#N canvas 275 32 647 478 12; #X obj 22 171 outlet; #X obj 22 138 inlet; #X text 114 91 - effects:; #X text 130 115 mosaic ; #X text 129 265 saturation ; #X text 129 290 addition ; #X text 130 313 gamma ; #X text 130 337 contrast ; #X text 130 361 lightness ; #X text 130 235 without parameters: invert \, soft \, sharp \, emboss ; #X text 129 139 rotate ; #X text 130 163 rotozoom ; #X text 130 190 "smooth_1" and "smooth_0" sets smoothing on/off for rotate and rotozoom (default is on).; #X text 10 6 Yeah \, quite an abstraction!; #X text 9 34 (you can send these commands directly to fs.frame \, but using fs.fx might make your patches more clear); #X connect 1 0 0 0;