/****************************************************** * * propertybang - implementation file * * copyleft (c) IOhannes m zm-bölnig-A * * 2007:forum::f-bür::umläute:2007-A * * institute of electronic music and acoustics (iem) * ****************************************************** * * license: GNU General Public License v.2 * ******************************************************/ /* * this object outputs a bang when the savfn of the parent abstraction is called */ /* * LATER sketch: * monkey-patching the parent canvas so that stores a local function table * then modify this function-table so that the savefn points to us * on call: we call the parents savefunction and output bangs */ /* * TODO: how does this behave in sub-patches? * -> BUG: the depth should _really_ refer to the abstraction-depth * else we get weird duplicates (most likely due to the "$0" trick */ #include "m_pd.h" #include "g_canvas.h" /* ------------------------- help methods ---------------------------- */ typedef struct _savefuns { t_class*class; t_savefn savefn; struct _savefuns *next; } t_savefuns; static t_savefuns*s_savefuns=0; static t_savefn find_savefn(const t_class*class) { t_savefuns*fun=s_savefuns; if(0==s_savefuns || 0==class) return 0; for(fun=s_savefuns; fun; fun=fun->next) { if(class == fun->class) { return fun->savefn; } } return 0; } static void add_savefn(t_class*class) { if(0!=find_savefn(class)) { return; } else { t_savefuns*sfun=(t_savefuns*)getbytes(sizeof(t_savefuns)); sfun->class=class; sfun->savefn=class_getsavefn(class); sfun->next=0; if(0==s_savefuns) { s_savefuns=sfun; } else { t_savefuns*sfp=s_savefuns; while(sfp->next) sfp=sfp->next; sfp->next = sfun; } } } /* ------------------------- savebangs ---------------------------- */ static t_class *savebangs_class; typedef struct _savebangs { t_object x_obj; t_symbol *x_d0; t_outlet *x_pre, *x_post; t_savefn x_parentsavefn; } t_savebangs; static void savebangs_free(t_savebangs *x) { /* unpatch the parent canvas */ if(x->x_d0) { pd_unbind(&x->x_obj.ob_pd, x->x_d0); } } static void orig_savefn(t_gobj*z, t_binbuf*b) { t_class*class=z->g_pd; t_savefn savefn=find_savefn(class); if(savefn) { savefn(z, b); } } static void savebangs_savefn(t_gobj*z, t_binbuf*b) { /* argh: z is the abstraction! but we need to access ourselfs! * we handle this by binding to a special symbol. e.g. "$0 savebangs" * (we use the space between in order to make it hard for the ordinary user * to use this symbol for other things... */ /* alternatively we could just search the abstraction for all instances of savebangs_class * and bang these; * but using the pd_bind-trick is simpler for now * though not as sweet, as somebody could use our bind-symbol for other things... */ t_symbol*s_d0=canvas_realizedollar((t_canvas*)z, gensym("$0 savebangs")); t_atom ap[2]; SETPOINTER(ap+0, (t_gpointer*)z); SETPOINTER(ap+1, (t_gpointer*)b); if(s_d0->s_thing) { pd_list(s_d0->s_thing, &s_list, 2, ap); } else { orig_savefn(z, b); } } static void savebangs_list(t_savebangs *x, t_symbol*s, int argc, t_atom*argv) { if(argv[0].a_type == A_POINTER && argv[1].a_type == A_POINTER) { t_gobj *z =(t_gobj*) argv[0].a_w.w_gpointer; t_binbuf*b =(t_binbuf*)argv[1].a_w.w_gpointer; outlet_bang(x->x_pre); orig_savefn(z, b); outlet_bang(x->x_post); } } static void *savebangs_new(t_floatarg f) { t_savebangs *x = (t_savebangs *)pd_new(savebangs_class); t_glist *glist=(t_glist *)canvas_getcurrent(); t_canvas *canvas=(t_canvas*)glist_getcanvas(glist); t_class *class = 0; int depth=(int)f; if(depth<0)depth=0; while(depth && canvas) { canvas=canvas->gl_owner; depth--; } if(canvas) { class=((t_gobj*)canvas)->g_pd; x->x_d0=canvas_realizedollar(canvas, gensym("$0 savebangs")); pd_bind(&x->x_obj.ob_pd, x->x_d0); add_savefn(class); class_setsavefn(class, savebangs_savefn); } else { x->x_d0=0; } x->x_pre=outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_bang); x->x_post=outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_bang); return (x); } void savebangs_setup(void) { savebangs_class = class_new(gensym("savebangs"), (t_newmethod)savebangs_new, (t_method)savebangs_free, sizeof(t_savebangs), CLASS_NOINLET, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addlist(savebangs_class, savebangs_list); }