 0 270 13 0 315 14 -45 45 15 -45 135 16 -45 225 17 -45 315 top +x +y 9 +x 15 +y 23 3 14 24 +x 8 22 2 13 +y 10 4 0 1 7 16 5 19 11 +x 21 +y 17 6 20 18 +x +y 12 */ typedef struct _early_reflections_3d { t_object x_obj; t_atom x_para_at[27]; void *x_direct_out; void *x_early_out; void *x_rev_out; t_symbol *x_s_del0; t_symbol *x_s_del1; t_symbol *x_s_del2; t_symbol *x_s_damp; t_symbol *x_s_index_delta_phi; t_symbol *x_s_bundle; t_float x_room_x; t_float x_room_y; t_float x_room_z; t_float x_head_x; t_float x_head_y; t_float x_head_z; int x_n_src; int x_bundle; t_float x_src_x[30]; t_float x_src_y[30]; t_float x_src_z[30]; t_float x_r_ambi; t_float x_speed; t_float x_180_over_pi; } t_early_reflections_3d; static t_class *early_reflections_3d_class; static t_float early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(t_floatarg r_ambi, t_floatarg dx, t_floatarg dy, t_floatarg dz) { t_float r = (t_float)sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz); if(r < r_ambi) return(r_ambi); else return(r); } static t_float early_reflections_3d_calc_azimuth(t_floatarg x_180_over_pi, t_floatarg dx, t_floatarg dy, t_floatarg dz) { if(dx == 0.0f) { if(dy < 0.0f) return(270.0f); else return(90.0f); } else if(dx < 0.0f) { return(180.0f + x_180_over_pi * (t_float)atan(dy / dx)); } else { if(dy < 0.0f) return(360.0f + x_180_over_pi * (t_float)atan(dy / dx)); else return(x_180_over_pi * (t_float)atan(dy / dx)); } } static t_float early_reflections_3d_calc_elevation(t_floatarg x_180_over_pi, t_floatarg dx, t_floatarg dy, t_floatarg dz)/*changes*/ { t_float dxy = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); if(dxy == 0.0f) { if(dz < 0.0f) return(-90.0f); else return(90.0f); } else { return(x_180_over_pi * (t_float)atan(dz / dxy)); } } static t_float early_reflections_3d_calc_bundle_index(t_floatarg delta, t_floatarg phi)/*changes*/ { if(delta > 67.5f) return(1.0f); else if(delta > 22.5f) { if(phi <= 180.0f) { if(phi <= 90.0f) return(2.0f); else return(3.0f); } else { if(phi <= 270.0f) return(4.0f); else return(5.0f); } } else if(delta > -22.5f) { phi += 22.5f; if(phi >= 360.0f) phi -= 360.0f; if(phi <= 180.0f) { if(phi <= 90.0f) { if(phi <= 45.0f)/* 0 .. 45 */ return(6.0f); else return(7.0f); } else { if(phi <= 135.0f) return(8.0f); else return(9.0f); } } else { if(phi <= 270.0f) { if(phi <= 225.0f) return(10.0f); else return(11.0f); } else { if(phi <= 315.0f)/* 270 .. 315 */ return(12.0f); else return(13.0f);/* 315 .. 360 */ } } } else { if(phi <= 180.0f) { if(phi <= 90.0f) return(14.0f); else return(15.0f); } else { if(phi <= 270.0f) return(16.0f); else return(17.0f); } } } static void early_reflections_3d_doit(t_early_reflections_3d *x) { t_atom *at; t_float diff_x, diff_y, diff_z; t_float sum_x, sum_y, sum_z; t_float lx, wy, hz; t_float x0, y0, z0; t_float xp1, yp1, zp1; t_float xn1, yn1, zn1; t_float xp2, yp2, zp2; t_float xn2, yn2, zn2; t_float m2ms = 1000.0f / x->x_speed; t_float x_180_over_pi=x->x_180_over_pi; t_float r_ambi = x->x_r_ambi; t_float rad[50], delta[50], phi[50]; int n_src=x->x_n_src; int i; /*t_float hz2 = 0.5f*x->x_room_z; diff_x = x->x_src_x - x->x_head_x; diff_y = x->x_src_y - x->x_head_y; diff_z = (x->x_src_z - hz2) - (x->x_head_z - hz2); sum_x = x->x_src_x + x->x_head_x; sum_y = x->x_src_y + x->x_head_y; sum_z = (x->x_src_z - hz2) + (x->x_head_z - hz2);*/ lx = x->x_room_x; wy = x->x_room_y; hz = x->x_room_z; SETFLOAT(x->x_para_at, early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(r_ambi, lx, wy, hz)*m2ms); outlet_anything(x->x_rev_out, x->x_s_del0, 1, x->x_para_at); for(i=0; ix_src_x[i] - x->x_head_x; diff_y = x->x_src_y[i] - x->x_head_y; diff_z = x->x_src_z[i] - x->x_head_z; sum_x = x->x_src_x[i] + x->x_head_x; sum_y = x->x_src_y[i] + x->x_head_y; sum_z = x->x_src_z[i] + x->x_head_z - hz; x0 = diff_x; y0 = diff_y; z0 = diff_z; xp1 = lx - sum_x; yp1 = wy - sum_y; zp1 = hz - sum_z; xn1 = -lx - sum_x; yn1 = -wy - sum_y; zn1 = -hz - sum_z; xp2 = 2.0f*lx + diff_x; yp2 = 2.0f*wy + diff_y; zp2 = 2.0f*hz + diff_z; xn2 = -2.0f*lx + diff_x; yn2 = -2.0f*wy + diff_y; zn2 = -2.0f*hz + diff_z; rad[0] = early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(r_ambi, x0, y0, z0); rad[1] = early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(r_ambi, xp1, y0, z0); rad[2] = early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(r_ambi, x0, yp1, z0); rad[3] = early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(r_ambi, x0, y0, zp1); rad[4] = early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(r_ambi, xn1, y0, z0); rad[5] = early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(r_ambi, x0, yn1, z0); rad[6] = early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(r_ambi, x0, y0, zn1); rad[7] = early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(r_ambi, xp2, y0, z0); rad[8] = early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(r_ambi, x0, yp2, z0); rad[9] = early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(r_ambi, x0, y0, zp2); rad[10] = early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(r_ambi, xn2, y0, z0); rad[11] = early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(r_ambi, x0, yn2, z0); rad[12] = early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(r_ambi, x0, y0, zn2); rad[13] = early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(r_ambi, xp1, yp1, z0); rad[14] = early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(r_ambi, xp1, y0, zp1); rad[15] = early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(r_ambi, x0, yp1, zp1); rad[16] = early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(r_ambi, xn1, yn1, z0); rad[17] = early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(r_ambi, xn1, y0, zn1); rad[18] = early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(r_ambi, x0, yn1, zn1); rad[19] = early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(r_ambi, xp1, yn1, z0); rad[20] = early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(r_ambi, xp1, y0, zn1); rad[21] = early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(r_ambi, x0, yp1, zn1); rad[22] = early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(r_ambi, xn1, yp1, z0); rad[23] = early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(r_ambi, xn1, y0, zp1); rad[24] = early_reflections_3d_calc_radius(r_ambi, x0, yn1, zp1); /* delay-reihenfolge: 0 auslassen, +1x, +1y, +1z, -1x, -1y, -1z +2x, +2y, +2z, -2x, -2y, -2z +1x+1y, +1x+1z, +1y+1z -1x-1y, -1x-1z, -1y-1z +1x-1y, +1x-1z, +1y-1z -1x+1y, -1x+1z, -1y+1z */ at = x->x_para_at; SETFLOAT(at, (t_float)(i+1));/*changes*/ at++; SETFLOAT(at, rad[0] * m2ms); outlet_anything(x->x_direct_out, x->x_s_del0, 2, x->x_para_at); at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, rad[1] *m2ms); at++; SETFLOAT(at, rad[2] *m2ms); at++; SETFLOAT(at, rad[3] *m2ms); at++; SETFLOAT(at, rad[4] *m2ms); at++; SETFLOAT(at, rad[5] *m2ms); at++; SETFLOAT(at, rad[6] *m2ms); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_del1, 7, x->x_para_at); at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, rad[7] *m2ms); at++; SETFLOAT(at, rad[8] *m2ms); at++; SETFLOAT(at, rad[9] *m2ms); at++; SETFLOAT(at, rad[10] *m2ms); at++; SETFLOAT(at, rad[11] *m2ms); at++; SETFLOAT(at, rad[12] *m2ms); at++; SETFLOAT(at, rad[13] *m2ms); at++; SETFLOAT(at, rad[14] *m2ms); at++; SETFLOAT(at, rad[15] *m2ms); at++; SETFLOAT(at, rad[16] *m2ms); at++; SETFLOAT(at, rad[17] *m2ms); at++; SETFLOAT(at, rad[18] *m2ms); at++; SETFLOAT(at, rad[19] *m2ms); at++; SETFLOAT(at, rad[20] *m2ms); at++; SETFLOAT(at, rad[21] *m2ms); at++; SETFLOAT(at, rad[22] *m2ms); at++; SETFLOAT(at, rad[23] *m2ms); at++; SETFLOAT(at, rad[24] *m2ms); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_del2, 19, x->x_para_at); /* daempfungs-reihenfolge: 0, +1x, +1y, +1z, -1x, -1y, -1z +2x, +2y, +2z, -2x, -2y, -2z +1x+1y, +1x+1z, +1y+1z -1x-1y, -1x-1z, -1y-1z +1x-1y, +1x-1z, +1y-1z -1x+1y, -1x+1z, -1y+1z */ at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, r_ambi / rad[0]); outlet_anything(x->x_direct_out, x->x_s_damp, 2, x->x_para_at); at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, r_ambi / rad[1]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, r_ambi / rad[2]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, r_ambi / rad[3]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, r_ambi / rad[4]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, r_ambi / rad[5]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, r_ambi / rad[6]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, r_ambi / rad[7]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, r_ambi / rad[8]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, r_ambi / rad[9]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, r_ambi / rad[10]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, r_ambi / rad[11]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, r_ambi / rad[12]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, r_ambi / rad[13]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, r_ambi / rad[14]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, r_ambi / rad[15]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, r_ambi / rad[16]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, r_ambi / rad[17]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, r_ambi / rad[18]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, r_ambi / rad[19]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, r_ambi / rad[20]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, r_ambi / rad[21]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, r_ambi / rad[22]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, r_ambi / rad[23]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, r_ambi / rad[24]); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_damp, 25, x->x_para_at); /* encoder-winkel-reihenfolge: index delta phi 0, +1x, +1y, +1z, -1x, -1y, -1z +2x, +2y, +2z, -2x, -2y, -2z +1x+1y, +1x+1z, +1y+1z -1x-1y, -1x-1z, -1y-1z +1x-1y, +1x-1z, +1y-1z -1x+1y, -1x+1z, -1y+1z */ at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, early_reflections_3d_calc_elevation(x_180_over_pi, x0, y0, z0)); at++; SETFLOAT(at, early_reflections_3d_calc_azimuth(x_180_over_pi, x0, y0, z0)); outlet_anything(x->x_direct_out, x->x_s_index_delta_phi, 3, x->x_para_at); /* encoder-winkel-reihenfolge: bundle 0, +1x, +1y, +1z, -1x, -1y, -1z +2x, +2y, +2z, -2x, -2y, -2z +1x+1y, +1x+1z, +1y+1z -1x-1y, -1x-1z, -1y-1z +1x-1y, +1x-1z, +1y-1z -1x+1y, -1x+1z, -1y+1z */ delta[0] = early_reflections_3d_calc_elevation(x_180_over_pi, xp1, y0, z0); phi[0] = early_reflections_3d_calc_azimuth(x_180_over_pi, xp1, y0, z0); delta[1] = early_reflections_3d_calc_elevation(x_180_over_pi, x0, yp1, z0); phi[1] = early_reflections_3d_calc_azimuth(x_180_over_pi, x0, yp1, z0); delta[2] = early_reflections_3d_calc_elevation(x_180_over_pi, x0, y0, zp1); phi[2] = early_reflections_3d_calc_azimuth(x_180_over_pi, x0, y0, zp1); delta[3] = early_reflections_3d_calc_elevation(x_180_over_pi, xn1, y0, z0); phi[3] = early_reflections_3d_calc_azimuth(x_180_over_pi, xn1, y0, z0); delta[4] = early_reflections_3d_calc_elevation(x_180_over_pi, x0, yn1, z0); phi[4] = early_reflections_3d_calc_azimuth(x_180_over_pi, x0, yn1, z0); delta[5] = early_reflections_3d_calc_elevation(x_180_over_pi, x0, y0, zn1); phi[5] = early_reflections_3d_calc_azimuth(x_180_over_pi, x0, y0, zn1); delta[6] = early_reflections_3d_calc_elevation(x_180_over_pi, xp2, y0, z0); phi[6] = early_reflections_3d_calc_azimuth(x_180_over_pi, xp2, y0, z0); delta[7] = early_reflections_3d_calc_elevation(x_180_over_pi, x0, yp2, z0); phi[7] = early_reflections_3d_calc_azimuth(x_180_over_pi, x0, yp2, z0); delta[8] = early_reflections_3d_calc_elevation(x_180_over_pi, x0, y0, zp2); phi[8] = early_reflections_3d_calc_azimuth(x_180_over_pi, x0, y0, zp2); delta[9] = early_reflections_3d_calc_elevation(x_180_over_pi, xn2, y0, z0); phi[9] = early_reflections_3d_calc_azimuth(x_180_over_pi, xn2, y0, z0); delta[10] = early_reflections_3d_calc_elevation(x_180_over_pi, x0, yn2, z0); phi[10] = early_reflections_3d_calc_azimuth(x_180_over_pi, x0, yn2, z0); delta[11] = early_reflections_3d_calc_elevation(x_180_over_pi, x0, y0, zn2); phi[11] = early_reflections_3d_calc_azimuth(x_180_over_pi, x0, y0, zn2); delta[12] = early_reflections_3d_calc_elevation(x_180_over_pi, xp1, yp1, z0); phi[12] = early_reflections_3d_calc_azimuth(x_180_over_pi, xp1, yp1, z0); delta[13] = early_reflections_3d_calc_elevation(x_180_over_pi, xp1, y0, zp1); phi[13] = early_reflections_3d_calc_azimuth(x_180_over_pi, xp1, y0, zp1); delta[14] = early_reflections_3d_calc_elevation(x_180_over_pi, x0, yp1, zp1); phi[14] = early_reflections_3d_calc_azimuth(x_180_over_pi, x0, yp1, zp1); delta[15] = early_reflections_3d_calc_elevation(x_180_over_pi, xn1, yn1, z0); phi[15] = early_reflections_3d_calc_azimuth(x_180_over_pi, xn1, yn1, z0); delta[16] = early_reflections_3d_calc_elevation(x_180_over_pi, xn1, y0, zn1); phi[16] = early_reflections_3d_calc_azimuth(x_180_over_pi, xn1, y0, zn1); delta[17] = early_reflections_3d_calc_elevation(x_180_over_pi, x0, yn1, zn1); phi[17] = early_reflections_3d_calc_azimuth(x_180_over_pi, x0, yn1, zn1); delta[18] = early_reflections_3d_calc_elevation(x_180_over_pi, xp1, yn1, z0); phi[18] = early_reflections_3d_calc_azimuth(x_180_over_pi, xp1, yn1, z0); delta[19] = early_reflections_3d_calc_elevation(x_180_over_pi, xp1, y0, zn1); phi[19] = early_reflections_3d_calc_azimuth(x_180_over_pi, xp1, y0, zn1); delta[20] = early_reflections_3d_calc_elevation(x_180_over_pi, x0, yp1, zn1); phi[20] = early_reflections_3d_calc_azimuth(x_180_over_pi, x0, yp1, zn1); delta[21] = early_reflections_3d_calc_elevation(x_180_over_pi, xn1, yp1, z0); phi[21] = early_reflections_3d_calc_azimuth(x_180_over_pi, xn1, yp1, z0); delta[22] = early_reflections_3d_calc_elevation(x_180_over_pi, xn1, y0, zp1); phi[22] = early_reflections_3d_calc_azimuth(x_180_over_pi, xn1, y0, zp1); delta[23] = early_reflections_3d_calc_elevation(x_180_over_pi, x0, yn1, zp1); phi[23] = early_reflections_3d_calc_azimuth(x_180_over_pi, x0, yn1, zp1); if(x->x_bundle) { at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, early_reflections_3d_calc_bundle_index(delta[0], phi[0])); at++; SETFLOAT(at, early_reflections_3d_calc_bundle_index(delta[1], phi[1])); at++; SETFLOAT(at, early_reflections_3d_calc_bundle_index(delta[2], phi[2])); at++; SETFLOAT(at, early_reflections_3d_calc_bundle_index(delta[3], phi[3])); at++; SETFLOAT(at, early_reflections_3d_calc_bundle_index(delta[4], phi[4])); at++; SETFLOAT(at, early_reflections_3d_calc_bundle_index(delta[5], phi[5])); at++; SETFLOAT(at, early_reflections_3d_calc_bundle_index(delta[6], phi[6])); at++; SETFLOAT(at, early_reflections_3d_calc_bundle_index(delta[7], phi[7])); at++; SETFLOAT(at, early_reflections_3d_calc_bundle_index(delta[8], phi[8])); at++; SETFLOAT(at, early_reflections_3d_calc_bundle_index(delta[9], phi[9])); at++; SETFLOAT(at, early_reflections_3d_calc_bundle_index(delta[10], phi[10])); at++; SETFLOAT(at, early_reflections_3d_calc_bundle_index(delta[11], phi[11])); at++; SETFLOAT(at, early_reflections_3d_calc_bundle_index(delta[12], phi[12])); at++; SETFLOAT(at, early_reflections_3d_calc_bundle_index(delta[13], phi[13])); at++; SETFLOAT(at, early_reflections_3d_calc_bundle_index(delta[14], phi[14])); at++; SETFLOAT(at, early_reflections_3d_calc_bundle_index(delta[15], phi[15])); at++; SETFLOAT(at, early_reflections_3d_calc_bundle_index(delta[16], phi[16])); at++; SETFLOAT(at, early_reflections_3d_calc_bundle_index(delta[17], phi[17])); at++; SETFLOAT(at, early_reflections_3d_calc_bundle_index(delta[18], phi[18])); at++; SETFLOAT(at, early_reflections_3d_calc_bundle_index(delta[19], phi[19])); at++; SETFLOAT(at, early_reflections_3d_calc_bundle_index(delta[20], phi[20])); at++; SETFLOAT(at, early_reflections_3d_calc_bundle_index(delta[21], phi[21])); at++; SETFLOAT(at, early_reflections_3d_calc_bundle_index(delta[22], phi[22])); at++; SETFLOAT(at, early_reflections_3d_calc_bundle_index(delta[23], phi[23])); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_bundle, 25, x->x_para_at); } at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, 1.0f); at++; SETFLOAT(at, delta[0]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, phi[0]); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_index_delta_phi, 4, x->x_para_at); at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, 2.0f); at++; SETFLOAT(at, delta[1]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, phi[1]); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_index_delta_phi, 4, x->x_para_at); at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, 3.0f); at++; SETFLOAT(at, delta[2]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, phi[2]); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_index_delta_phi, 4, x->x_para_at); at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, 4.0f); at++; SETFLOAT(at, delta[3]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, phi[3]); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_index_delta_phi, 4, x->x_para_at); at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, 5.0f); at++; SETFLOAT(at, delta[4]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, phi[4]); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_index_delta_phi, 4, x->x_para_at); at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, 6.0f); at++; SETFLOAT(at, delta[5]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, phi[5]); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_index_delta_phi, 4, x->x_para_at); at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, 7.0f); at++; SETFLOAT(at, delta[6]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, phi[6]); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_index_delta_phi, 4, x->x_para_at); at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, 8.0f); at++; SETFLOAT(at, delta[7]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, phi[7]); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_index_delta_phi, 4, x->x_para_at); at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, 9.0f); at++; SETFLOAT(at, delta[8]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, phi[8]); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_index_delta_phi, 4, x->x_para_at); at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, 10.0f); at++; SETFLOAT(at, delta[9]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, phi[9]); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_index_delta_phi, 4, x->x_para_at); at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, 11.0f); at++; SETFLOAT(at, delta[10]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, phi[10]); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_index_delta_phi, 4, x->x_para_at); at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, 12.0f); at++; SETFLOAT(at, delta[11]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, phi[11]); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_index_delta_phi, 4, x->x_para_at); at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, 13.0f); at++; SETFLOAT(at, delta[12]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, phi[12]); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_index_delta_phi, 4, x->x_para_at); at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, 14.0f); at++; SETFLOAT(at, delta[13]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, phi[13]); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_index_delta_phi, 4, x->x_para_at); at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, 15.0f); at++; SETFLOAT(at, delta[14]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, phi[14]); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_index_delta_phi, 4, x->x_para_at); at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, 16.0f); at++; SETFLOAT(at, delta[15]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, phi[15]); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_index_delta_phi, 4, x->x_para_at); at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, 17.0f); at++; SETFLOAT(at, delta[16]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, phi[16]); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_index_delta_phi, 4, x->x_para_at); at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, 18.0f); at++; SETFLOAT(at, delta[17]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, phi[17]); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_index_delta_phi, 4, x->x_para_at); at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, 19.0f); at++; SETFLOAT(at, delta[18]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, phi[18]); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_index_delta_phi, 4, x->x_para_at); at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, 20.0f); at++; SETFLOAT(at, delta[19]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, phi[19]); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_index_delta_phi, 4, x->x_para_at); at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, 21.0f); at++; SETFLOAT(at, delta[20]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, phi[20]); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_index_delta_phi, 4, x->x_para_at); at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, 22.0f); at++; SETFLOAT(at, delta[21]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, phi[21]); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_index_delta_phi, 4, x->x_para_at); at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, 23.0f); at++; SETFLOAT(at, delta[22]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, phi[22]); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_index_delta_phi, 4, x->x_para_at); at = x->x_para_at+1; SETFLOAT(at, 24.0f); at++; SETFLOAT(at, delta[23]); at++; SETFLOAT(at, phi[23]); outlet_anything(x->x_early_out, x->x_s_index_delta_phi, 4, x->x_para_at); } } static void early_reflections_3d_dump_para(t_early_reflections_3d *x) { int i, n=x->x_n_src; post("*******************************************************************************"); post("room-dimensions: L_x = %.3f, W_y = %.3f, H_z = %.3f", x->x_room_x, x->x_room_y, x->x_room_z); post("hear-position: x_hear = %.3f, y_hear = %.3f, z_hear = %.3f", x->x_head_x, x->x_head_y, x->x_head_z); for(i=0; ix_src_x[i], i+1, x->x_src_y[i], i+1, x->x_src_z[i], i+1); post("ambisonic-radius: %f", x->x_r_ambi); post("sonic-speed: %.3f", x->x_speed); post("order of outputs: direct early rev"); post("*******************************************************************************"); } static void early_reflections_3d_para(t_early_reflections_3d *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { int i, n=x->x_n_src*3 + 7;/* r_ambi + 3*room + 3*head */ if(argc != n) { post("early_reflections_3d ERROR: para needs 1 r_ambi + 3*room + 3*head +n*3*src"); return; } x->x_r_ambi = atom_getfloat(argv++); x->x_room_x = atom_getfloat(argv++); x->x_room_y = atom_getfloat(argv++); x->x_room_z = atom_getfloat(argv++); x->x_head_x = atom_getfloat(argv++); x->x_head_y = atom_getfloat(argv++); x->x_head_z = atom_getfloat(argv++); n = x->x_n_src; for(i=0; ix_src_x[i] = atom_getfloat(argv++); x->x_src_y[i] = atom_getfloat(argv++); x->x_src_z[i] = atom_getfloat(argv++); } early_reflections_3d_doit(x); } static void early_reflections_3d_sonic_speed(t_early_reflections_3d *x, t_floatarg speed) { if(speed < 300.0f) speed = 300.0f; if(speed > 400.0f) speed = 400.0f; x->x_speed = speed; } static void early_reflections_3d_bundle(t_early_reflections_3d *x, t_floatarg bundle) { if(bundle == 0.0f) x->x_bundle = 0; else x->x_bundle = 1; } static void early_reflections_3d_free(t_early_reflections_3d *x) { } static void *early_reflections_3d_new(t_floatarg fn_src) { int i, n; t_early_reflections_3d *x = (t_early_reflections_3d *)pd_new(early_reflections_3d_class); n = (int)fn_src; if(n < 1) n = 1; if(n > 30) n = 30; x->x_n_src = n; x->x_room_x = 12.0f; x->x_room_y = 8.0f; x->x_room_z = 4.0f; x->x_head_x = 0.0f; x->x_head_y = 0.0f; x->x_head_z = 1.7f; for(i=0; ix_src_x[i] = 3.0f; x->x_src_y[i] = 0.5f; x->x_src_z[i] = 2.5f; } x->x_r_ambi = 1.4f; x->x_speed = 340.0f; x->x_s_del0 = gensym("del0"); x->x_s_del1 = gensym("del1"); x->x_s_del2 = gensym("del2"); x->x_s_damp = gensym("damp"); x->x_s_index_delta_phi = gensym("index_delta_phi"); x->x_s_bundle = gensym("bundle"); x->x_direct_out = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_list); x->x_early_out = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_list); x->x_rev_out = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_list); x->x_180_over_pi = (t_float)(180.0 / (4.0 * atan(1.0))); x->x_bundle = 0; return (x); } void early_reflections_3d_setup(void) { early_reflections_3d_class = class_new(gensym("early_reflections_3d"), (t_newmethod)early_reflections_3d_new, (t_method)early_reflections_3d_free, sizeof(t_early_reflections_3d), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(early_reflections_3d_class, (t_method)early_reflections_3d_para, gensym("para"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(early_reflections_3d_class, (t_method)early_reflections_3d_sonic_speed, gensym("sonic_speed"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(early_reflections_3d_class, (t_method)early_reflections_3d_bundle, gensym("bundle"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(early_reflections_3d_class, (t_method)early_reflections_3d_dump_para, gensym("dump_para"), 0); class_sethelpsymbol(early_reflections_3d_class, gensym("iemhelp2/early_reflections_3d-help")); }