#N canvas 0 0 450 300 10; #X obj 13 15 try this or \, that or \, f; #X obj 16 174 try sin~ \, cos~; #X text 11 81 This object provides a way to create an object with a fallback. [try bla 13 \, blu 134] will first try to create an obect [bla 13] and if this fails use [blu 134] instead.; #X text 15 34 create an object with a fallback to a different object class; #X text 14 141 You can open the help of this in order to see \, which object - [sin~] or [cos~] - was finally instantiated.; #X text 15 219 NOTE:; #X text 14 236 This does not (yet) work with abstractions \, but only with externals.;