{ Copyright (C) 2001 Juha Vehviläinen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.} unit fscopyunit; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, mainunit, fsformunit, fsframeunit, StdCtrls, C2PhotoShopHost; type TDrawStyles = (dsCopy, dsROP, dsAlpha, dsAdd, dsSub, dsBlend, dsPlugin, dsFilter); TRectTypes = (rtAll, rtRandom, rtSpecific); Tfscopy = class(TFsForm) copypsh: TC2PhotoShopHost; procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } f1, f2: TFsFrame; DrawStyle: TDrawStyles; dsROPMode: Integer; SourceType: TRectTypes; DestType: TRectTypes; SourceRect, DestRect: TRect; iAlpha, iAdd, iSub: Integer; iBlend: Extended; Transparent, MirrorLeftRight, MirrorUpdown: Boolean; TransColor: Cardinal; iPlugin: Integer; iPluginArgs: String; iFilter, iFilterArgs: String; procedure GetFrames(const S: String); public { Public declarations } procedure Parse(const S: String); override; end; var fscopy: Tfscopy; implementation {$R *.DFM} uses DxDraws, DirectX, effectsunit, fsbrowserunit, pshostunit, Strz; procedure Tfscopy.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin Action := caFree; end; procedure Tfscopy.GetFrames(const S: String); const f1name: String = '-1'; f2name: String = '-1'; var s1, s2: String; begin if (Pos(' ', S)=0) then Exit; s1 := UpperCase(ExtractWord(1, S, [' '])); s2 := UpperCase(ExtractWord(2, S, [' '])); if (s1<>f1name) or (f1=nil) then f1 := FindFrame(s1); if (s2<>f2name) or (f2=nil) then f2 := FindFrame(s2); f1name := s1; f2name := s2; end; procedure Tfscopy.Parse(const S: String); procedure SwapInt(var i1, i2: Integer); var tmpi: Integer; begin tmpi := i1; i1 := i2; i2 := tmpi; end; var s1: String; bltFlags: Cardinal; df: TDDBltFX; ddck: TDDColorKey; sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, index: Integer; r, g, b: Byte; begin if (S='') then Exit; s1 := UpperCase(ExtractWord(1, S, [' '])); if Pos('FS.FRAME', s1)=0 then if s1='COPY' then begin DrawStyle := dsCopy; Exit; end else if s1='BLEND' then begin DrawStyle := dsBlend; iBlend := MyStrToFloat(ExtractWord(2, S, [' '])); Exit; end else if s1='ALPHA' then begin DrawStyle := dsAlpha; iAlpha := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(2, S, [' '])); Exit; end else if s1='ADD' then begin DrawStyle := dsAdd; iAdd := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(2, S, [' '])); Exit; end else if s1='SUB' then begin DrawStyle := dsSub; iSub := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(2, S, [' '])); Exit; end else if s1='SOURCE' then begin if Pos(' ', S)>0 then begin // at least x1 specified SourceRect := StrToRect(Copy(S, Length(s1)+2, 255)); SourceType := rtSpecific; Exit; end; end else if s1='DEST' then begin if Pos(' ', S)>0 then begin // at least x1 specified DestRect := StrToRect(Copy(S, Length(s1)+2, 255)); DestType := rtSpecific; Exit; end; end else if s1='SOURCE_ALL' then begin SourceType := rtAll; Exit; end else if s1='SOURCE_RANDOM' then begin SourceType := rtRandom; Exit; end else if s1='DEST_ALL' then begin DestType := rtAll; Exit; end else if s1='DEST_RANDOM' then begin DestType := rtRandom; Exit; end else if s1='BLACKNESS' then begin DrawStyle := dsROP; dsROPMode := cmBlackness; Exit; end else if s1='DSTINVERT' then begin DrawStyle := dsROP; dsROPMode := cmDstInvert; Exit; end else if s1='MERGECOPY' then begin DrawStyle := dsROP; dsROPMode := cmMergeCopy; Exit; end else if s1='MERGEPAINT' then begin DrawStyle := dsROP; dsROPMode := cmMergePaint; Exit; end else if s1='NOTSRCCOPY' then begin DrawStyle := dsROP; dsROPMode := cmNotSrcCopy; Exit; end else if s1='NOTSRCERASE' then begin DrawStyle := dsROP; dsROPMode := cmNotSrcErase; Exit; end else if s1='PATCOPY' then begin DrawStyle := dsROP; dsROPMode := cmPatCopy; Exit; end else if s1='PATINVERT' then begin DrawStyle := dsROP; dsROPMode := cmPatInvert; Exit; end else if s1='PATPAINT' then begin DrawStyle := dsROP; dsROPMode := cmPatPaint; Exit; end else if s1='SRCAND' then begin DrawStyle := dsROP; dsROPMode := cmSrcAnd; Exit; end else if s1='SRCCOPY' then begin DrawStyle := dsROP; dsROPMode := cmSrcCopy; Exit; end else if s1='SRCERASE' then begin DrawStyle := dsROP; dsROPMode := cmSrcErase; Exit; end else if s1='SRCINVERT' then begin DrawStyle := dsROP; dsROPMode := cmSrcInvert; Exit; end else if s1='SRCPAINT' then begin DrawStyle := dsROP; dsROPMode := cmSrcPaint; Exit; end else if s1='WHITENESS' then begin DrawStyle := dsROP; dsROPMode := cmWhiteness; Exit; end else if s1='TRANSPARENT_0' then begin Transparent := False; Exit; end else if s1='TRANSPARENT_1' then begin Transparent := True; Exit; end else if s1='TRANSCOLOR' then begin r := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(2, S, [' '])); g := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(3, S, [' '])); b := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(4, S, [' '])); TransColor := RGB(r, g, b); Exit; end else if s1='MIRRORLEFTRIGHT_0' then begin MirrorLeftRight := False; Exit; end else if s1='MIRRORLEFTRIGHT_1' then begin MirrorLeftRight := True; Exit; end else if s1='MIRRORUPDOWN_0' then begin MirrorUpDown := False; Exit; end else if s1='MIRRORUPDOWN_1' then begin MirrorUpDown := True; Exit; end else if main.Plugins.IsPlugin(index, s1) then begin DrawStyle := dsPlugin; iPlugin := index; iPluginArgs := Copy(S, Length(s1)+2, 255); Exit; end else if pshostunit.IsFilter(s1) then begin DrawStyle := dsFilter; iFilter := s1; iFilterArgs := Copy(S, Length(s1)+2, 255); Exit; end; GetFrames(S); if (f1=nil) or (f2=nil) then Exit; if (f1.d1=nil) or (f2.d1=nil) then Exit; if (f1.ParentWindow>0) and not IsWindow(f1.ParentWindow) then Exit; if (f2.ParentWindow>0) and not IsWindow(f2.ParentWindow) then Exit; if f1 is TFsBrowser then begin (f1 as TFsBrowser).CopyToSurface; end; case SourceType of rtAll: begin sx1 := 0; sy1 := 0; sx2 := f1.d1.Surface.Width; sy2 := f1.d1.Surface.Height; end; rtRandom: begin sx1 := Random(f1.d1.Surface.Width); sx2 := Random(f1.d1.Surface.Width); sy1 := Random(f1.d1.Surface.Height); sy2 := Random(f1.d1.Surface.Height); end; rtSpecific: begin sx1 := SourceRect.Left; sy1 := SourceRect.Top; sx2 := SourceRect.Right; sy2 := SourceRect.Bottom; end; end; case DestType of rtAll: begin dx1 := 0; dy1 := 0; dx2 := f2.d1.Surface.Width; dy2 := f2.d1.Surface.Height; end; rtRandom: begin dx1 := Random(f2.d1.Surface.Width); dx2 := Random(f2.d1.Surface.Width); dy1 := Random(f2.d1.Surface.Height); dy2 := Random(f2.d1.Surface.Height); end; rtSpecific: begin dx1 := DestRect.Left; dy1 := DestRect.Top; dx2 := DestRect.Right; dy2 := DestRect.Bottom; end; end; if sx2f1.d1.Surface.Width then sx2:=f1.d1.Surface.Width; if sy2>f1.d1.Surface.Height then sy2:=f1.d1.Surface.Height; if dx1<0 then dx1:=0; if dy1<0 then dy1:=0; if dx2>f2.d1.Surface.Width then dx2:=f1.d1.Surface.Width; if dy2>f2.d1.Surface.Height then dy2:=f2.d1.Surface.Height; case DrawStyle of dsCopy: begin ddck.dwColorSpaceLowValue := TransColor; ddck.dwColorSpaceHighValue := TransColor; DF.dwsize := SizeOf(DF); DF.dwROP := cmSrcCopy; DF.dwDDFX := 0; DF.ddckSrcColorkey := ddck; DF.ddckDestColorkey := ddck; bltFlags := DDBLT_DDFX; if Transparent then bltFlags := bltFlags or DDBLT_KEYSRCOVERRIDE;//OVERRIDE; if MirrorLeftRight then DF.dwDDFX := DF.dwDDFX or DDBLTFX_MIRRORLEFTRIGHT; if MirrorUpDown then DF.dwDDFX := DF.dwDDFX or DDBLTFX_MIRRORUPDOWN; if not f2.d1.Surface.Blt( Rect(dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2), Rect(sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2), bltFlags or {DDBLT_ROP or} DDBLT_WAIT, DF, f1.d1.Surface ) then main.Post(Self.Name+': blt failed.') else f2.FlipRequest; end; dsROP: begin StretchBlt(f2.d1.Surface.Canvas.Handle, dx1, dy1, dx2-dx1, dy2-dy1, f1.d1.Surface.Canvas.Handle, sx1, sy1, sx2-sx1, sy2-sy1, dsROPMode); f1.d1.Surface.Canvas.Release; f2.d1.Surface.Canvas.Release; f2.FlipRequest; end; dsAlpha: begin f2.d1.Surface.DrawAlpha( Rect(dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2), Rect(sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2), f1.d1.Surface, False, iAlpha); f2.FlipRequest; end; dsAdd: begin f2.d1.Surface.DrawAdd( Rect(dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2), Rect(sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2), f1.d1.Surface, False, iAdd); f2.FlipRequest; end; dsSub: begin f2.d1.Surface.DrawSub( Rect(dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2), Rect(sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2), f1.d1.Surface, False, iSub); f2.FlipRequest; end; dsBlend: begin blend(f1.d1.Surface, f2.d1.Surface, iBlend); f2.FlipRequest; end; dsPlugin: begin if main.Plugins.CallCopy(f1.d1.Surface, f2.d1.Surface, iPlugin, iPluginArgs) then begin f1.FlipRequest; f2.FlipRequest; end; end; dsFilter: begin if pshostunit.Filter_copy(Self.copypsh, f1.d1.Surface, f2.d1.Surface, iFilter, iFilterArgs) then begin f1.FlipRequest; f2.FlipRequest; end; end; end; end; procedure Tfscopy.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin f1 := nil; f2 := nil; DrawStyle := dsCopy; SourceType := rtAll; DestType := rtAll; iAlpha := 50; iAdd := 255; iSub := 255; Transparent := False; TransColor := 0; MirrorLeftRight := False; MirrorUpDown := False; end; end.