This directory contains the "sphbase" library C-files implementing the Legendre-polynomials, spherical harmonics, normalization constants, spherical Hankel and Bessel functions. The rotation/translation operations are currently not implemented and will be added soon. The C-code is published under the Gnu General Public License. To make the c-sources, use: /c_src$ make You will get some test routines (legendre_a, sh_normalization, sh) and the library file (sh.o). To test the functions, use e.g. ./legendre_a 3 ./sh_normalization 3 ./sh 3 1 0.5 0.5 The radial functions are currently not part of the Makefile. The near-field approximation for the spherical Bessel function hasn't been added yet. Franz Zotter, 2008.