#N canvas 242 39 744 617 12; #X obj 15 44 fs.main; #X msg 15 14 6001; #X msg 66 14 reset; #X obj 108 221 fs.frame; #X msg 207 179 next; #X obj 82 520 fs.frame; #X msg 29 481 receive hello; #X text 162 511 use "receive " on the receiving end to control where your frames go.; #X text 208 234 send ; #X text 357 142 connect
; #X text 208 259 use "pure" as jpeg quality to send uncompressed frames. this will take much more bandwidth but less cpu.; #X msg 207 209 send hello 33; #X msg 24 311 disconnect; #X text 443 328 use send_auto to automate sending (send frame on each flip); #X msg 397 303 send_auto hello 33; #X msg 397 328 next; #X obj 336 465 fs.copy; #X msg 347 440 bang; #X msg 398 378 bang; #X msg 398 465 source_random \, dest_random \, srcand; #N canvas 519 266 382 371 test 0; #X obj 115 209 outlet; #X obj 115 46 inlet; #X msg 115 87 bang; #X obj 115 122 random 20; #X obj 115 149 bangx; #X connect 1 0 2 0; #X connect 2 0 3 0; #X connect 3 0 4 0; #X connect 4 0 0 0; #X restore 398 402 pd test; #X msg 172 142 connect localhost 6010; #X obj 29 454 reset; #X obj 398 440 init; #X text 414 112 correct this path; #X text 143 29 -- Sending frames through network --; #X msg 143 113 buffer g:/fsrel/Framestein/Reija; #X text 144 52 (you must enable "Listen to Framestein connections" in the configuration); #X connect 1 0 0 0; #X connect 1 0 2 0; #X connect 2 0 0 1; #X connect 3 0 16 0; #X connect 4 0 3 0; #X connect 4 0 11 0; #X connect 6 0 5 0; #X connect 11 0 3 0; #X connect 12 0 3 0; #X connect 14 0 3 0; #X connect 15 0 3 0; #X connect 16 0 3 0; #X connect 17 0 3 0; #X connect 18 0 15 0; #X connect 18 0 20 0; #X connect 19 0 16 1; #X connect 20 0 3 0; #X connect 21 0 3 0; #X connect 22 0 6 0; #X connect 23 0 19 0; #X connect 26 0 3 0;