path: root/src/mtx_qhull/zhull.c
diff options
authorFranz Zotter <fzotter@users.sourceforge.net>2012-08-21 08:10:42 +0000
committerFranz Zotter <fzotter@users.sourceforge.net>2012-08-21 08:10:42 +0000
commit5086631c287a954bae9c2bb4a987cb7f1eda3e57 (patch)
tree344393f7d6b8cbed979444c48f23003a232eb9c4 /src/mtx_qhull/zhull.c
parent585ca79e105c6e8ca57a2320c2335623a184ae06 (diff)
convex hull algorithm added
svn path=/trunk/externals/iem/iemmatrix/; revision=16165
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mtx_qhull/zhull.c')
1 files changed, 482 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mtx_qhull/zhull.c b/src/mtx_qhull/zhull.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d13260e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mtx_qhull/zhull.c
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+#define TOL 1e-7
+#define MAXIT 1000000
+vector_t averageListedPoints(const points_t points, const list_t list) {
+ index_t i;
+ vector_t m = initVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+ for (i=0; i<getLength(list); i++) {
+ m=addVectors(points.v[getEntry(list,i)],m);
+ }
+ m=scaleVector(m,1.0f/((float)getLength(list)));
+ return m;
+vector_t normalOfListedPoints(const points_t points, const list_t list) {
+ vector_t m = averageListedPoints(points,list);
+ vector_t n = initVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
+ vector_t d1,d2,c;
+ index_t i;
+ for (i=1; i<getLength(list); i++) {
+ d1=subtractVectors(points.v[getEntry(list,i-1)],m);
+ d2=subtractVectors(points.v[getEntry(list,i)],m);
+ c=crossProduct(d1,d2);
+ n=addVectors(c,n);
+ }
+ return n;
+plane_t planeFromListedPoints(const points_t points, const list_t list) {
+ vector_t p=averageListedPoints(points,list);
+ vector_t n=normalOfListedPoints(points,list);
+ plane_t pl=initPlane(n,p);
+ return pl;
+/* facets, memory things */
+void freeFacet(facet_t *facet) {
+/* printf("deleting facet %li\n",facet);
+ printList(facet->corners);
+ printList(facet->outsideset);
+ printList(facet->insideset);
+ printList(facet->neighbors);*/
+ freeList(&(facet->corners));
+ freeList(&(facet->outsideset));
+ freeList(&(facet->insideset));
+ freeList(&(facet->neighbors));
+list_t appendNewFacets(zhull_t * const zh, const size_t num_facets) {
+ facet_t *new_facet;
+ list_t new_facets=initConstantList(0,num_facets);
+ index_t i;
+ for (i=0; i<getLength(new_facets); i++) {
+ new_facet = (facet_t*) malloc(sizeof(facet_t));
+ if (new_facet==0)
+ break;
+ new_facet->neighbors=emptyList();
+ new_facet->corners=emptyList();
+ new_facet->outsideset=emptyList();
+ new_facet->insideset=emptyList();
+ new_facet->maxdistance=0;
+ new_facet->farthest_outside_point=0;
+// printf("%li, %li\n", new_facet, (entry_t)new_facet);
+ setEntry(new_facets,i,(entry_t)new_facet);
+// printf("created facet %li\n",new_facet);
+ }
+ appendListToList(&(zh->facets),new_facets);
+ return new_facets;
+/* facets, interface */
+/*entry_t getFacetCornerByIndex(const facet_t *facet,
+ index_t index_corner) {
+ if (facet!=0)
+ return getEntry(facet->corners,
+ index_corner%getLength(facet->corners));
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ */
+facet_t *getFacetByIndex(const list_t facets,
+ const index_t index) {
+ return (facet_t*) getEntry(facets,index);
+facet_t *getFacetByPointer(const entry_t ptr) {
+ return (facet_t*) ptr;
+void getHorizonEdgeByIndex(index_t *corners,
+ const list_t horizon_fcts, const list_t horizon_fcts_edges,
+ const index_t index) {
+ index_t i=(index+getLength(horizon_fcts_edges))
+ %getLength(horizon_fcts_edges);
+ facet_t *f = getFacetByIndex(horizon_fcts,i);
+ index_t j=getEntry(horizon_fcts_edges,i);
+ corners[0]=getEntry(f->corners, j);
+ if (getLength(f->corners)>0)
+ corners[1]=getEntry(f->corners, (j+1) % getLength(f->corners));
+ else
+ corners[1]=corners[0];
+void removeFacetByPointer(zhull_t * const zh,
+ facet_t * const pointer) {
+ removeValueFromList(&(zh->facets), (entry_t)pointer);
+ removeValueFromList(&(zh->facets_with_outsidepoints),
+ (entry_t)pointer);
+ removeValueFromList(&(zh->facets_with_insidepoints),
+ (entry_t)pointer);
+ freeFacet((facet_t*)pointer);
+void removeFacetByPointerList(zhull_t * const zh,
+ const list_t pointers) {
+ index_t i;
+ for (i=0; i<getLength(pointers); i++) {
+ removeFacetByPointer(zh,
+ getFacetByIndex(pointers,i));
+ }
+void removeFacetByIndex(zhull_t * const zh,
+ const index_t index) {
+ removeFacetByPointer(zh,
+ getFacetByIndex(zh->facets, index));
+void removeFacetByIndexList(zhull_t * const zh,
+ const list_t indices) {
+ facet_t *f;
+ index_t i;
+ for (i=0; i<getLength(indices); i++) {
+ f = getFacetByIndex(zh->facets, getEntry(indices,i));
+ removeFacetByPointer(zh,f);
+ }
+void freeFacets(zhull_t * const zh) {
+ int i;
+ facet_t *f;
+ if (getLength(zh->facets)>0) {
+ for (i=0; i<getLength(zh->facets); i++) {
+ f=getFacetByIndex(zh->facets,i);
+// printf("deleting facet %li\n",i);
+ freeFacet(f);
+ }
+ freeList(&(zh->facets));
+ }
+void freeZhull(zhull_t *zh) {
+ if (zh!=0) {
+// printf("free zhull\n");
+ freeFacets(zh);
+ freeList(&(zh->facets_with_insidepoints));
+ freeList(&(zh->facets_with_outsidepoints));
+ freePoints(&(zh->pts));
+ }
+// ***********************************
+// interface
+vector_t getPoint(const zhull_t * const zh,
+ const index_t index) {
+ return (vector_t) zh->pts.v[index];
+zhull_t zhullInitPoints(const float *x, const float *y,
+ const float *z, const size_t num_points) {
+ zhull_t zh;
+ zh.pts=initPoints(x,y,z,num_points);
+ zh.facets=emptyList();
+ zh.facets_with_outsidepoints=emptyList();
+ zh.facets_with_insidepoints=emptyList();
+ return zh;
+void dividePointsBetweenNewFacets (
+ zhull_t * const zh, const list_t assoc,
+ const list_t new_facets, const list_t horizon_fcts) {
+ index_t i,j;
+ list_t new_and_horizon_fcts=mergeLists(new_facets,horizon_fcts);
+ printList(new_and_horizon_fcts);
+ uniquefyListEntries(&new_and_horizon_fcts);
+ printList(new_and_horizon_fcts);
+ float d;
+ for (i=0; i<getLength(assoc); i++) {
+ printf("p %d\n", getEntry(assoc,i));
+ for (j=0; j<getLength(new_and_horizon_fcts); j++) {
+ d=distancePointPlane(getPoint(zh,getEntry(assoc,i)),
+ getFacetByIndex(new_and_horizon_fcts,j)->plane);
+ // printf("distance %5.2f to %d\n",d,findValueInList((entry_t)getFacetByIndex(new_and_horizon_fcts,j),zh->facets));
+ /*
+ if ((d>=-TOL) && (d<=TOL)) {
+ appendToList(&(getFacetByIndex(new_facets,j)->insideset),
+ getEntry(assoc,i));
+ if (notInList(getEntry(new_facets,j),zh->facets_with_insidepoints))
+ appendToList(&(zh->facets_with_insidepoints),
+ getEntry(new_facets,j));
+ break;
+ }
+ else */
+ if (d>=-TOL) {
+ appendToList(&(getFacetByIndex(new_and_horizon_fcts,j)->outsideset),
+ getEntry(assoc,i));
+ // printf("appended ");
+ if (notInList(getEntry(new_and_horizon_fcts,j),zh->facets_with_outsidepoints))
+ appendToList(&(zh->facets_with_outsidepoints),getEntry(new_and_horizon_fcts,j));
+ if (getFacetByIndex(new_and_horizon_fcts,j)->maxdistance<d) {
+ getFacetByIndex(new_and_horizon_fcts,j)->maxdistance=d;
+ getFacetByIndex(new_and_horizon_fcts,j)->farthest_outside_point=getEntry(assoc,i);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void zhullInitialFacets(zhull_t *zh) {
+ list_t assoc = emptyList();
+ list_t new_facets = emptyList();
+ index_t i;
+ if (zh->pts.num_points >= 3) {
+ assoc = initListFromTo(0,zh->pts.num_points-1);
+ new_facets = appendNewFacets(zh,2);
+ if (getLength(new_facets)==2) {
+ getFacetByIndex(new_facets,0)->corners = initListFromTo(0,2);
+ getFacetByIndex(new_facets,1)->corners = initListFromTo(2,0);
+ getFacetByIndex(new_facets,0)->neighbors =
+ initConstantList((entry_t)getFacetByIndex(new_facets,1),3);
+ getFacetByIndex(new_facets,1)->neighbors =
+ initConstantList((entry_t)getFacetByIndex(new_facets,0),3);
+ for (i=0; i<2; i++) {
+ getFacetByIndex(new_facets,i)->plane =
+ planeFromListedPoints(zh->pts, getFacetByIndex(new_facets,i)->corners);
+ getFacetByIndex(new_facets,i)->outsideset = emptyList();
+ getFacetByIndex(new_facets,i)->insideset = emptyList();
+ getFacetByIndex(new_facets,i)->maxdistance = 0.0f;
+ removeValueListFromList(&assoc,getFacetByIndex(new_facets,i)->corners);
+ }
+ dividePointsBetweenNewFacets(zh, assoc, new_facets, emptyList());
+ }
+ freeList(&new_facets);
+ freeList(&assoc);
+ }
+void printHorizonEdges(list_t *horizon_fcts,
+ list_t *horizon_fcts_edges) {
+ index_t i;
+ index_t c1[2];
+ printf("horizon edges: ");
+ for (i=0; i<getLength(*horizon_fcts_edges); i++) {
+ getHorizonEdgeByIndex(c1, *horizon_fcts, *horizon_fcts_edges, i);
+ printf(", %d->%d",c1[0],c1[1]);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+void sortHorizonEdges(list_t *horizon_fcts,
+ list_t *horizon_fcts_edges) {
+ index_t i,j;
+ facet_t *fi;
+ index_t ei;
+ index_t c1[2];
+ index_t c2[2];
+ if (getLength(*horizon_fcts_edges)==0)
+ return;
+ for (i=0; i<getLength(*horizon_fcts_edges)-1; i++) {
+ getHorizonEdgeByIndex(c1, *horizon_fcts, *horizon_fcts_edges, i);
+ for (j=i+1; j<getLength(*horizon_fcts_edges); j++) {
+ getHorizonEdgeByIndex(c2, *horizon_fcts, *horizon_fcts_edges, j);
+ if (c1[1]==c2[0]) { //found edge continuation: swap positions
+ ei=getEntry(*horizon_fcts,j);
+ setEntry(*horizon_fcts,j,getEntry(*horizon_fcts,i+1));
+ setEntry(*horizon_fcts,i+1,ei);
+ ei=getEntry(*horizon_fcts_edges,j);
+ setEntry(*horizon_fcts_edges,j,getEntry(*horizon_fcts_edges,i+1));
+ setEntry(*horizon_fcts_edges,i+1,ei);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void removeVisibleFacetsGetHorizonAndAvailablePoints(
+ zhull_t * const zh, index_t point_index,
+ facet_t *facet,
+ list_t *horizon_fcts,
+ list_t *horizon_fcts_edges,
+ list_t *avail_points) {
+ index_t i,j,k;
+ facet_t *f, *n;
+ float d;
+ list_t visible_fcts = emptyList();
+ list_t indices_for_printing = emptyList();
+ *avail_points = emptyList();
+ *horizon_fcts = emptyList();
+ *horizon_fcts_edges = emptyList();
+ appendToList(&visible_fcts, (entry_t)facet);
+ for(i=0;i<getLength(visible_fcts);i++) {
+ f=getFacetByIndex(visible_fcts,i);
+ appendListToList(avail_points, f->outsideset);
+ appendListToList(avail_points, f->insideset);
+ for (j=0; j<getLength(f->neighbors); j++) {
+ n=getFacetByIndex(f->neighbors,j);
+ if (notInList((entry_t) n, visible_fcts)) {
+ d=distancePointPlane(getPoint(zh,point_index),
+ n->plane);
+ if (d>-TOL) {
+ if (notInList((entry_t)n,visible_fcts))
+ appendToList(&visible_fcts,(entry_t)n);
+ }
+ else {
+ appendToList(horizon_fcts,(entry_t)n);
+ k=getEntry(f->corners,(j+1)%getLength(f->corners));
+ // printf("searching for corner with %d in\n",k);
+ // printList(n->corners);
+ k=findValueInList(k,n->corners);
+ // printf("found %d\n",k);
+ appendToList(horizon_fcts_edges,k);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ printf("removing facets");
+ indices_for_printing=findValueListInList(visible_fcts, zh->facets);
+ printList(indices_for_printing);
+ removeFacetByPointerList(zh,visible_fcts);
+ freeList(&visible_fcts);
+ // printHorizonEdges(horizon_fcts, horizon_fcts_edges);
+ sortHorizonEdges(horizon_fcts, horizon_fcts_edges);
+ printHorizonEdges(horizon_fcts, horizon_fcts_edges);
+void initNewFacets(zhull_t *zh, int point_index,
+ list_t new_facets, list_t horizon_fcts,
+ list_t horizon_fcts_edges) {
+ index_t i,j;
+ entry_t array[3];
+ array[0]=point_index;
+ for (i=0; i<getLength(new_facets); i++) {
+ // printf("adding facet %d\n",getEntry(new_facets,i));
+ // corners
+ getHorizonEdgeByIndex(array,horizon_fcts, horizon_fcts_edges,i);
+ array[2]=array[1];
+ array[1]=array[0];
+ array[0]=array[2];
+ array[2]=point_index;
+ getFacetByIndex(new_facets,i)->corners=initList(array,3);
+ // printList(getFacetByIndex(new_facets,i)->corners);
+ // neighbors
+ // previous new neighbor
+ j=(getLength(horizon_fcts)+i-1) % getLength(horizon_fcts);
+ array[1]=getEntry(new_facets,j);
+ // next new neighbor
+ j=(i+1) % getLength(horizon_fcts);
+ array[2]=getEntry(new_facets,j);
+ // old neighbor
+ array[0]=getEntry(horizon_fcts,i);
+ getFacetByIndex(new_facets,i)->neighbors=
+ initList(array,3);
+ // registering at old neighbor:
+ setEntry(getFacetByIndex(horizon_fcts,i)->neighbors,
+ getEntry(horizon_fcts_edges,i), getEntry(new_facets,i));
+ // initializing normal vectors and lists
+ getFacetByIndex(new_facets,i)->plane =
+ planeFromListedPoints(zh->pts,
+ getFacetByIndex(new_facets,i)->corners);
+ }
+void makePyramidFacetsToHorizon(zhull_t *zh, index_t point_index,
+ list_t horizon_fcts, list_t horizon_fcts_edges,
+ list_t avail_points) {
+ list_t new_facets = appendNewFacets(zh, getLength(horizon_fcts_edges));
+ initNewFacets(zh,point_index,new_facets,horizon_fcts,horizon_fcts_edges);
+ // printf("available points: ");
+ // printList(avail_points);
+ // printf("new facets : ");
+ // printList(new_facets);
+ dividePointsBetweenNewFacets(zh, avail_points, new_facets, horizon_fcts);
+ freeList(&new_facets);
+void calculateZHull(zhull_t *zh,int maxit) {
+ index_t fli=0;
+ index_t pi;
+ facet_t *f;
+ list_t outsideset;
+ int cnt=0;
+ list_t horizon_fcts=emptyList();
+ list_t horizon_fcts_edges=emptyList();
+ list_t available_points=emptyList();
+ if (maxit>MAXIT)
+ maxit=MAXIT;
+ if (zh->pts.num_points!=0){
+ zhullInitialFacets(zh);
+ printZhull(zh);
+ while((getLength(zh->facets_with_outsidepoints)>0)&&(cnt++<maxit)) {
+ printf("//////////////// ITERATION %d ///////\n",cnt);
+ fli%=getLength(zh->facets_with_outsidepoints);
+ f=getFacetByIndex(zh->facets_with_outsidepoints,fli);
+ pi=f->farthest_outside_point;
+ removeVisibleFacetsGetHorizonAndAvailablePoints(zh,pi,f,
+ &horizon_fcts, &horizon_fcts_edges,
+ &available_points);
+ removeValueFromList(&available_points, pi);
+ makePyramidFacetsToHorizon(zh,pi,horizon_fcts,horizon_fcts_edges,
+ available_points);
+ printZhull(zh);
+ freeList(&horizon_fcts);
+ freeList(&horizon_fcts_edges);
+ freeList(&available_points);
+ fli++;
+ }
+ }
+void printZhull(const zhull_t * const zh) {
+ index_t fi;
+ list_t indices = emptyList();
+ printf("zhull from %d points\n", zh->pts.num_points);
+ printf("facets with outsidepoints: ");
+ indices=findValueListInList(zh->facets_with_outsidepoints,zh->facets);
+ printList(indices);
+ freeList(&indices);
+// printf("facets with insidepoints: ");
+// printList(zh->facets_with_insidepoints);
+ printf("zhull has %d facets\n", getLength(zh->facets));
+ for (fi=0; fi<getLength(zh->facets); fi++) {
+ printf("facet %d<%d>: ",fi,getFacetByIndex(zh->facets,fi));
+ printFacet(zh,getFacetByIndex(zh->facets,fi));
+ }
+void printFacet(const zhull_t * const zh,
+ const facet_t * const f) {
+ list_t indices=emptyList();
+ indices=findValueListInList(f->neighbors,zh->facets);
+ printf("plane: ");
+ printPlane(f->plane);
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("corners: ");
+ printList(f->corners);
+ printf("outsideset: ");
+ printList(f->outsideset);
+ printf("insideset: ");
+ printList(f->insideset);
+ printf("neighbors: ");
+ printList(indices);
+ freeList(&indices);
+ printf("pt %d with maxdist %5.2f\n",f->farthest_outside_point, f->maxdistance);