/* * iemmatrix * * objects for manipulating simple matrices * mostly refering to matlab/octave matrix functions * * Copyright (c) 2005, Franz Zotter * IEM, Graz, Austria * * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. * */ #include "iemmatrix.h" static t_class *mtx_sort_class; static t_symbol *row_sym; static t_symbol *col_sym; static t_symbol *col_sym2; typedef struct _MTXSort_ MTXSort; struct _MTXSort_ { t_object x_obj; int rows; int columns; int size; t_symbol *sort_mode; int sort_direction; t_outlet *list_outlet1; t_outlet *list_outlet2; t_atom *list_out1; t_atom *list_out2; t_atom *list_in; t_float *x; // t_float *y; t_float *i; }; static void deleteMTXSort (MTXSort *mtx_sort_obj) { if (mtx_sort_obj->list_out1) freebytes (mtx_sort_obj->list_out1, sizeof(t_atom)*(mtx_sort_obj->size+2)); if (mtx_sort_obj->list_out2) freebytes (mtx_sort_obj->list_out2, sizeof(t_atom)*(mtx_sort_obj->size+2)); if (mtx_sort_obj->x) freebytes (mtx_sort_obj->x, sizeof(t_float)*(mtx_sort_obj->size)); //if (mtx_sort_obj->y) // freebytes (mtx_sort_obj->y, sizeof(t_float)*(mtx_sort_obj->size)); if (mtx_sort_obj->i) freebytes (mtx_sort_obj->i, sizeof(t_float)*(mtx_sort_obj->size)); } static void mTXSetSortDirection (MTXSort *mtx_sort_obj, t_float s_dir) { int direction = (int) s_dir; mtx_sort_obj->sort_direction = (direction==-1)?direction:1; } static void mTXSetSortMode (MTXSort *mtx_sort_obj, t_symbol *m_sym) { mtx_sort_obj->sort_mode = m_sym; } static void *newMTXSort (t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { MTXSort *mtx_sort_obj = (MTXSort *) pd_new (mtx_sort_class); // defaults: mTXSetSortMode (mtx_sort_obj, gensym(":")); mTXSetSortDirection (mtx_sort_obj, 1.0f); if (argc>=1) { if (argv[0].a_type == A_SYMBOL) { mTXSetSortMode (mtx_sort_obj, atom_getsymbol (argv)); if (argc>=2) if (argv[1].a_type != A_SYMBOL) mTXSetSortDirection (mtx_sort_obj, atom_getfloat (argv+1)); else post("mtx_sort: 2nd arg ignored. supposed to be float"); } else { mTXSetSortDirection (mtx_sort_obj, atom_getfloat (argv)); if (argc>=2) { if (argv[1].a_type == A_SYMBOL) mTXSetSortMode (mtx_sort_obj, atom_getsymbol (argv+1)); else post("mtx_sort: 2nd arg ignored. supposed to be symbolic, e.g. \"row\", \"col\", \":\""); } } } mtx_sort_obj->list_outlet1 = outlet_new (&mtx_sort_obj->x_obj, gensym("matrix")); mtx_sort_obj->list_outlet2 = outlet_new (&mtx_sort_obj->x_obj, gensym("matrix")); return ((void *) mtx_sort_obj); } static void mTXSortBang (MTXSort *mtx_sort_obj) { if (mtx_sort_obj->list_out1) outlet_anything(mtx_sort_obj->list_outlet1, gensym("matrix"), mtx_sort_obj->size+2, mtx_sort_obj->list_out1); if (mtx_sort_obj->list_out2) outlet_anything(mtx_sort_obj->list_outlet2, gensym("matrix"), mtx_sort_obj->size+2, mtx_sort_obj->list_out2); } static void writeFloatIntoList (int n, t_atom *l, t_float *f) { for (;n--;f++, l++) SETFLOAT (l, *f); } static void readFloatFromList (int n, t_atom *l, t_float *f) { while (n--) *f++ = atom_getfloat (l++); } static void readFloatFromListModulo (int n, int m, t_atom *l, t_float *f) { t_atom *ptr = l; int count1, count2; n /= m; count1 = m; while (count1--) for (count2 = n, ptr = l++; count2--; ptr += m, f++) *f = atom_getfloat (ptr); } static void writeFloatIntoListModulo (int n, int m, t_atom *l, t_float *f) { t_atom *ptr = l; int count1, count2; n /= m; count1 = m; while (count1--) for (count2 = n, ptr = l++; count2--; ptr += m, f++) SETFLOAT(ptr,*f); } static void sortVector (int n, t_float *x, t_float *i, int direction) { int step = n; int size = n; int k, loops = 1; int i_tmp; t_float x_tmp; switch (direction) { case -1: while (step > 1) { step = (step % 2)?(step+1)/2:step/2; k = loops; loops += 2; while(k--) { /* there might be some optimization in here */ for (n=0; n<(size-step); n++) if (x[n] < x[n+step]) { i_tmp = i[n]; x_tmp = x[n]; x[n] = x[n+step]; x[n+step] = x_tmp; i[n] = i[n+step]; i[n+step] = i_tmp; } } } break; default: case 1: while (step > 1) { step = (step % 2)?(step+1)/2:step/2; k = loops; loops += 2; while(k--) { /* there might be some optimization in here */ for (n=0; n<(size-step); n++) if (x[n] > x[n+step]) { i_tmp = i[n]; x_tmp = x[n]; x[n] = x[n+step]; x[n+step] = x_tmp; i[n] = i[n+step]; i[n+step] = i_tmp; } } } } } /* static void indexingVector (int n, int m, int dimension, t_float *i) { int count; int count2; int idx = n; t_float *ptr; i += n; switch (dimension) { case 2: n /= m; for (count = m; count--;) { ptr = --i; for (count2 = n; count2--; ptr -= m) *ptr = idx--; } break; default: case 1: for (; idx;) *--i = idx--; } } */ static void indexingVector (int n, int m, t_symbol *sort_mode, t_float *i) { int count; int count2; int idx = n; t_float *ptr; i += n; if ((sort_mode == col_sym)||(sort_mode == col_sym2)) { n /= m; for (count = m; count--;) { ptr = --i; for (count2 = n; count2--; ptr -= m) *ptr = idx--; } } else { for (; idx;) *--i = idx--; } } static void mTXSortMatrix (MTXSort *mtx_sort_obj, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { int rows = atom_getint (argv++); int columns = atom_getint (argv++); int size = rows * columns; int list_size = argc - 2; t_atom *list_ptr = argv; t_atom *list_out1 = mtx_sort_obj->list_out1; t_atom *list_out2 = mtx_sort_obj->list_out2; t_float *x = mtx_sort_obj->x; //t_float *y = mtx_sort_obj->y; t_float *i = mtx_sort_obj->i; int count; // size check if (!size) { post("mtx_sort: invalid dimensions"); return; } else if (list_sizesize) { x = (t_float *) resizebytes (x, sizeof (t_float) * (mtx_sort_obj->size), sizeof (t_float) * (size)); //y = (t_float *) resizebytes (y, // sizeof (t_float) * (mtx_sort_obj->size), // sizeof (t_float) * (size)); i = (t_float *) resizebytes (i, sizeof (t_float) * (mtx_sort_obj->size), sizeof (t_float) * (size)); list_out1 = (t_atom *) resizebytes (list_out1, sizeof (t_atom) * (mtx_sort_obj->size+2), sizeof (t_atom) * (size + 2)); list_out2 = (t_atom *) resizebytes (list_out2, sizeof (t_atom) * (mtx_sort_obj->size+2), sizeof (t_atom) * (size + 2)); } mtx_sort_obj->list_out1 = list_out1; mtx_sort_obj->list_out2 = list_out2; mtx_sort_obj->x = x; // mtx_sort_obj->y = y; mtx_sort_obj->i = i; mtx_sort_obj->size = size; mtx_sort_obj->rows = rows; mtx_sort_obj->columns = columns; // generating indexing vector indexingVector (size, columns, mtx_sort_obj->sort_mode, i); // main part // reading matrix from inlet if ((mtx_sort_obj->sort_mode == col_sym)|| (mtx_sort_obj->sort_mode == col_sym2)) { readFloatFromListModulo (size, columns, list_ptr, x); columns = mtx_sort_obj->rows; rows = mtx_sort_obj->columns; } else readFloatFromList (size, list_ptr, x); // calculating sort if ((mtx_sort_obj->sort_mode != col_sym) && (mtx_sort_obj->sort_mode != col_sym2) && (mtx_sort_obj->sort_mode != row_sym)) sortVector (size,x,i,mtx_sort_obj->sort_direction); else for (count = rows; count--;x+=columns,i+=columns) sortVector (columns,x,i,mtx_sort_obj->sort_direction); x = mtx_sort_obj->x; i = mtx_sort_obj->i; // writing matrix to outlet if ((mtx_sort_obj->sort_mode == col_sym)|| (mtx_sort_obj->sort_mode == col_sym2)) { columns = mtx_sort_obj->columns; rows = mtx_sort_obj->rows; writeFloatIntoListModulo (size, columns, list_out1+2, x); writeFloatIntoListModulo (size, columns, list_out2+2, i); } else { writeFloatIntoList (size, list_out1+2, x); writeFloatIntoList (size, list_out2+2, i); } SETSYMBOL(list_out1, gensym("matrix")); SETFLOAT(list_out1, rows); SETFLOAT(&list_out1[1], columns); outlet_anything(mtx_sort_obj->list_outlet1, gensym("matrix"), mtx_sort_obj->size+2, list_out1); SETSYMBOL(list_out2, gensym("matrix")); SETFLOAT(list_out2, rows); SETFLOAT(&list_out2[1], columns); outlet_anything(mtx_sort_obj->list_outlet2, gensym("matrix"), mtx_sort_obj->size+2, list_out2); } void mtx_sort_setup (void) { mtx_sort_class = class_new (gensym("mtx_sort"), (t_newmethod) newMTXSort, (t_method) deleteMTXSort, sizeof (MTXSort), CLASS_DEFAULT, A_GIMME, 0); class_addbang (mtx_sort_class, (t_method) mTXSortBang); class_addmethod (mtx_sort_class, (t_method) mTXSortMatrix, gensym("matrix"), A_GIMME,0); class_addmethod (mtx_sort_class, (t_method) mTXSetSortMode, gensym("mode"), A_DEFSYMBOL,0); // class_addmethod (mtx_sort_class, (t_method) mTXSetSortDimension, gensym("dimension"), A_DEFFLOAT,0); class_addmethod (mtx_sort_class, (t_method) mTXSetSortDirection, gensym("direction"), A_DEFFLOAT,0); class_sethelpsymbol (mtx_sort_class, gensym("iemmatrix/mtx_sort")); row_sym = gensym("row"); col_sym = gensym("col"); col_sym2 = gensym("column"); } void iemtx_sort_setup(void){ mtx_sort_setup(); }