============================================================================== IEMguts ============================================================================== whatsit:: --------- IEMguts is an extension-library (aka: external, plugin) for miller.s.puckette's realtime computer-music environment "Pure data"; it is of no use without Pure data IEMguts is a collection of objects that deal with the infrastructure to build better abstractions. they might be of no use on their own... installation:: -------------- #1> cd src/ #2> make #3> make install license:: --------- this software is released under the GNU General Public License v2 or later you can find the full text of this license in the GnuGPL.txt file that must be shipped with this software authors:: --------- this software is copyleft 2007- by IOhannes m zmoelnig , Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics, University of Music and Dramatic Arts, Graz, Austria