#N canvas 774 102 578 400 10; #X obj 100 212 mtx_roots; #X text 29 22 [mtx_roots] uses [mtx_eig] to solve polynomials (see MATLAB-help for 'roots'); #X text 73 60 [mtx_eig] requires iemmatrix to be compiled with gsl ; #X text 339 350 Franz Zotter \, 2010; #X text 60 127 (x-3i)(x+3i)(x-1)(x+2)(x-3)=; #X text 77 144 x^5-2x^4+4x^3-12x^2-45x+54; #X msg 100 185 1 -2 4 -12 -45 54; #X obj 82 268 print re; #X obj 160 267 print im; #X connect 0 0 7 0; #X connect 0 1 8 0; #X connect 6 0 0 0;