#N canvas 431 102 590 348 12; #X msg 72 182 disconnect; #X msg 16 59 connect 9997; #X obj 16 306 tgl 15 0 empty empty connected 20 7 0 8 -24198 -241291 -1 0 1; #X text 220 60 <--first; #X msg 25 101 send 0 1 2 3; #X text 8 5 udpsend sends bytes over a udp connection.; #X text 8 28 Used in conjunction with packOSC will send OSC over udp ; #X obj 16 283 udpsend; #X text 141 101 send raw data; #X msg 40 126 99 98 97; #X text 106 128 'send' prefix is optional; #X text 202 293 (c) copyright 2007 Martin Peach; #X text 201 311 (c) copyright 2010 IOhannes m zmoelnig; #X text 171 208 NOTE: with the iemnet version of [udpsend] you CANNOT send files directly! use mrpeach's [binfile] to read the file.; #X connect 0 0 7 0; #X connect 1 0 7 0; #X connect 4 0 7 0; #X connect 7 0 2 0; #X connect 9 0 7 0;