#N canvas 315 241 645 450 10; #X text 39 77 usage:; #X text 367 336 (c) IOhannes m zmoelnig @ iem \, 2007; #X obj 90 43 saveargs; #X text 174 44 manipulate the abstractions arguments (and name) on saving; #X obj 71 384 saveargs; #X msg 71 281 list 10 20; #X msg 91 303 list quite a lot of arguments; #X msg 102 340 abstraction1; #X msg 118 357 abstraction2 argument1; #X text 83 78 put the [saveargs] in your abstraction; #X text 81 114 send a _list_ of new arguments to the [saveargs]; #X text 82 130 save the parent patch; #X text 83 94 put the abstraction in your parent patch; #X text 74 150 --> the parent patch will save your abstraction with the arguments you sent to [saveargs] instead of the original ones; #X text 77 203 you can also change the (saved) name of the abstraction \, by using a selector other than "list" (and the like).; #X text 77 226 take care \, as this can totally change the behaviour of your patch (or break it); #X connect 5 0 4 0; #X connect 6 0 4 0; #X connect 7 0 4 0; #X connect 8 0 4 0;