#N canvas 33 240 529 222 10; #X obj 19 115 xmlrpc 8000; #X text 21 68 XMLRPC configuration; #X text 18 83 (this object can be destroyed again once it has been created); #X obj 11 10 cnv 15 500 40 empty empty xmlrpc 10 22 0 24 -260818 -1 0; #X text 148 14 xmlrpc external for PD \, author: Thomas Grill; #X text 144 31 (C)2003 IEM \, Graz; #X obj 21 180 netreceive; #X text 25 144 For Windows user a dummy netreceive object MUST be present Otherwise \, Pd uses 99% CPU power when invoked with -nogui;