/* For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. iemlib1 written by Thomas Musil, Copyright (c) IEM KUG Graz Austria 2000 - 2006 */ #include "m_pd.h" #include "iemlib.h" #include /* ---------- filter~ - slow dynamic filter-kernel 1. and 2. order ----------- */ typedef struct _filter_tilde { t_object x_obj; t_float wn1; t_float wn2; t_float a0; t_float a1; t_float a2; t_float b1; t_float b2; t_float sr; t_float cur_f; t_float cur_l; t_float cur_a; t_float cur_b; t_float delta_f; t_float delta_a; t_float delta_b; t_float end_f; t_float end_a; t_float end_b; t_float ticks_per_interpol_time; t_float rcp_ticks; t_float interpol_time; int ticks; int counter_f; int counter_a; int counter_b; int inv; int hp; int first_order; int event_mask; void (*calc)(); void *x_debug_outlet; t_atom x_at[5]; t_float x_msi; } t_filter_tilde; t_class *filter_tilde_class; static void filter_tilde_snafu(t_filter_tilde *x) { } static void filter_tilde_lp1(t_filter_tilde *x) { t_float al; al = x->cur_a * x->cur_l; x->a0 = 1.0f/(1.0f + al); x->a1 = x->a0; x->b1 = (al - 1.0f)*x->a0; } static void filter_tilde_lp2(t_filter_tilde *x) { t_float l, al, bl2, rcp; l = x->cur_l; al = l*x->cur_a; bl2 = l*l*x->cur_b + 1.0f; rcp = 1.0f/(al + bl2); x->a0 = rcp; x->a1 = 2.0f*rcp; x->a2 = x->a0; x->b1 = rcp*2.0f*(bl2 - 2.0f); x->b2 = rcp*(al - bl2); } static void filter_tilde_hp1(t_filter_tilde *x) { t_float al, rcp; al = x->cur_a * x->cur_l; rcp = 1.0f/(1.0f + al); x->a0 = rcp*al; x->a1 = -x->a0; x->b1 = rcp*(al - 1.0f); } static void filter_tilde_hp2(t_filter_tilde *x) { t_float l, al, bl2, rcp; l = x->cur_l; bl2 = l*l*x->cur_b + 1.0f; al = l*x->cur_a; rcp = 1.0f/(al + bl2); x->a0 = rcp*(bl2 - 1.0f); x->a1 = -2.0f*x->a0; x->a2 = x->a0; x->b1 = rcp*2.0f*(bl2 - 2.0f); x->b2 = rcp*(al - bl2); } static void filter_tilde_rp2(t_filter_tilde *x) { t_float l, al, l2, rcp; l = x->cur_l; l2 = l*l + 1.0f; al = l*x->cur_a; rcp = 1.0f/(al + l2); x->a0 = rcp*l; x->a2 = -x->a0; x->b1 = rcp*2.0f*(l2 - 2.0f); x->b2 = rcp*(al - l2); } static void filter_tilde_bp2(t_filter_tilde *x) { t_float l, al, l2, rcp; l = x->cur_l; l2 = l*l + 1.0f; al = l*x->cur_a; rcp = 1.0f/(al + l2); x->a0 = rcp*al; x->a2 = -x->a0; x->b1 = rcp*2.0f*(l2 - 2.0f); x->b2 = rcp*(al - l2); } static void filter_tilde_bs2(t_filter_tilde *x) { t_float l, al, l2, rcp; l = x->cur_l; l2 = l*l + 1.0f; al = l*x->cur_a; rcp = 1.0f/(al + l2); x->a0 = rcp*l2; x->a1 = rcp*2.0f*(2.0f - l2); x->a2 = x->a0; x->b1 = -x->a1; x->b2 = rcp*(al - l2); } static void filter_tilde_rpw2(t_filter_tilde *x) { t_float l, al, l2, rcp; l = x->cur_l; l2 = l*l + 1.0f; al = l*x->cur_a/x->cur_f; rcp = 1.0f/(al + l2); x->a0 = rcp*l; x->a2 = -x->a0; x->b1 = rcp*2.0f*(l2 - 2.0f); x->b2 = rcp*(al - l2); } static void filter_tilde_bpw2(t_filter_tilde *x) { t_float l, al, l2, rcp; l = x->cur_l; l2 = l*l + 1.0f; al = l*x->cur_a/x->cur_f; rcp = 1.0f/(al + l2); x->a0 = rcp*al; x->a2 = -x->a0; x->b1 = rcp*2.0f*(l2 - 2.0f); x->b2 = rcp*(al - l2); } static void filter_tilde_bsw2(t_filter_tilde *x) { t_float l, al, l2, rcp; l = x->cur_l; l2 = l*l + 1.0f; al = l*x->cur_a/x->cur_f; rcp = 1.0f/(al + l2); x->a0 = rcp*l2; x->a1 = rcp*2.0f*(2.0f - l2); x->a2 = x->a0; x->b1 = -x->a1; x->b2 = rcp*(al - l2); } static void filter_tilde_ap1(t_filter_tilde *x) { t_float al; al = x->cur_a * x->cur_l; x->a0 = (1.0f - al)/(1.0f + al); x->b1 = -x->a0; } static void filter_tilde_ap2(t_filter_tilde *x) { t_float l, al, bl2, rcp; l = x->cur_l; bl2 = l*l*x->cur_b + 1.0f; al = l*x->cur_a; rcp = 1.0f/(al + bl2); x->a1 = rcp*2.0f*(2.0f - bl2); x->a0 = rcp*(bl2 - al); x->b1 = -x->a1; x->b2 = -x->a0; } /*static void filter_tilde_bp2(t_filter_tilde *x) { t_float l, al, l2, rcp; l = x->cur_l; l2 = l*l + 1.0; al = l*x->cur_a; rcp = 1.0f/(al + l2); x->a0 = rcp*al; x->a2 = -x->a0; x->b1 = rcp*2.0f*(2.0f - l2); x->b2 = rcp*(l2 - al); }*/ static void filter_tilde_dsp_tick(t_filter_tilde *x) { if(x->event_mask) { if(x->counter_f) { float l, si, co; if(x->counter_f <= 1) { x->cur_f = x->end_f; x->counter_f = 0; x->event_mask &= 6;/*set event_mask_bit 0 = 0*/ } else { x->counter_f--; x->cur_f *= x->delta_f; } l = x->cur_f * x->sr; if(l < 1.0e-20f) x->cur_l = 1.0e20f; else if(l > 1.57079632f) x->cur_l = 0.0f; else { si = sin(l); co = cos(l); x->cur_l = co/si; } } if(x->counter_a) { if(x->counter_a <= 1) { x->cur_a = x->end_a; x->counter_a = 0; x->event_mask &= 5;/*set event_mask_bit 1 = 0*/ } else { x->counter_a--; x->cur_a *= x->delta_a; } } if(x->counter_b) { if(x->counter_b <= 1) { x->cur_b = x->end_b; x->counter_b = 0; x->event_mask &= 3;/*set event_mask_bit 2 = 0*/ } else { x->counter_b--; x->cur_b *= x->delta_b; } } (*(x->calc))(x); /* stability check */ if(x->first_order) { if(x->b1 <= -0.9999998f) x->b1 = -0.9999998f; else if(x->b1 >= 0.9999998f) x->b1 = 0.9999998f; } else { float discriminant = x->b1 * x->b1 + 4.0f * x->b2; if(x->b1 <= -1.9999996f) x->b1 = -1.9999996f; else if(x->b1 >= 1.9999996f) x->b1 = 1.9999996f; if(x->b2 <= -0.9999998f) x->b2 = -0.9999998f; else if(x->b2 >= 0.9999998f) x->b2 = 0.9999998f; if(discriminant >= 0.0f) { if(0.9999998f - x->b1 - x->b2 < 0.0f) x->b2 = 0.9999998f - x->b1; if(0.9999998f + x->b1 - x->b2 < 0.0f) x->b2 = 0.9999998f + x->b1; } } } } static t_int *filter_tilde_perform_2o(t_int *w) { t_float *in = (float *)(w[1]); t_float *out = (float *)(w[2]); t_filter_tilde *x = (t_filter_tilde *)(w[3]); int i, n = (t_int)(w[4]); t_float wn0, wn1=x->wn1, wn2=x->wn2; t_float a0=x->a0, a1=x->a1, a2=x->a2; t_float b1=x->b1, b2=x->b2; filter_tilde_dsp_tick(x); for(i=0; iwn1 = wn1; x->wn2 = wn2; return(w+5); } /* yn0 = *out; xn0 = *in; ************* yn0 = a0*xn0 + a1*xn1 + a2*xn2 + b1*yn1 + b2*yn2; yn2 = yn1; yn1 = yn0; xn2 = xn1; xn1 = xn0; ************************* y/x = (a0 + a1*z-1 + a2*z-2)/(1 - b1*z-1 - b2*z-2);*/ static t_int *filter_tilde_perf8_2o(t_int *w) { t_float *in = (float *)(w[1]); t_float *out = (float *)(w[2]); t_filter_tilde *x = (t_filter_tilde *)(w[3]); int i, n = (t_int)(w[4]); t_float wn[10]; t_float a0=x->a0, a1=x->a1, a2=x->a2; t_float b1=x->b1, b2=x->b2; filter_tilde_dsp_tick(x); wn[0] = x->wn2; wn[1] = x->wn1; for(i=0; iwn1 = wn[1]; x->wn2 = wn[0]; return(w+5); } static t_int *filter_tilde_perform_1o(t_int *w) { t_float *in = (float *)(w[1]); t_float *out = (float *)(w[2]); t_filter_tilde *x = (t_filter_tilde *)(w[3]); int i, n = (t_int)(w[4]); t_float wn0, wn1=x->wn1; t_float a0=x->a0, a1=x->a1; t_float b1=x->b1; filter_tilde_dsp_tick(x); for(i=0; iwn1 = wn1; return(w+5); } static t_int *filter_tilde_perf8_1o(t_int *w) { t_float *in = (float *)(w[1]); t_float *out = (float *)(w[2]); t_filter_tilde *x = (t_filter_tilde *)(w[3]); int i, n = (t_int)(w[4]); t_float wn[9]; t_float a0=x->a0, a1=x->a1; t_float b1=x->b1; filter_tilde_dsp_tick(x); wn[0] = x->wn1; for(i=0; iwn1 = wn[0]; return(w+5); } static void filter_tilde_ft4(t_filter_tilde *x, t_floatarg t) { int i = (int)((x->ticks_per_interpol_time)*t+0.49999f); x->interpol_time = t; if(i <= 0) { x->ticks = 1; x->rcp_ticks = 1.0; } else { x->ticks = i; x->rcp_ticks = 1.0 / (t_float)i; } } static void filter_tilde_ft3(t_filter_tilde *x, t_floatarg b) { if(b <= 0.0f) b = 0.000001f; if(x->hp) b = 1.0 / b; if(b != x->cur_b) { x->end_b = b; x->counter_b = x->ticks; x->delta_b = exp(log(b/x->cur_b)*x->rcp_ticks); x->event_mask |= 4;/*set event_mask_bit 2 = 1*/ } } static void filter_tilde_ft2(t_filter_tilde *x, t_floatarg a) { if(a <= 0.0f) a = 0.000001f; if(x->inv) a = 1.0f / a; if(x->hp) a /= x->cur_b; if(a != x->cur_a) { x->end_a = a; x->counter_a = x->ticks; x->delta_a = exp(log(a/x->cur_a)*x->rcp_ticks); x->event_mask |= 2;/*set event_mask_bit 1 = 1*/ } } static void filter_tilde_ft1(t_filter_tilde *x, t_floatarg f) { if(f <= 0.0f) f = 0.000001f; if(f != x->cur_f) { x->end_f = f; x->counter_f = x->ticks; x->delta_f = exp(log(f/x->cur_f)*x->rcp_ticks); x->event_mask |= 1;/*set event_mask_bit 0 = 1*/ } } static void filter_tilde_print(t_filter_tilde *x) { // post("fb1 = %g, fb2 = %g, ff1 = %g, ff2 = %g, ff3 = %g", x->b1, x->b2, x->a0, x->a1, x->a2); x->x_at[0].a_w.w_float = x->b1; x->x_at[1].a_w.w_float = x->b2; x->x_at[2].a_w.w_float = x->a0; x->x_at[3].a_w.w_float = x->a1; x->x_at[4].a_w.w_float = x->a2; outlet_list(x->x_debug_outlet, &s_list, 5, x->x_at); } static void filter_tilde_dsp(t_filter_tilde *x, t_signal **sp) { t_float si, co, f; int i, n=(int)sp[0]->s_n; x->sr = 3.14159265358979323846f / (t_float)(sp[0]->s_sr); x->ticks_per_interpol_time = 0.001f * (t_float)(sp[0]->s_sr) / (t_float)n; i = (int)((x->ticks_per_interpol_time)*(x->interpol_time)+0.49999f); if(i <= 0) { x->ticks = 1; x->rcp_ticks = 1.0f; } else { x->ticks = i; x->rcp_ticks = 1.0f / (t_float)i; } f = x->cur_f * x->sr; if(f < 1.0e-20f) x->cur_l = 1.0e20f; else if(f > 1.57079632f) x->cur_l = 0.0f; else { si = sin(f); co = cos(f); x->cur_l = co/si; } if(x->first_order) { if(n&7) dsp_add(filter_tilde_perform_1o, 4, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[1]->s_vec, x, n); else dsp_add(filter_tilde_perf8_1o, 4, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[1]->s_vec, x, n); } else { if(n&7) dsp_add(filter_tilde_perform_2o, 4, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[1]->s_vec, x, n); else dsp_add(filter_tilde_perf8_2o, 4, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[1]->s_vec, x, n); } } static void *filter_tilde_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_filter_tilde *x = (t_filter_tilde *)pd_new(filter_tilde_class); int i; t_float si, co, f=0.0f, a=0.0f, b=0.0f, interpol=0.0f; t_symbol *filt_typ=gensym(""); inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("ft1")); inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("ft2")); inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("ft3")); inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_float, gensym("ft4")); outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_signal); x->x_debug_outlet = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_list); x->x_msi = 0.0f; x->x_at[0].a_type = A_FLOAT; x->x_at[1].a_type = A_FLOAT; x->x_at[2].a_type = A_FLOAT; x->x_at[3].a_type = A_FLOAT; x->x_at[4].a_type = A_FLOAT; x->event_mask = 1; x->counter_f = 1; x->counter_a = 0; x->counter_b = 0; x->delta_f = 0.0f; x->delta_a = 0.0f; x->delta_b = 0.0f; x->interpol_time = 0.0f; x->wn1 = 0.0f; x->wn2 = 0.0f; x->a0 = 0.0f; x->a1 = 0.0f; x->a2 = 0.0f; x->b1 = 0.0f; x->b2 = 0.0f; x->sr = 3.14159265358979323846f / 44100.0f; x->calc = filter_tilde_snafu; x->first_order = 0; if((argc == 5)&&IS_A_FLOAT(argv,4)&&IS_A_FLOAT(argv,3)&&IS_A_FLOAT(argv,2)&&IS_A_FLOAT(argv,1)&&IS_A_SYMBOL(argv,0)) { filt_typ = atom_getsymbolarg(0, argc, argv); f = (t_float)atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv); a = (t_float)atom_getfloatarg(2, argc, argv); b = (t_float)atom_getfloatarg(3, argc, argv); interpol = (t_float)atom_getfloatarg(4, argc, argv); } x->cur_f = f; f *= x->sr; if(f < 1.0e-20f) x->cur_l = 1.0e20f; else if(f > 1.57079632f) x->cur_l = 0.0f; else { si = sin(f); co = cos(f); x->cur_l = co/si; } if(a <= 0.0f) a = 0.000001f; if(b <= 0.0f) b = 0.000001f; x->cur_b = b; if(interpol <= 0.0f) interpol = 0.0f; x->interpol_time = interpol; x->ticks_per_interpol_time = 0.001f * 44100.0f / 64.0f; i = (int)((x->ticks_per_interpol_time)*(x->interpol_time)+0.49999f); if(i <= 0) { x->ticks = 1; x->rcp_ticks = 1.0f; } else { x->ticks = i; x->rcp_ticks = 1.0f / (t_float)i; } x->calc = filter_tilde_snafu; x->cur_a = 1.0f/a; /*a was Q*/ x->inv = 1; x->hp = 0; if(filt_typ->s_name) { if(filt_typ == gensym("ap1")) { x->calc = filter_tilde_ap1; x->a1 = 1.0f; x->first_order = 1; } else if(filt_typ == gensym("ap2")) { x->calc = filter_tilde_ap2; x->a2 = 1.0f; } else if(filt_typ == gensym("ap1c")) { x->calc = filter_tilde_ap1; x->a1 = 1.0f; x->inv = 0; x->cur_a = a; /*a was damping*/ x->first_order = 1; } else if(filt_typ == gensym("ap2c")) { x->calc = filter_tilde_ap2; x->a2 = 1.0f; x->inv = 0; x->cur_a = a; /*a was damping*/ } else if(filt_typ == gensym("bpq2")) { x->calc = filter_tilde_bp2; } else if(filt_typ == gensym("rbpq2")) { x->calc = filter_tilde_rp2; } else if(filt_typ == gensym("bsq2")) { x->calc = filter_tilde_bs2; } else if(filt_typ == gensym("bpw2")) { x->calc = filter_tilde_bpw2; x->inv = 0; x->cur_a = a; /*a was bw*/ } else if(filt_typ == gensym("rbpw2")) { x->calc = filter_tilde_rpw2; x->inv = 0; x->cur_a = a; /*a was bw*/ } else if(filt_typ == gensym("bsw2")) { x->calc = filter_tilde_bsw2; x->inv = 0; x->cur_a = a; /*a was bw*/ } else if(filt_typ == gensym("hp1")) { x->calc = filter_tilde_hp1; x->first_order = 1; } else if(filt_typ == gensym("hp2")) { x->calc = filter_tilde_hp2; } else if(filt_typ == gensym("lp1")) { x->calc = filter_tilde_lp1; x->first_order = 1; } else if(filt_typ == gensym("lp2")) { x->calc = filter_tilde_lp2; } else if(filt_typ == gensym("hp1c")) { x->calc = filter_tilde_hp1; x->cur_a = 1.0f / a; x->first_order = 1; } else if(filt_typ == gensym("hp2c")) { x->calc = filter_tilde_hp2; x->inv = 0; x->cur_a = a / b; x->cur_b = 1.0f / b; x->hp = 1; } else if(filt_typ == gensym("lp1c")) { x->calc = filter_tilde_lp1; x->inv = 0; x->cur_a = a; /*a was damping*/ x->first_order = 1; } else if(filt_typ == gensym("lp2c")) { x->calc = filter_tilde_lp2; x->inv = 0; x->cur_a = a; /*a was damping*/ } else { post("filter~-Error: 1. initial-arguments: kind: \ lp1, lp2, hp1, hp2, \ lp1c, lp2c, hp1c, hp2c, \ ap1, ap2, ap1c, ap2c, \ bpq2, rbpq2, bsq2, \ bpw2, rbpw2, bsw2!"); } x->end_f = x->cur_f; x->end_a = x->cur_a; x->end_b = x->cur_b; } return (x); } void filter_tilde_setup(void) { filter_tilde_class = class_new(gensym("filter~"), (t_newmethod)filter_tilde_new, 0, sizeof(t_filter_tilde), 0, A_GIMME, 0); CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN(filter_tilde_class, t_filter_tilde, x_msi); class_addmethod(filter_tilde_class, (t_method)filter_tilde_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0); class_addmethod(filter_tilde_class, (t_method)filter_tilde_ft1, gensym("ft1"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(filter_tilde_class, (t_method)filter_tilde_ft2, gensym("ft2"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(filter_tilde_class, (t_method)filter_tilde_ft3, gensym("ft3"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(filter_tilde_class, (t_method)filter_tilde_ft4, gensym("ft4"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(filter_tilde_class, (t_method)filter_tilde_print, gensym("print"), 0); // class_sethelpsymbol(filter_tilde_class, gensym("iemhelp/help-filter~")); }