/****************************************************** * * canvasposition - implementation file * * copyleft (c) IOhannes m zmölnig * * 2007:forum::für::umläute:2007 * * institute of electronic music and acoustics (iem) * ****************************************************** * * license: GNU General Public License v.2 * ******************************************************/ /* * this object provides a way to get and set the position of the containing * abstraction within the parent-patch * * by default the position of the containing abstraction within the parent-patch is * queried * you can give the "depth" as argument; * e.g. [canvasposition 1] will set/get the position of the abstraction containing the * abstraction within its canvas. */ #include "m_pd.h" #include "g_canvas.h" #include "m_imp.h" /* ------------------------- canvasposition ---------------------------- */ static t_class *canvasposition_class; typedef struct _canvasposition { t_object x_obj; t_canvas *x_canvas; t_outlet*xoutlet, *youtlet; } t_canvasposition; static void canvasposition_bang(t_canvasposition *x) { t_canvas*c=x->x_canvas; t_canvas*c0=0; int x1=0, y1=0, width=0, height=0; t_atom alist[2]; if(!c) return; x1=c->gl_obj.te_xpix; y1=c->gl_obj.te_ypix; c0=c->gl_owner; if(c0!=0) { width= (int)(c0->gl_screenx2 - c0->gl_screenx1); height=(int)(c0->gl_screeny2 - c0->gl_screeny1); } SETFLOAT(alist, (t_float)width); SETFLOAT(alist+1, (t_float)height); outlet_list(x->youtlet, 0, 2, alist); // outlet_float(x->youtlet, y1); SETFLOAT(alist, (t_float)x1); SETFLOAT(alist+1, (t_float)y1); outlet_list(x->xoutlet, 0, 2, alist); } static void canvasposition_list(t_canvasposition *x, t_symbol*s, int argc, t_atom*argv) { t_canvas*c=x->x_canvas; t_canvas*c0=0; int dx, dy; if(!c) return; c0=c->gl_owner; if(argc==0){ canvasposition_bang(x); return; } if(argc!=2 || (A_FLOAT != (argv+0)->a_type) || (A_FLOAT != (argv+1)->a_type)) { pd_error(x, "expected as new position"); return; } dx = atom_getint(argv+0) - c->gl_obj.te_xpix; dy = atom_getint(argv+1) - c->gl_obj.te_ypix; if(c0&&glist_isvisible(c0)) { gobj_displace((t_gobj*)c, c0, dx, dy); canvas_fixlinesfor(c0, (t_text*)c); } else { c->gl_obj.te_xpix+=dx; c->gl_obj.te_ypix+=dy; } } static void canvasposition_free(t_canvasposition *x) { outlet_free(x->xoutlet); outlet_free(x->youtlet); } static void *canvasposition_new(t_floatarg f) { t_canvasposition *x = (t_canvasposition *)pd_new(canvasposition_class); t_glist *glist=(t_glist *)canvas_getcurrent(); t_canvas *canvas=(t_canvas*)glist_getcanvas(glist); int depth=(int)f; if(depth<0)depth=0; while(depth && canvas) { canvas=canvas->gl_owner; depth--; } x->x_canvas = canvas; x->xoutlet=outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_list); x->youtlet=outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_list); return (x); } void canvasposition_setup(void) { canvasposition_class = class_new(gensym("canvasposition"), (t_newmethod)canvasposition_new, (t_method)canvasposition_free, sizeof(t_canvasposition), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addbang(canvasposition_class, (t_method)canvasposition_bang); class_addlist(canvasposition_class, (t_method)canvasposition_list); }