/* For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. iemgui written by Thomas Musil, Copyright (c) IEM KUG Graz Austria 2000 - 2006 */ #ifndef __IEMGUI_H__ #define __IEMGUI_H__ //t_symbol *iemgui_key_sym2=0; typedef struct _my_iemgui_4hex { unsigned int dummy : 8; unsigned int hex4 : 6; unsigned int hex3 : 6; unsigned int hex2 : 6; unsigned int hex1 : 6; } t_my_iemgui_4hex; typedef struct _my_iemgui_3byte { unsigned int dummy : 8; unsigned int byte3 : 8; unsigned int byte2 : 8; unsigned int byte1 : 8; } t_my_iemgui_3byte; typedef union _my_iemgui_3u4 { t_my_iemgui_4hex h4; t_my_iemgui_3byte b3; } t_my_iemgui_3u4; extern char my_iemgui_black_vscale_gif[]; extern char my_iemgui_black_test___gif[]; extern char my_iemgui_black_hlscale_gif[]; extern char my_iemgui_black_hrscale_gif[]; extern char my_iemgui_base64[]; extern int my_iemgui_color_hex[]; extern int simularca_color_hex[]; extern void my_iemgui_change_scale_col(char *gif, int color); #endif