/****************************************************** * * canvasconnections - implementation file * * copyleft (c) IOhannes m zmölnig * * 2007:forum::für::umläute:2007 * * institute of electronic music and acoustics (iem) * ****************************************************** * * license: GNU General Public License v.2 * ******************************************************/ /* * this object provides a way to send messages to upstream canvases * by default it sends messages to the containing canvas, but you can give the * "depth" as argument; * e.g. [canvasconnections 1] will send messages to the parent of the containing canvas */ #include "m_pd.h" #include "g_canvas.h" #include "m_imp.h" #include int glist_getindex(t_glist *x, t_gobj *y); /* ------------------------- canvasconnections ---------------------------- */ static t_class *canvasconnections_class; typedef struct _canvasconnections { t_object x_obj; t_canvas *x_parent; t_object *x_object; t_outlet *x_out; } t_canvasconnections; typedef struct _intvec { int num_elements; /* number of valid elements in the 'elements' vector */ int*elements; /* elements */ int size; /* private: the full length of the 'elements' vector */ } t_intvec; static t_intvec*intvec_new(int initial_size) { t_intvec*res=(t_intvec*)getbytes(sizeof(t_intvec)); if(initial_size<1) initial_size=32; res->num_elements=0; res->size=initial_size; res->elements=(int*)getbytes(res->size*sizeof(int)); return res; } static void intvec_free(t_intvec*vec) { if(NULL==vec)return; if(vec->elements) freebytes(vec->elements, sizeof(int)*vec->size); vec->elements=NULL; vec->size=0; vec->num_elements=0; freebytes(vec, sizeof(t_intvec)); } static t_intvec*intvec_add(t_intvec*vec, int element) { /* ensure that vector is big enough */ if(vec->size<=vec->num_elements) { /* resize! */ t_intvec*vec2=intvec_new(2*vec->num_elements); memcpy(vec2->elements, vec->elements, vec->size); vec2->num_elements=vec->size; intvec_free(vec); vec=vec2; } /* add the new element to the end of the vector */ vec->elements[vec->num_elements]=element; vec->num_elements++; return vec; } /* just for debugging... */ static void intvec_post(t_intvec*vec) { int i=0; post("vec: 0x%X :: 0x%X holds %d/%d elements", vec, vec->elements, vec->num_elements, vec->size); startpost("elements:"); for(i=0; inum_elements; i++) { startpost(" %02d", vec->elements[i]); } endpost(); } static t_intvec**query_inletconnections(t_canvasconnections *x, int *num_inlets) { int i=0; t_intvec**invecs=NULL; int ninlets=0; int nin=0; t_gobj*y; if(0==x->x_object || 0==x->x_parent) return 0; ninlets=obj_ninlets(x->x_object); *num_inlets=ninlets; // TODO....find objects connecting TO this object /* as Pd does not have any information about connections to inlets, * we have to find out ourselves * this is done by traversing all objects in the canvas and try * to find out, whether they are connected to us! */ invecs=getbytes(sizeof(t_intvec*)*ninlets); for(i=0; ix_parent->gl_list; y; y = y->g_next) /* traverse all objects in canvas */ { t_object*obj=(t_object*)y; int obj_nout=obj_noutlets(obj); int nout=0; for(nout=0; noutx_object) { // connected to us! int connid = glist_getindex(x->x_parent, (t_gobj*)obj); // post("inlet from %d:%d to my:%d", connid, sourcewhich, which); /* add it to the inletconnectionlist */ intvec_add(invecs[which], connid); } sourcewhich++; } } } return invecs; } static void canvasconnections_queryinlets(t_canvasconnections *x) { t_atom at; int ninlets=0, i; t_intvec**invecs=query_inletconnections(x, &ninlets); SETFLOAT(&at, (t_float)ninlets); outlet_anything(x->x_out, gensym("inlets"), 1, &at); for(i=0; inum_elements; t_atom*ap=getbytes(sizeof(t_atom)*(size+1)); int j=0; SETFLOAT(ap, (t_float)i); for(j=0; jelements[j])); outlet_anything(x->x_out, gensym("inlet"), size+1, ap); intvec_free(invecs[i]); freebytes(ap, sizeof(t_atom)*(size+1)); } if(invecs)freebytes(invecs, sizeof(t_intvec*)*ninlets); } static int canvasconnections_inlets(t_canvasconnections *x) { t_atom at; int ninlets=0; if(0==x->x_object || 0==x->x_parent) return 0; ninlets=obj_ninlets(x->x_object); ninlets=obj_ninlets(x->x_object); SETFLOAT(&at, (t_float)ninlets); outlet_anything(x->x_out, gensym("inlets"), 1, &at); return ninlets; } static void canvasconnections_inlet(t_canvasconnections *x, t_floatarg f) { int inlet=f; t_atom at[4]; int ninlets=0; t_intvec**inlets=query_inletconnections(x, &ninlets); if(!inlets || inlet < 0 || inlet>ninlets) { /* non-existing inlet! */ return; } else { post("TODO"); } } static int canvasconnections_outlets(t_canvasconnections *x) { t_atom at; int noutlets=0; if(0==x->x_object || 0==x->x_parent) return 0; noutlets=obj_noutlets(x->x_object); SETFLOAT(&at, (t_float)noutlets); outlet_anything(x->x_out, gensym("outlets"), 1, &at); return noutlets; } static void canvasconnections_outlet(t_canvasconnections *x, t_floatarg f) { int outlet=f; t_atom at[4]; int noutlets=0; if(0==x->x_object || 0==x->x_parent) return; noutlets=obj_noutlets(x->x_object); if(outlet<0 || outlet>=noutlets) { post("nonexisting outlet: %d", outlet); /* non-existing outlet! */ return; } else { t_outlet*out=0; t_outconnect*conn=obj_starttraverseoutlet(x->x_object, &out, outlet); t_object*dest=0; t_inlet*in=0; int count=0; int id=glist_getindex(x->x_parent, (t_gobj*)x->x_object); conn=obj_starttraverseoutlet(x->x_object, &out, outlet); while(conn) { int destid=0; int destwhich=0; conn=obj_nexttraverseoutlet(conn, &dest, &in, &destwhich); destid = glist_getindex(x->x_parent, (t_gobj*)dest); //post("connection from %d|%d to %d|%d", id, outlet, destid, destwhich); SETFLOAT(at+0, (t_float)id); SETFLOAT(at+1, (t_float)outlet); SETFLOAT(at+2, (t_float)destid); SETFLOAT(at+3, (t_float)destwhich); outlet_anything(x->x_out, gensym("outconnect"), 4, at); } } } static void canvasconnections_queryoutlets(t_canvasconnections *x) { int noutlets=canvasconnections_outlets(x); int nout=0; t_atom at; for(nout=0; noutx_object, &out, nout); t_object*dest=0; t_inlet*in=0; int which=0; int count=0, i=0; t_atom*abuf=0; while(conn) { conn=obj_nexttraverseoutlet(conn, &dest, &in, &which); count++; } abuf=(t_atom*)getbytes(sizeof(t_atom)*(count+1)); SETFLOAT(abuf, nout); conn=obj_starttraverseoutlet(x->x_object, &out, nout); while(conn) { int connid=0; conn=obj_nexttraverseoutlet(conn, &dest, &in, &which); connid = glist_getindex(x->x_parent, (t_gobj*)dest); SETFLOAT(abuf+1+i, (t_float)connid); i++; } outlet_anything(x->x_out, gensym("outlet"), count+1, abuf); freebytes(abuf, sizeof(t_atom)*(count+1)); } } static void canvasconnections_bang(t_canvasconnections *x) { canvasconnections_queryinlets(x); canvasconnections_queryoutlets(x); } static void canvasconnections_free(t_canvasconnections *x) { x->x_object=0; outlet_free(x->x_out); x->x_out=0; } static void *canvasconnections_new(t_floatarg f) { t_canvasconnections *x = (t_canvasconnections *)pd_new(canvasconnections_class); t_glist *glist=(t_glist *)canvas_getcurrent(); t_canvas *canvas=(t_canvas*)glist_getcanvas(glist); int depth=(int)f; if(depth<0)depth=0; x->x_parent=0; x->x_object=0; while(depth && canvas) { canvas=canvas->gl_owner; depth--; } if(canvas) { x->x_object = pd_checkobject((t_pd*)canvas); x->x_parent = canvas->gl_owner; } x->x_out=outlet_new(&x->x_obj, 0); return (x); } void canvasconnections_setup(void) { canvasconnections_class = class_new(gensym("canvasconnections"), (t_newmethod)canvasconnections_new, (t_method)canvasconnections_free, sizeof(t_canvasconnections), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addbang(canvasconnections_class, (t_method)canvasconnections_bang); class_addmethod(canvasconnections_class, (t_method)canvasconnections_outlets, gensym("outlets"), 0); class_addmethod(canvasconnections_class, (t_method)canvasconnections_outlet, gensym("outlet"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(canvasconnections_class, (t_method)canvasconnections_inlets, gensym("inlets"), 0); class_addmethod(canvasconnections_class, (t_method)canvasconnections_inlet, gensym("inlet"), A_FLOAT, 0); }