#N canvas 231 172 610 466 10;
#X msg 79 243 jkl 555 uuu;
#X text 13 7 pre_inlet;
#X obj 66 272 pre_inlet 1 0;
#X obj 66 348 print first;
#X obj 195 272 pre_inlet 1 1;
#X obj 195 348 print second;
#X obj 320 272 pre_inlet 1 2;
#X msg 208 243 abc ghj 78;
#X msg 333 243 zyx 3.17;
#X obj 320 348 print third;
#X text 104 48 you can use it for externals with more than one message-inlets
#X text 117 182 2.arg: <float> number (0 .. 8.0e+06) \, you can interprete
#X text 175 195 the inlet-index (inlet-selector-number);
#X text 100 9 before an incoming message will be relesed to outlet
#X text 112 23 a message of 2 items (symbol + float) will be sent;
#X msg 485 242 sss 3.17;
#X obj 472 271 pre_inlet 3 123;
#X obj 472 347 print xxx;
#X text 115 125 1.arg: <float> ascii-number (1 .. 255) \, which will
#X text 154 140 interpreted as a character \, which will be used as
#X text 155 153 selector-symbol for a message (creates a denormal symbol)
#X text 115 408 IEM KUG;
#X text 99 396 musil;
#X text 129 396 @;
#X text 135 396 iem.at;
#X text 50 385 (c) Thomas Musil 2000 - 2005;
#X text 98 418 Graz \, Austria;
#X connect 0 0 2 0;
#X connect 2 0 3 0;
#X connect 4 0 5 0;
#X connect 6 0 9 0;
#X connect 7 0 4 0;
#X connect 8 0 6 0;
#X connect 15 0 16 0;
#X connect 16 0 17 0;