Installation/Compilation instructions for "iemmatrix"

1) linux (and other autoconf-systems):
	"cd" into iemmatrix/src/
	run "./configure" (see "./configure --help" for valid options)
	run "make"
	run "make install"

	this should install iemmatrix into /usr/local/lib/pd (unless you specify otherwise)
	the dynamic-lib (iemmatrix.pd_linux) is installed into extra/
	the configure-script tries to detect whether you are running a pd>=0.37; if so, the 
	help-patches are installed into extra/iemmatrix; if you are running an old version
	of pd, the help-files will be installed into doc/5.reference/iemmatrix

CrossCompilation for w32 with MinGW ( on linux-systems
	you need a cross-compilation tool-chain for windows (there is a debian-package mingw32)
	run "./configure" and specify the path to your "m_pd.h" (with --includedir) and to your "pd.lib" (with --libdir)
	don't forget to override the default extension ("pd_linux" on linux-systems) with the more appropriate "dll".
	on bash this looks like:
	 % ./configure  --with-extension=dll --host=i586-mingw32msvc --includedir=/path/to/w32-pd/src/ -libdir=/path/to/w32-pd/bin/
	now run "make" and enjoy.
2) mac OS-X:
	there is nothing special in the code, so it should compile out of the box:
	"cd" to iemmatrix/src
	run "./configure; make" (for further details please see "1) linux")

3) irix:
	i don't have any irix machine at hand, so i don't know whether it works
	but again, since iemmatrix does not use anything special, it should work out of the box
	try using configure in iemmatrix/src
	(for further details please see "1) linux")

4) W32:
	with MinGW installed, you probably might be able to use the configure in iemmatrix/src
	users have reported that they were able to build it (with problems)
	i will support a makefile for msvc as soon as i boot into windows again

5) FreeBSD et al:
	i don't know, but why shouldn't it run there ?
	try the configure in iemmatrix/src
	and report any success or failure