path: root/abs/mtx_linsweep-help.pd
diff options
authorFranz Zotter <fzotter@users.sourceforge.net>2006-09-05 12:50:05 +0000
committerFranz Zotter <fzotter@users.sourceforge.net>2006-09-05 12:50:05 +0000
commit95a5b90c683bb257dbf3fb8e3bc43ef348e4c7fb (patch)
tree6d07de95e75d2d63f93840a856ffd11c5a0d2e17 /abs/mtx_linsweep-help.pd
parenteca7acd6b06cb0f4f5d2262fd1f43fdda77fca6e (diff)
a lot of complex valued matrix computation abstractions: complex matrix
inverse via real valued hermitian matrix, complex-valued division, complex absolute square, complex multiplication... and linear and logarithmic sweep abstractions. svn path=/trunk/externals/iem/iemmatrix/; revision=5871
Diffstat (limited to 'abs/mtx_linsweep-help.pd')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/abs/mtx_linsweep-help.pd b/abs/mtx_linsweep-help.pd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2593ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/mtx_linsweep-help.pd
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#N canvas 439 163 841 379 10;
+#X text 482 28 part of iemmatrix;
+#N canvas 0 0 450 300 convert2tablemsg 0;
+#X obj 130 35 inlet;
+#X obj 169 216 outlet;
+#X obj 130 60 t a a;
+#X obj 160 82 mtx_size;
+#X obj 130 107 list split 3;
+#X obj 220 107 change;
+#X msg 220 129 resize \$1;
+#X obj 169 154 list prepend 0;
+#X connect 0 0 2 0;
+#X connect 2 0 4 0;
+#X connect 2 1 3 0;
+#X connect 3 1 5 0;
+#X connect 4 1 7 0;
+#X connect 5 0 6 0;
+#X connect 6 0 1 0;
+#X connect 7 0 1 0;
+#X restore 33 284 pd convert2tablemsg;
+#N canvas 0 0 450 300 (subpatch) 0;
+#X array view_sweep 200 float 1;
+#A 0 0 1.32248e-06 0.0157889 0.0473469 0.094585 0.15722 0.234604 0.325494
+0.427787 0.538234 0.652155 0.763227 0.86339 0.942954 0.991013 0.996231
+0.948081 0.838516 0.664015 0.427757 0.141581 -0.172809 -0.483988 -0.752941
+-0.937585 -0.999719 -0.913747 -0.675729 -0.310488 0.125992 0.55149
+0.871257 0.99972 0.886284 0.538192 0.0315308 -0.497753 -0.88632 -0.994736
+-0.763191 -0.249872 0.369925 0.855333 0.992993 0.698652 0.0788055 -0.590375
+-0.977385 -0.863358 -0.280308 0.470134 0.957668 0.871215 0.234547 -0.564605
+-0.993005 -0.731736 0.0631605 0.82094 0.952972 0.325434 -0.577567 -0.999968
+-0.551413 0.399083 0.988783 0.640052 -0.340429 -0.986303 -0.615477
+0.413512 0.999224 0.470037 -0.603052 -0.9739 -0.172722 0.847058 0.802436
+-0.280414 -0.998477 -0.369825 0.773364 0.829785 -0.310579 -0.99847
+-0.188251 0.913786 0.590284 -0.675799 -0.84699 0.384568 0.970194 -0.110352
+-0.999969 -0.110213 0.980607 0.265104 -0.94811 -0.355108 0.926156 0.384445
+-0.926154 -0.355112 0.948106 0.265106 -0.980605 -0.110221 0.999969
+-0.110347 -0.970195 0.384566 0.84699 -0.675802 -0.590286 0.913785 0.18825
+-0.99847 0.310578 0.829785 -0.773365 -0.369826 0.998478 -0.280408 -0.802439
+0.847054 0.172725 -0.973901 0.603052 0.470039 -0.999224 0.413512 0.615466
+-0.986302 0.340433 0.640048 -0.988782 0.399086 0.551423 -0.999968 0.577561
+0.325436 -0.952975 0.820944 -0.0631564 -0.73173 0.993005 -0.564609
+-0.234557 0.87121 -0.957665 0.470142 0.280307 -0.863358 0.977386 -0.590374
+-0.0788057 0.698658 -0.992993 0.85533 -0.36993 -0.249882 0.763194 -0.994736
+0.886318 -0.497746 -0.031524 0.538195 -0.88628 0.99972 -0.871259 0.551493
+-0.126001 -0.310483 0.675724 -0.913747 0.999719 -0.937586 0.752949
+-0.483987 0.172799 0.141593 -0.427737 0.664025 -0.838515 0.948078 -0.996231
+0.991012 -0.942955 0.863391 -0.763242 0.652158 -0.538239 0.427787 -0.325507
+0.234592 -0.157235 0.0945857 -0.0473552 0.0157955 3.02766e-06;
+#X coords 0 1 199 -1 200 50 1;
+#X restore 326 228 graph;
+#X obj 33 306 s view_sweep;
+#X text 268 138 list inlet: [omega_start omega_stop n_samples(;
+#X text 268 157 outletA: vector containing sweep;
+#X text 43 34 [mtx_linsweep];
+#X obj 33 165 mtx_linsweep;
+#X text 166 69 creates an n sample linear sweep starting and stopping
+specified (digital) frequencies.;
+#X msg 33 143 0 3.14159 200;
+#X connect 1 0 3 0;
+#X connect 7 0 1 0;
+#X connect 9 0 7 0;