/* For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. iemlib1 written by Thomas Musil, Copyright (c) IEM KUG Graz Austria 2000 - 2005 */ #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning( disable : 4244 ) #pragma warning( disable : 4305 ) #endif #include "m_pd.h" #include "iemlib.h" #include #include #include /* ------------------------- f2note ---------------------- */ /* ------ frequency to note plus cents converter --------- */ typedef struct _f2note { t_object x_obj; void *x_outlet_midi; void *x_outlet_note; void *x_outlet_cent; int x_centomidi; float x_refhz; float x_refexp; float x_reflog; t_symbol *x_set; } t_f2note; static t_class *f2note_class; float f2note_mtof(t_f2note *x, float midi) { return(x->x_refexp * exp(0.057762265047 * midi)); } float f2note_ftom(t_f2note *x, float freq) { return (freq > 0 ? 17.31234049 * log(x->x_reflog * freq) : -1500); } void f2note_calc_ref(t_f2note *x) { float ln2=log(2.0); x->x_refexp = x->x_refhz*exp(-5.75*ln2); x->x_reflog = 1.0/x->x_refexp; } static void f2note_make_note(char *str, int midi) { int j,k,l=0; j = midi / 12; k = midi % 12; if(k <= 5) { if(k <= 2) { if(k==0) str[l]='c'; else if(k==1) { str[l++]='#'; str[l]='c'; } else str[l]='d'; } else { if(k==3) { str[l++]='#'; str[l]='d'; } else if(k==4) str[l]='e'; else str[l]='f'; } } else { if(k <= 8) { if(k==6) { str[l++]='#'; str[l]='f'; } else if(k==7) str[l]='g'; else { str[l++]='#'; str[l]='g'; } } else { if(k==9) str[l]='a'; else if(k==10) { str[l++]='#'; str[l]='a'; } else str[l]='h'; } } if(j < 4) { str[l] -= 'a'; str[l] += 'A'; } l++; if(j < 3) { str[l++] = '0' + (char)(3 - j); } else if(j > 4) { str[l++] = '0' + (char)(j - 4); } str[l] = 0; } static void f2note_bang(t_f2note *x) { int i,j; t_atom at; char s[4]; i = (x->x_centomidi + 50)/100; j = x->x_centomidi - 100*i; outlet_float(x->x_outlet_cent, (float)j); f2note_make_note(s, i); SETSYMBOL(&at, gensym(s)); outlet_anything(x->x_outlet_note, x->x_set, 1, &at); outlet_float(x->x_outlet_midi, 0.01*(float)(x->x_centomidi)); } static void f2note_float(t_f2note *x, t_floatarg freq) { x->x_centomidi = (int)(100.0*f2note_ftom(x, freq) + 0.5); f2note_bang(x); } void f2note_ref(t_f2note *x, t_floatarg ref) { x->x_refhz = ref; f2note_calc_ref(x); } static void *f2note_new(t_floatarg ref) { t_f2note *x = (t_f2note *)pd_new(f2note_class); if(ref == 0.0) ref=440.0; x->x_refhz = ref; x->x_centomidi = (int)(100.0*ref + 0.499); f2note_calc_ref(x); x->x_outlet_midi = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float); x->x_outlet_note = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_list); x->x_outlet_cent = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float); x->x_set = gensym("set"); return (x); } static void f2note_free(t_f2note *x) { } void f2note_setup(void) { f2note_class = class_new(gensym("f2note"), (t_newmethod)f2note_new, (t_method)f2note_free, sizeof(t_f2note), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addbang(f2note_class,f2note_bang); class_addfloat(f2note_class,f2note_float); class_addmethod(f2note_class, (t_method)f2note_ref, gensym("ref"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_sethelpsymbol(f2note_class, gensym("iemhelp/help-f2note")); }