path: root/iemlib1/src/soundfile_info.c
diff options
authormusil <tmusil@users.sourceforge.net>2012-09-06 15:54:46 +0000
committermusil <tmusil@users.sourceforge.net>2012-09-06 15:54:46 +0000
commit33dd6d603830640766aa1a5fe70137c856e2c145 (patch)
tree6e4a73f9100aec46971aa947a5f285c1d01ec35d /iemlib1/src/soundfile_info.c
parent48cb10a8590255f952f53f3ff558ce345b86a3fe (diff)
other variable names, t_float to t_sample change, array access 64 bit
svn path=/trunk/externals/iemlib/; revision=16193
Diffstat (limited to 'iemlib1/src/soundfile_info.c')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/iemlib1/src/soundfile_info.c b/iemlib1/src/soundfile_info.c
index 654f71a..f018370 100644
--- a/iemlib1/src/soundfile_info.c
+++ b/iemlib1/src/soundfile_info.c
@@ -61,6 +61,186 @@ static unsigned long soundfile_info_string_to_uint32(char *cvec)
+static void soundfile_info_uint32_to_string(char *cvec, unsigned long ul)
+ unsigned char *uc=(unsigned char *)cvec;
+ *uc = (unsigned char)(0x000000ff & ul);
+ *(uc+1) = (unsigned char)(0x000000ff & (ul/256));
+ *(uc+2) = (unsigned char)(0x000000ff & (ul/65536));
+ *(uc+3) = (unsigned char)(0x000000ff & (ul/16777216));
+ return;
+static void soundfile_info_overwrite_sr(t_soundfile_info *x, t_symbol *filename, t_floatarg new_sr)
+ char completefilename[400];
+ int i, n, n2, n4, filesize, read_chars, header_size=0, ch, bytesperframe, sr, n_frames;
+ FILE *fh;
+ t_atom *at;
+ char *cvec;
+ unsigned long ul_chunk_size, ul_sr;
+ short ss_format, ss_ch, ss_bytesperframe;
+ if(filename->s_name[0] == '/')/*make complete path + filename*/
+ {
+ strcpy(completefilename, filename->s_name);
+ }
+ else if(((filename->s_name[0] >= 'A')&&(filename->s_name[0] <= 'Z')||
+ (filename->s_name[0] >= 'a')&&(filename->s_name[0] <= 'z'))&&
+ (filename->s_name[1] == ':')&&(filename->s_name[2] == '/'))
+ {
+ strcpy(completefilename, filename->s_name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy(completefilename, canvas_getdir(x->x_canvas)->s_name);
+ strcat(completefilename, "/");
+ strcat(completefilename, filename->s_name);
+ }
+ fh = fopen(completefilename,"r+b");
+ if(!fh)
+ {
+ post("soundfile_info_read: cannot open %s !!\n", completefilename);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ n = x->x_mem_size; // 10000 bytes
+ n2 = sizeof(short) * x->x_mem_size;
+ n4 = sizeof(long) * x->x_mem_size;
+ fseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END);
+ filesize = ftell(fh);
+ fseek(fh,0,SEEK_SET);
+ read_chars = (int)fread(x->x_begmem, sizeof(char), n4, fh) / 2;
+ // post("read chars = %d", read_chars);
+ cvec = (char *)x->x_begmem;
+ if(read_chars > 4)
+ {
+ if(strncmp(cvec, "RIFF", 4))
+ {
+ post("soundfile_info_read-error: %s is no RIFF-WAVE-file", completefilename);
+ goto sr_soundfile_info_end;
+ }
+ header_size += 8; // jump over RIFF chunk size
+ cvec += 8;
+ if(strncmp(cvec, "WAVE", 4))
+ {
+ post("soundfile_info_read-error: %s is no RIFF-WAVE-file", completefilename);
+ goto sr_soundfile_info_end;
+ }
+ header_size += 4;
+ cvec += 4;
+ for(i=header_size/2; i<read_chars; i++)
+ {
+ if(!strncmp(cvec, "fmt ", 4))
+ {
+ header_size += 4;
+ cvec += 4;
+ goto sr_soundfile_info_fmt;
+ }
+ header_size += 2;
+ cvec += 2;
+ }
+ post("soundfile_info_read-error: %s has at begin no format-chunk", completefilename);
+ goto sr_soundfile_info_end;
+ sr_soundfile_info_fmt:
+ ul_chunk_size = soundfile_info_string_to_uint32(cvec);
+ if(ul_chunk_size < 16)
+ {
+ post("soundfile_info_read-error: %s has a format-chunk less than 16", completefilename);
+ goto sr_soundfile_info_end;
+ }
+ header_size += 4;
+ cvec += 4;
+ ss_format = soundfile_info_string_to_int16(cvec);
+ if((ss_format != 1) && (ss_format != 3) && (ss_format != 6) && (ss_format != 7) && (ss_format != -2)) /* PCM = 1 ; IEEE-FLOAT = 3 ; ALAW = 6 ; MULAW = 7 ; WAVE_EX = -2 */
+ {
+ post("soundfile_info_read-error: %s has unknown format code", completefilename);
+ goto sr_soundfile_info_end;
+ }
+ header_size += 2;
+ cvec += 2;
+ ss_ch = soundfile_info_string_to_int16(cvec); /* channels */
+ if((ss_ch < 1) || (ss_ch > 32000))
+ {
+ post("soundfile_info_read-error: %s has no common channel-number", completefilename);
+ goto sr_soundfile_info_end;
+ }
+ SETFLOAT(x->x_at_header+SFI_HEADER_CHANNELS, (t_float)ss_ch);
+ ch = (int)ss_ch;
+ header_size += 2;
+ cvec += 2;
+ ul_sr = soundfile_info_string_to_uint32(cvec); /* samplerate */
+ if((ul_sr > 2000000000) || (ul_sr < 1))
+ {
+ post("soundfile_info_read-error: %s has no common samplerate", completefilename);
+ goto sr_soundfile_info_end;
+ }
+ ul_sr = (unsigned long)new_sr;
+ soundfile_info_uint32_to_string(cvec, ul_sr);
+ fseek(fh,0,SEEK_SET);
+ read_chars = (int)fwrite (x->x_begmem, sizeof(char), n4, fh);
+ fclose(fh);
+ post("written");
+ sr = (int)ul_sr;
+ header_size += 4;
+ cvec += 4;
+ header_size += 4; /* jump over bytes_per_sec */
+ cvec += 4;
+ ss_bytesperframe = soundfile_info_string_to_int16(cvec); /* bytes_per_frame */
+ if((ss_bytesperframe < 1) || (ss_bytesperframe > 32000))
+ {
+ post("soundfile_info_read-error: %s has no common number of bytes per frame", completefilename);
+ goto sr_soundfile_info_end;
+ }
+ bytesperframe = (int)ss_bytesperframe;
+ header_size += 2;
+ cvec += 2;
+ header_size += 2; /* jump over bits_per_sample */
+ cvec += 2;
+ for(i=header_size/2; i<read_chars; i++) // looking for data chunk
+ {
+ if(!strncmp(cvec, "data", 4))
+ goto sr_soundfile_info_data;
+ header_size += 2;
+ cvec += 2;
+ }
+ post("soundfile_info_read-error: %s has at begin no data-chunk", completefilename);
+ goto sr_soundfile_info_end;
+ sr_soundfile_info_data:
+ header_size += 8; // ignore data chunk size
+ cvec += 8;
+ /* post("ch = %d", ch);
+ post("sr = %d", sr);
+ post("bpf = %d", bytesperframe/ch);
+ post("head = %d", header_size);
+ post("len = %d", n_frames);*/
+ sr_soundfile_info_end:
+ ;
+ }
+ }
static void soundfile_info_read(t_soundfile_info *x, t_symbol *filename)
char completefilename[400];
@@ -255,5 +435,5 @@ void soundfile_info_setup(void)
soundfile_info_class = class_new(gensym("soundfile_info"), (t_newmethod)soundfile_info_new,
(t_method)soundfile_info_free, sizeof(t_soundfile_info), 0, 0);
class_addmethod(soundfile_info_class, (t_method)soundfile_info_read, gensym("read"), A_SYMBOL, 0);
-// class_sethelpsymbol(soundfile_info_class, gensym("iemhelp/help-soundfile_info"));
+ class_addmethod(soundfile_info_class, (t_method)soundfile_info_overwrite_sr, gensym("overwrite_sr"), A_SYMBOL, A_FLOAT, 0);