PixelPack 0.02 copyright (c) 2002 by Olaf Matthes PixelPack is a collection of video plugins for Framestein (written by Juha Vehviläinen). Framestein can be found at http://framestein.org Get PixelPack at http://www.akustische-kunst.de/puredata/framestein/ To use PixelPack copy all files from the Patches and Plugins directoy of this distribution into Framesteins directories of the same names. Open example-PixelPack.pd for help. TO compile simply type "nmake nameofplugin". This software is published under GPL terms, see file LICENSE. This is software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. Use it at your OWN RISK. It's possible to damage e.g. hardware or your hearing due to a bug or for other reasons.