{ Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Juha Vehviläinen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.} unit fsframeunit; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Menus, Jpeg, DXDraws, FastDIB, fsDcAvi, fsformunit, ExtCtrls, DIB, Filez, ExtDlgs, C2PhotoShopHost, Buttons, StdCtrls; type TFastDIBList = TList; Tfsframe = class(TFsForm) d1: TDXDraw; PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu; Mi11: TMenuItem; Mi12: TMenuItem; MiMute: TMenuItem; dDib: TDXDIB; MiBorders: TMenuItem; MiStayOnTop: TMenuItem; dirBuffer: TScanDir; PanelMute: TPanel; MiMouseTrack: TMenuItem; MiBufferImages: TMenuItem; opd1: TOpenPictureDialog; MiSaveFrame: TMenuItem; Mi176x144: TMenuItem; MiHideCursor: TMenuItem; framepsh: TC2PhotoShopHost; MiUndock: TMenuItem; svd1: TSaveDialog; dirUse: TScanDir; LabelFoo: TLabel; procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure Mi11Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Mi12Click(Sender: TObject); procedure MiMuteClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure MiBordersClick(Sender: TObject); procedure MiStayOnTopClick(Sender: TObject); procedure dirBufferHandleFile(const SearchRec: TSearchRec; const FullPath: String); procedure d1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure d1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure d1MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure MiMouseTrackClick(Sender: TObject); procedure MiBufferImagesClick(Sender: TObject); procedure PopupMenu1Popup(Sender: TObject); procedure MiSaveFrameClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Mi176x144Click(Sender: TObject); procedure MiHideCursorClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormMouseWheel(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean); procedure MiUndockClick(Sender: TObject); procedure dirUseHandleFile(const SearchRec: TSearchRec; const FullPath: String); protected fx1, fx2: TFastDIB; private { Private declarations } AutoFlip, Smooth: Boolean; picBuf: TFastDIBList; picIndex: Integer; AutoSend: Boolean; AutoSend_Address: String; AutoSend_jpegqualitynet: Integer; AutoSend_sendjpg: Boolean; MouseTrack: Boolean; // report mouse x y MouseRect: Boolean; // report dragged rectangle FHideCursor: Boolean; // hide cursor in this frame jpgquality: Integer; jpegqualitynet: Integer; prevtop: Integer; prevmute: Boolean; filelist: TStringList; filelistIndex: Integer; procedure ClearPicBuf; procedure StayOnTop(const Yes: Boolean); function Getnextfilename(const dir, ext: String): String; procedure _prefx; procedure _postfx(const f: TFastDIB); procedure _postavi; procedure SendMouseTrack(const X, Y: Integer); procedure SendMouseRect(const x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer); function GetDocked: Boolean; procedure SetHideCursor(const Value: Boolean); procedure NewButton(const receivename: String; const x, y: Integer; const buttoncaption: String); public { Public declarations } avi: TDcAviPlayer; NameTag: String; procedure Borders(const Yes: Boolean); procedure Parse(const S: String); override; procedure FlipRequest; procedure AutoSendRequest; procedure HandleDroppedFile(const S: String); property Docked: Boolean read GetDocked; property HideCursor: Boolean read FHideCursor write SetHideCursor; end; var fsframe: Tfsframe; function FindFrame(const S: String): TFsFrame; implementation {$R *.DFM} uses ShellApi, FastFX, FastFiles, mainunit, effectsunit, fsspeedbutton, Strz, FileCtrl, pshostunit; function FindFrame(const S: String): TFsFrame; begin Result := TFsFrame(main.FindComponent(main.CompName(S))); end; { Tfsframe } procedure Tfsframe._prefx; begin dDib.DIB.Assign( d1.Surface ); fx1.LoadFromHandle( dDib.DIB.Handle ); end; procedure Tfsframe._postfx(const f: TFastDIB); begin f.Draw(d1.Surface.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0); d1.Surface.Canvas.Release; FlipRequest; end; procedure Tfsframe._postavi; begin d1.SetSize(avi.Width, avi.Height); avi.DrawFrameToDC(d1.Surface.Canvas.Handle); d1.Surface.Canvas.Release; FlipRequest; end; procedure Tfsframe.Parse(const S: String); var fs, s1, Ext: String; i, o, u, x, y: Integer; fpic: TFastDIB; savejpg, sendjpg: Boolean; R: TRect; begin if S='' then Exit; if (ParentWindow>0) and not IsWindow(ParentWindow) then Exit; s1 := UpperCase(ExtractWord(1, S, [' '])); Ext := UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(S)); if s1='SAVE' then begin // SAVE <"bmp" or number for jpeg quality> s1 := ExtractWord(2, S, [' ']); if s1='' then Exit; savejpg := True; if WordCount(S, [' '])>2 then begin Ext := UpperCase(ExtractWord(3, S, [' '])); if Ext='BMP' then savejpg := False else begin i := StrToInt(Ext); if i>0 then jpgquality := i; end; end; if not DirectoryExists(s1) then begin main.Post('Save: Directory '+s1+' doesn''t exist.'); Exit; end; if savejpg then Ext:='.jpg' else Ext:='.bmp'; fs := Getnextfilename(s1, Ext); _prefx; if savejpg then SaveJPGFile(fx1, s1+'\'+fs, jpgquality) else fx1.SaveToFile(s1+'\'+fs); end; if (s1='BUFFER') or (Ext='.JPG') or (Ext='.BMP') then begin fs := S; if UpperCase(ExtractWord(1, fs, [' ']))<>'BUFFER' then begin if main.FileExistsInSearchPath(fs) then begin d1.Surface.LoadFromFile(fs); FlipRequest; end else main.Post('Failed opening '+fs); end else begin fs := Copy(fs, 8, 255); if main.FileExistsInSearchPath(fs) then begin main.Post('buffering '+fs); fpic := TFastDIB.Create; fpic.Bpp := 16; if Ext='.JPG' then LoadJPGFile(fpic, fs, True) else if Ext='.BMP' then fpic.LoadFromFile(fs); picBuf.Add(fpic); end else if DirectoryExists(fs) then begin main.Post('buffering directory '+fs); dirBuffer.Scan(fs); end else main.Post('Failed opening '+fs); end; end else if s1='FLIP_MANUAL' then begin AutoFlip := False; end else if s1='FLIP_AUTO' then begin AutoFlip := True; end else if s1='FLIP' then begin d1.Flip; AutoSendRequest; end else if s1='NEXT' then begin if picBuf.Count=0 then begin if filelist.Count=0 then begin if avi.Open then begin if avi.Position=avi.FrameCount-1 then avi.Seek(0) else avi.Seek(avi.Position+1); _postavi; end; Exit; end; Inc(filelistIndex); if filelistIndex>=filelist.Count then filelistIndex := 0; Parse(filelist.Strings[filelistIndex]); Exit; end; Inc(picIndex); if picIndex>=picBuf.Count then picIndex := 0; fpic := picBuf[picIndex]; d1.Surface.SetSize(fpic.Width, fpic.Height); _postfx(fpic); end else if s1='PREV' then begin if picBuf.Count=0 then begin if filelist.Count=0 then begin // avi if avi.Open then begin if avi.Position=0 then avi.Seek(avi.FrameCount-1) else avi.Seek(avi.Position-1); _postavi; end; Exit; end; // filelist Dec(filelistIndex); if filelistIndex<0 then filelistIndex := filelist.Count-1; Parse(filelist.Strings[filelistIndex]); Exit; end; // picbuf Dec(picIndex); if picIndex<0 then picIndex := PicBuf.Count-1; fpic := picBuf[picIndex]; d1.Surface.SetSize(fpic.Width, fpic.Height); _postfx(fpic); end else if s1='SEEK' then begin s1 := ExtractWord(2, S, [' ']); if s1='' then Exit; if picBuf.Count=0 then begin if filelist.Count=0 then begin if avi.Open then begin if s1[Length(s1)]='*' then i := Trunc(MyStrToFloat(Copy(s1, 1, Length(s1)-1))*avi.FrameCount-1) else i := MyStrToInt(s1); avi.Seek(i); _postavi; end; Exit; end; if s1[Length(s1)]='*' then i := Trunc(MyStrToFloat(Copy(s1, 1, Length(s1)-1))*filelist.Count-1) else i := MyStrToInt(s1); if (i>=0) and (i=0) and (i0 then begin x := MyStrToInt(Trim(ExtractWord(1, s1, ['X']))); y := MyStrToInt(Trim(ExtractWord(2, s1, ['X']))); d1.Surface.SetSize(x, y); d1.Initialize; ClientWidth := x; ClientHeight := y; end else if Pos('+', s1)>0 then begin x := MyStrToInt(Trim(ExtractWord(1, s1, ['+']))); y := MyStrToInt(Trim(ExtractWord(2, s1, ['+']))); Left := x; Top := y; end else Exit; end else if s1='DISPLAY' then begin s1 := UpperCase(Trim(Copy(S, 8, 255))); x := MyStrToInt(Trim(ExtractWord(1, s1, ['X']))); y := MyStrToInt(Trim(ExtractWord(2, s1, ['X']))); if (x>0) and (y>0) then begin ClientWidth := x; ClientHeight := y; end; end else if s1='BORDERS_0' then begin Borders(False); end else if s1='BORDERS_1' then begin Borders(True); end else if s1='STAYONTOP_1' then begin StayOnTop(True); end else if s1='STAYONTOP_0' then begin StayOnTop(False); end else if s1='MUTE_0' then begin MiMute.Checked := True; MiMute.Click; end else if s1='MUTE_1' then begin MiMute.Checked := False; MiMute.Click; end else // FastLib effects if s1='MOSAIC' then begin i := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(2, S, [' '])); if i=0 then i:=6; _prefx; FastFX.Mosaic(fx1, i, i); _postfx(fx1); end else if s1='SMOOTH_0' then begin Smooth := False; end else if s1='SMOOTH_1' then begin Smooth := True; end else if s1='ROTATE' then begin i := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(2, S, [' '])); if i=0 then Exit; _prefx; fx2.SetSize(fx1.Width, fx1.Height, fx1.Bpp); fx2.Clear(IntToColor(0)); FastFX.Rotate(fx1, fx2, i, Smooth); _postfx(fx2); end else if s1='ROTOZOOM' then begin i := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(2, S, [' '])); o := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(3, S, [' '])); if (i=0) and (o=0) then Exit; _prefx; fx2.SetSize(fx1.Width, fx1.Height, fx1.Bpp); fx2.Clear(IntToColor(0)); FastFX.Rotozoom(fx1, fx2, i, o, Smooth); _postfx(fx2); end else if s1='SATURATION' then begin i := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(2, S, [' '])); _prefx; FastFX.Saturation(fx1, i); _postfx(fx1); end else if s1='INVERT' then begin _prefx; FastFX.Invert(fx1); _postfx(fx1); end else if s1='SOFT' then begin _prefx; FastFX.QuickSoft(fx1); _postfx(fx1); end else if s1='SHARP' then begin _prefx; FastFX.QuickSharp(fx1); _postfx(fx1); end else if s1='EMBOSS' then begin _prefx; FastFX.QuickEmboss(fx1); _postfx(fx1); end else if s1='ADDITION' then begin i := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(2, S, [' '])); o := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(3, S, [' '])); u := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(4, S, [' '])); if (i=0) and (o=0) and (u=0) then Exit; _prefx; FastFX.Addition(fx1, i, o, u); _postfx(fx1); end else if s1='GAMMA' then begin i := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(2, S, [' '])); o := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(3, S, [' '])); u := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(4, S, [' '])); if (i=0) and (o=0) and (u=0) then Exit; _prefx; FastFX.Gamma(fx1, i, o, u); _postfx(fx1); end else if s1='CONTRAST' then begin i := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(2, S, [' '])); o := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(3, S, [' '])); u := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(4, S, [' '])); if (i=0) and (o=0) and (u=0) then Exit; _prefx; FastFX.Contrast(fx1, i, o, u); _postfx(fx1); end else if s1='LIGHTNESS' then begin i := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(2, S, [' '])); o := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(3, S, [' '])); u := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(4, S, [' '])); if (i=0) and (o=0) and (u=0) then Exit; _prefx; FastFX.Lightness(fx1, i, o, u); _postfx(fx1); end else if s1='SCRAMBLE' then begin scramble(d1.Surface); FlipRequest; end else if s1='CONNECT' then begin i:=WordCount(S, [' ']); if i<3 then begin main.Post('Usage: Connect '); Exit; end; s1:=ExtractWord(2, S, [' ']); i := MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(3, S, [' '])); if i<=0 then Exit; if (main.csfs.Host<>s1) or (main.csfs.Port<>i) then begin if main.csfs.Active then main.csfs.Active:=False; main.csfs.Host:=s1; main.csfs.Port:=i; end; main.csfs.Open; end else if s1='DISCONNECT' then begin main.csfs.Close; end else if (s1='SEND') or (s1='SEND_AUTO') then begin i:=WordCount(S, [' ']); if i<2 then begin main.Post('Usage: Send ["pure" for uncompressed or jpeg quality (default=80)]'); main.Post('Use "receive " to set receiving fs.frame on the other end.'); Exit; end; sendjpg := True; if i>2 then begin Ext := UpperCase(ExtractWord(3, S, [' '])); if Ext='PURE' then sendjpg := False else begin jpegqualitynet := MyStrToInt(Ext); if jpegqualitynet<=0 then jpegqualitynet:=80; end; end; if sendjpg then _prefx; main.SendFrame(Self, ExtractWord(2, S, [' ']), fx1, jpegqualitynet, sendjpg); if s1='SEND_AUTO' then begin AutoSend := True; AutoSend_Address := ExtractWord(2, S, [' ']); AutoSend_jpegqualitynet := jpegqualitynet; AutoSend_sendjpg := sendjpg; end; end else if s1='SEND_MANUAL' then begin AutoSend := False; end else if s1='RECEIVE' then begin Self.NameTag := ExtractWord(2, S, [' ']); end else if s1='MOUSETRACK_1' then begin MouseTrack := True; MiMouseTrack.Checked := True; end else if s1='MOUSETRACK_0' then begin MouseTrack := False; MiMouseTrack.Checked := False; end else if s1='MOUSERECT_1' then begin MouseRect := True; end else if s1='MOUSERECT_0' then begin MouseRect := False; end else if s1='HIDECURSOR_1' then begin MiHideCursor.Checked := True; HideCursor := True; end else if s1='HIDECURSOR_0' then begin MiHideCursor.Checked := False; HideCursor := False; end else if s1='DOCK' then begin DockTitle := Copy(S, Length(s1)+2, 255); DockHandle:=0; EnumWindows(@mainunit.WinEnumerator_SubStr, 0); if DockHandle>0 then begin if MiBorders.Checked then MiBorders.Click; if GetWindowRect(DockHandle, R) then begin d1.Hide; WindowState := wsNormal; ParentWindow := 0; Parent := nil; ParentWindow := DockHandle; Left := 0; Top := 0; d1.Show; d1.Initialize; BringToFront; DragAcceptFiles(Handle, True); end; end; end else if s1='SHOW' then begin Self.Top := prevtop; if not prevmute and MiMute.Checked then MiMute.Click; end else if s1='HIDE' then begin // ugly, but. prevtop := Self.Top; Self.Top := Screen.Height; prevmute := MiMute.Checked; if not prevmute then MiMute.Click; end else if s1='BUFFERIZE' then begin _prefx; fpic := TFastDIB.Create; fpic.LoadFromHandle(fx1.Handle); picBuf.Add(fpic); end else if s1='MAXIMIZE' then begin WindowState := wsMaximized; end else if s1='MINIMIZE' then begin WindowState := wsMinimized; end else if s1='BRINGTOFRONT' then begin BringToFront; end else if s1='USE' then begin // use directory s1 := Copy(S, Length(s1)+2, 255); if DirectoryExists(s1) then begin i := filelist.Count; dirUse.Scan(s1); main.Post('Using '+IntToStr(filelist.Count-i)+' images from '+s1+', total of '+IntToStr(filelist.Count)); end else main.Post('nonexistent directory: '+s1); end else if s1='BUTTON' then begin s1 := Copy(S, Length(s1)+2, 255); if WordCount(s1, [' '])<>4 then Exit; NewButton(ExtractWord(1, s1, [' ']), // receive name MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(2, s1, [' '])), // x MyStrToInt(ExtractWord(3, s1, [' '])), // y ExtractWord(4, s1, [' ']) // caption ); end else if s1='TITLE' then begin s1 := Copy(S, Length(s1)+2, 255); Caption := s1; end else if False{your new effect here} then begin end else if main.Plugins.IsPlugin(i, s1) then begin if main.Plugins.CallEffect(d1.Surface, i, Copy(S, Length(s1)+2, 255)) then FlipRequest; end else if pshostunit.IsFilter(s1) then begin pshostunit.Filter_effect(framepsh, d1.Surface, s1, Copy(S, Length(s1)+2, 255)); FlipRequest; end else end; procedure Tfsframe.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin Action := caFree; end; procedure Tfsframe.Mi11Click(Sender: TObject); begin ClientWidth := d1.Surface.Width; ClientHeight := d1.Surface.Height; end; procedure Tfsframe.Mi12Click(Sender: TObject); begin ClientWidth := d1.Surface.Width * 2; ClientHeight := d1.Surface.Height * 2; end; procedure Tfsframe.MiMuteClick(Sender: TObject); begin MiMute.Checked := not MiMute.Checked; d1.Visible := not MiMute.Checked; end; procedure Tfsframe.ClearPicBuf; var f: TFastDIB; i: Integer; begin if picBuf.Count=0 then Exit; for i:=picBuf.Count-1 downto 0 do begin f := picBuf[i]; f.Free; picBuf.Delete(i); end; end; procedure Tfsframe.FlipRequest; begin if AutoFlip then begin d1.Flip; AutoSendRequest; end; end; procedure Tfsframe.AutoSendRequest; begin if AutoSend and main.csfs.Active then begin if AutoSend_sendjpg then _prefx; main.SendFrame(Self, AutoSend_address, fx1, AutoSend_jpegqualitynet, AutoSend_sendjpg); end; end; procedure Tfsframe.Borders(const Yes: Boolean); begin _prefx; d1.Hide; if Yes and (ParentWindow=0) then BorderStyle := bsSizeable else BorderStyle := bsNone; d1.Show; d1.Initialize; _postfx(fx1); MiBorders.Checked := Yes; DragAcceptFiles(Handle, True); end; procedure Tfsframe.StayOnTop(const Yes: Boolean); begin _prefx; d1.Hide; if Yes and (ParentWindow=0) then FormStyle := fsStayOnTop else FormStyle := fsNormal; d1.Show; d1.Initialize; _postfx(fx1); MiStayOnTop.Checked := Yes; DragAcceptFiles(Handle, True); end; procedure Tfsframe.MiBordersClick(Sender: TObject); begin if Docked then Exit; MiBorders.Checked := not MiBorders.Checked; Borders(MiBorders.Checked); end; procedure Tfsframe.MiStayOnTopClick(Sender: TObject); begin if Docked then Exit; MiStayOnTop.Checked := not MiStayOnTop.Checked; StayOnTop(MiStayOnTop.Checked); end; procedure Tfsframe.dirBufferHandleFile(const SearchRec: TSearchRec; const FullPath: String); var S: String; begin S := UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(FullPath)); if (S='.BMP') or (S='.JPG') then Parse('BUFFER '+FullPath); end; procedure Tfsframe.dirUseHandleFile(const SearchRec: TSearchRec; const FullPath: String); var S: String; begin S := UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(FullPath)); if (S='.BMP') or (S='.JPG') then filelist.Add(FullPath); end; function Tfsframe.Getnextfilename(const dir, ext: String): String; const pref = 'fs'; last: Integer = 0; predir: string = ''; var S: String; begin if dir<>predir then last := 0; repeat Inc(last); S := pref + IntToStr(last); while Length(S)<8 do Insert('0', S, 3); S := S+ext; until not FileExists(S); Result := S; predir := dir; end; procedure Tfsframe.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin ClientWidth := 176; ClientHeight := 144; d1.SetSize( ClientWidth, ClientHeight ); d1.Initialize; with d1.Surface.Canvas do begin Pen.Color := clWhite; Brush.Color := clWhite; Font.Color := clWhite; end; d1.Surface.Canvas.Release; AutoFlip := True; AutoSend := False; Smooth := True; avi := TDcAviPlayer.Create(Self); avi.Parent := Self; avi.Visible := False; avi.Transparent := False; avi.Stretch := False; avi.PlaySound := False; fx1 := TFastDIB.Create; fx2 := TFastDIB.Create; picBuf := TFastDIBList.Create; picIndex := -1; MouseTrack := False; MouseRect := False; HideCursor := False; jpgquality := 85; jpegqualitynet := 80; prevtop := 0; prevmute := False; filelist := TStringList.Create; filelistIndex := -1; DragAcceptFiles(Handle, True); end; procedure Tfsframe.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin avi.Free; fx1.Free; fx2.Free; ClearPicBuf; picBuf.Free; filelist.Free; end; var LeftDown: Boolean; OrgX, OrgY: Integer; procedure Tfsframe.d1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin case Button of mbLeft: begin LeftDown := True; main.SendReturnValues(PdName+'mousedown=1'); if MouseTrack and not MouseRect and not (ssAlt in Shift) then SendMouseTrack(X, Y) else begin OrgX := X; OrgY := Y; end; end; end; end; procedure Tfsframe.d1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if LeftDown then begin if MouseTrack and not (ssAlt in Shift) then begin if not MouseRect then SendMouseTrack(X, Y) else SendMouseRect(OrgX, OrgY, X, Y); end else begin Left := Left + (X-OrgX); Top := Top + (Y-OrgY); end; end; end; procedure Tfsframe.d1MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin case Button of mbLeft: begin LeftDown:=False; (* these values were sent at "mousemove" if MouseRect then SendMouseRect(OrgX, OrgY, X, Y);*) main.SendReturnValues(PdName+'mouseup=1'); if not MouseTrack or (ssAlt in Shift) then begin // main.Post('moved to '+ // IntToStr(Left)+'+'+ // IntToStr(Top) // ); main.SendReturnValues( PdName+'winy='+IntToStr(Top)+';'+ PdName+'winx='+IntToStr(Left) ); end; end; end; end; procedure Tfsframe.SendMouseTrack(const X, Y: Integer); var a, b: Integer; begin a := X; b := Y; // handle aspect ratios different from 1:1 if d1.Surface.Width<>d1.Width then a := Trunc((d1.Surface.Width / d1.Width) * X); if d1.Surface.Height<>d1.Height then b := Trunc((d1.Surface.Height / d1.Height) * Y); main.SendReturnValues( PdName+'y='+IntToStr(b)+';'+ PdName+'x='+IntToStr(a) ); end; procedure Tfsframe.SendMouseRect(const x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer); var a, b, c, d: Integer; begin a := x1; b := y1; c := x2; d := y2; // handle aspect ratios different from 1:1 if d1.Surface.Width<>d1.Width then a := Trunc((d1.Surface.Width / d1.Width) * x1); if d1.Surface.Height<>d1.Height then b := Trunc((d1.Surface.Height / d1.Height) * y1); if d1.Surface.Width<>d1.Width then c := Trunc((d1.Surface.Width / d1.Width) * x2); if d1.Surface.Height<>d1.Height then d := Trunc((d1.Surface.Height / d1.Height) * y2); main.SendReturnValues( PdName+'y2='+IntToStr(d)+';'+ PdName+'x2='+IntToStr(c)+';'+ PdName+'y1='+IntToStr(b)+';'+ PdName+'x1='+IntToStr(a) ); end; procedure Tfsframe.MiMouseTrackClick(Sender: TObject); begin MouseTrack := not MouseTrack; MiMouseTrack.Checked := MouseTrack; end; procedure Tfsframe.HandleDroppedFile(const S: String); begin Parse(S); main.SendReturnValues(PdName+'bang=1'); // send string as a series of ascii.. main.SendReturnValuesString(PDName+'file', S); end; procedure Tfsframe.MiBufferImagesClick(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; s: String; begin if opd1.Execute then begin if opd1.Files.Count>0 then for i:=0 to opd1.Files.Count-1 do begin if '.AVI'<>UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(opd1.files[i])) then s := 'BUFFER ' else s := ''; Parse(s+opd1.files[i]); end; // tee uusi canvas jossa valitut failit.... end; { #N canvas 0 0 700 300 12; #X obj 23 17 inlet; #X obj 15 45 outlet; #X msg 71 17 buffer file1.bmp \, buffer file2.bmp \, buffer file3.bmp; #X connect 0 0 2 0; #X connect 2 0 1 0; } end; function Tfsframe.GetDocked: Boolean; begin Result := ParentWindow<>0; end; procedure Tfsframe.PopupMenu1Popup(Sender: TObject); begin MiBorders.Enabled := not Docked; MiStayOnTop.Enabled := not Docked; MiUndock.Enabled := Docked; end; procedure Tfsframe.MiSaveFrameClick(Sender: TObject); var S: String; begin if svd1.Execute then begin S := svd1.Filename; if Uppercase(ExtractFileExt(S))<>'.BMP' then S := S+'.bmp'; _prefx; fx1.SaveToFile(S); end; { _prefx; if savejpg then SaveJPGFile(fx1, s1+'\'+fs, jpgquality) else fx1.SaveToFile(s1+'\'+fs); } end; procedure Tfsframe.Mi176x144Click(Sender: TObject); begin Parse('display 176x144'); end; procedure Tfsframe.SetHideCursor(const Value: Boolean); begin FHideCursor := Value; if Value then d1.Cursor := crNone else d1.Cursor := crDefault; end; procedure Tfsframe.MiHideCursorClick(Sender: TObject); begin MiHideCursor.Checked := not MiHideCursor.Checked; HideCursor := MiHideCursor.Checked; end; procedure Tfsframe.FormMouseWheel(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean); var asp: Extended; begin if WheelDelta>0 then begin ClientWidth := Trunc(ClientWidth * (WheelDelta / 100)); if not (ssShift in Shift) then ClientHeight := Trunc(ClientHeight * (WheelDelta / 100)); end else begin ClientWidth := Trunc(ClientWidth / Abs(WheelDelta / 100)); if not (ssShift in Shift) then ClientHeight := Trunc(ClientHeight / Abs(WheelDelta / 100)); end; // correct aspect ratio... if ssShift in Shift then begin asp := d1.Surface.Width / d1.Surface.Height; if asp>0 then ClientHeight := Trunc(ClientWidth / asp); end; end; procedure Tfsframe.MiUndockClick(Sender: TObject); begin ParentWindow := 0; Borders(True); end; procedure Tfsframe.NewButton(const receivename: String; const x, y: Integer; const buttoncaption: String); var p: TPanel; b: TFSSpeedButton; begin p := TPanel.Create(Self); b := TFSSpeedButton.Create(Self); b.Width := LabelFoo.Canvas.TextWidth(buttoncaption)+12; b.Height := 18; b.Parent := p; b.Left := 0; b.Top := 0; b.Flat := True; b.Caption := buttoncaption; b.Receivename := receivename; p.AutoSize := True; p.Left := x; p.Top := y; p.BevelOuter := bvNone; p.Parent := d1; end; end.