#N canvas 0 0 657 300 10;
#X obj 147 50 inlet;
#X obj 146 219 outlet;
#X obj 147 104 unpack f f f;
#X obj 148 128 log;
#X obj 183 128 log;
#X obj 149 151 pack f f f;
#X obj 148 172 mtx_linspace;
#X obj 147 194 mtx_exp;
#X text 125 1 logspace creates a logarithmical scale between start
and end point with N points;
#X obj 147 80 pack \$1 \$2 \$3;
#X text 385 104 arg1: startval;
#X text 382 120 arg2: stopval;
#X text 378 135 arg3: N;
#X text 315 68 inlet is a 3 argument list;
#X text 347 88 optional creation arguments:;
#X connect 0 0 9 0;
#X connect 2 0 3 0;
#X connect 2 1 4 0;
#X connect 2 2 5 2;
#X connect 3 0 5 0;
#X connect 4 0 5 1;
#X connect 5 0 6 0;
#X connect 6 0 7 0;
#X connect 7 0 1 0;
#X connect 9 0 2 0;