OSC, OpenSoundControl for pd ============================ for more information on OSC see: http://cnmat.cnmat.berkeley.edu/OSC for more information on pure-data: http://lena.ucsd.edu/~msp/ and http://www.google.com/search?q=pure-data log: 20050830: v0.3: (piotr@majdak.com) adapted to compile on Windows2000 dumpOSC routes up to 128 branches (tested with 24) sendOSC doesn't crash on longer messages (tested with one argument of 120 characters) sendOSC # of arguments limited by the length of the message (tested with 110 messages) tested on Windows 2000 ONLY! 20040409: changed build setup to suit externals build system single object objects, no lib 20030531: added OSCroute /* (route everything) hard-fix 20030527: added sending to broadcast address capability to htmsocket 20020908: 0.16-4: added non-match / unmatched outlet to OSCroute updated doc/OSCroute-help.pd including a new chapter about patternmatching. 20020901: ca., refixed MAXPDARG vs. MAX_ARGS, causing crash when sending messages with more than 4 arguments 20020417: 0.16-2: more changes by raf + jdl (send with no argument fix, send / fix, ...) 20020416: added bundle stuff to sendOSC 200204: 0.15b1: windowified version and implied linux enhancements by raf@interaccess.com for now get it at most importantly: enhanced connect->disconnect-connect behaviour (the win modifications to libOSC are still missing in _this_ package but coming ..) 200203: 0-0.1b1: all the rest ost_at_test.at + i22_at_test.at, 2000-2002 modified to compile as pd externel INSTALL: (linux) tar zxvf OSCx.tgz cd OSCx cat README cd libOSC && make cd ../OSC && "adjust makefile" && make OSC && make install cd ../.. pd -lib OSC OSCx/doc/OSC-help.pd PITFALLS: make sure you compile libOSC before OSC objects maybe adjust include path so pd include files will be found (windo$) unzip and put .dll file in a pd-searched folder. TYPETAGS: supported and on by default. can be swtiched off with the "typetags 0" message and on with 1. TODO ==== -timetags: output timetag when receiving a bundle for scheduling -TCP mode -address space integration with pd patch/subpatch/receive hierarchy ? -pd object hierarchy extract and automatic address construction a la [/hostname]/pd/patchname/subpatch/test ? -dynamic space allocation for message buffers. changelog: 20020903: refixed MAXPDARG vs. MAX_ARGS bug causind sendOSC to crash with msgs longer than 5 argmuents. ? 20020305: -typetags in send and receive sendOSC by default now send typetagged msgs and dumOSC properly reads and outputs them. prior: -added OSCroute with source adapt from max object. -fixed shared htmsock bug -added sendtyped separately earlier and lost it again -- jdl at xdv.org http://barely.a.live.fm/pd/OSC http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/pure-data/externals/OSCx/ windows version: raf at interaccess.com, OSC protocol inventory for OSC4PD sendOSC, dumpOSC, OSCroute ========================== INCLUDES * typed and untyped packing of OSC messages * #bundle packing * transmission of OSC messages via UDP socket * receive OSC messages on UDP socket * unpacking of typed and untyped OSC messages * #bundle unpacking * static address resolution * pattern matching OMITS * working with timetags * all advanced protocol features of documentation, typesigs, etc * connection oriented communication