/* Written by Matt Wright, The Center for New Music and Audio Technologies, University of California, Berkeley. Copyright (c) 1996,97,98,99,2000,01,02,03 The Regents of the University of California (Regents). Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and distribute modified versions of this software and its documentation without fee and without a signed licensing agreement, is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice, this paragraph and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies, modifications, and distributions. IN NO EVENT SHALL REGENTS BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF REGENTS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. REGENTS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE AND ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION, IF ANY, PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS PROVIDED "AS IS". REGENTS HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. The OSC webpage is http://cnmat.cnmat.berkeley.edu/OpenSoundControl */ /* sendOSC.c Matt Wright, 6/3/97 based on sendOSC.c, which was based on a version by Adrian Freed Text-based OpenSoundControl client. User can enter messages via command line arguments or standard input. Version 0.1: "play" feature Version 0.2: Message type tags. pd version branched from http://www.cnmat.berkeley.edu/OpenSoundControl/src/sendOSC/sendOSC.c ------------- -- added bundle stuff to send. jdl 20020416 -- tweaks for Win32 www.zeggz.com/raf 13-April-2002 -- ost_at_test.at + i22_at_test.at, 2000-2002 modified to compile as pd externel --20060308 MP clear out some unused code and improve conversion from pd types to OSC types */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #define MAX_ARGS 2000 #define SC_BUFFER_SIZE 64000 #include "m_pd.h" #include "OSC-common.h" #include "OSC-client.h" #include "htmsocket.h" #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #else #include #include #include #include #include #endif /////////////////////// // from sendOSC typedef struct { enum {INT_osc, FLOAT_osc, STRING_osc, NOTYPE_osc} type; union { int i; float f; char *s; } datum; } typedArg; //static int exitStatus = 0; static int useTypeTags = 0; static char bufferForOSCbuf[SC_BUFFER_SIZE]; ///////// // end from sendOSC static t_class *sendOSC_class; typedef struct _sendOSC { t_object x_obj; int x_protocol; // UDP/TCP (udp only atm) t_int x_typetags; // typetag flag void *x_htmsocket; // sending socket int x_bundle; // bundle open flag OSCbuf x_oscbuf[1]; // OSCbuffer t_outlet *x_bdpthout;// bundle-depth floatoutlet } t_sendOSC; static void *sendOSC_new(t_floatarg udpflag); void sendOSC_openbundle(t_sendOSC *x); static void sendOSC_closebundle(t_sendOSC *x); static void sendOSC_settypetags(t_sendOSC *x, t_float *f); static void sendOSC_connect(t_sendOSC *x, t_symbol *hostname, t_floatarg fportno); void sendOSC_disconnect(t_sendOSC *x); static void sendOSC_sendtyped(t_sendOSC *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv); void sendOSC_send(t_sendOSC *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv); static void sendOSC_free(t_sendOSC *x); void sendOSC_setup(void); typedArg ParseAtom(t_atom *a); int WriteMessage(OSCbuf *buf, char *messageName, int numArgs, typedArg *args); void SendBuffer(void *htmsocket, OSCbuf *buf); void SendData(void *htmsocket, int size, char *data); static void *sendOSC_new(t_floatarg udpflag) { t_sendOSC *x = (t_sendOSC *)pd_new(sendOSC_class); outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float); x->x_htmsocket = 0; // {{raf}} // set udp x->x_protocol = SOCK_DGRAM; ////MP20060308// not SOCK_STREAM but we don't use it anyway... // set typetags to 1 by default x->x_typetags = 1; // bundle is closed x->x_bundle = 0; OSC_initBuffer(x->x_oscbuf, SC_BUFFER_SIZE, bufferForOSCbuf); x->x_bdpthout = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, 0); // outlet_float(); //x->x_oscbuf = return (x); } void sendOSC_openbundle(t_sendOSC *x) { if (x->x_oscbuf->bundleDepth + 1 >= MAX_BUNDLE_NESTING || OSC_openBundle(x->x_oscbuf, OSCTT_Immediately())) { error("Problem opening bundle: %s\n", OSC_errorMessage); return; } x->x_bundle = 1; outlet_float(x->x_bdpthout, (float)x->x_oscbuf->bundleDepth); } static void sendOSC_closebundle(t_sendOSC *x) { if (OSC_closeBundle(x->x_oscbuf)) { error("Problem closing bundle: %s\n", OSC_errorMessage); return; } outlet_float(x->x_bdpthout, (float)x->x_oscbuf->bundleDepth); // in bundle mode we send when bundle is closed? if(!OSC_isBufferEmpty(x->x_oscbuf) > 0 && OSC_isBufferDone(x->x_oscbuf)) { // post("x_oscbuf: something inside me?"); if (x->x_htmsocket) { SendBuffer(x->x_htmsocket, x->x_oscbuf); } else { post("sendOSC: not connected"); } OSC_initBuffer(x->x_oscbuf, SC_BUFFER_SIZE, bufferForOSCbuf); x->x_bundle = 0; return; } // post("x_oscbuf: something went wrong"); } static void sendOSC_settypetags(t_sendOSC *x, t_float *f) { x->x_typetags = (int)f; post("sendOSC.c: setting typetags %d",x->x_typetags); } static void sendOSC_connect(t_sendOSC *x, t_symbol *hostname, t_floatarg fportno) { int portno = fportno; char *protocolStr; /* create a socket */ // make sure handle is available if(x->x_htmsocket == 0) { x->x_htmsocket = OpenHTMSocket(hostname->s_name, portno); if (!x->x_htmsocket) post("sendOSC: Couldn't open socket: "); else { switch (x->x_protocol) { case SOCK_DGRAM: protocolStr = "UDP"; break; case SOCK_STREAM: protocolStr = "TCP"; break; default: protocolStr = "unknown"; break; } post("sendOSC: connected to port %s:%d (hSock=%d) protocol = %s", hostname->s_name, portno, x->x_htmsocket, protocolStr); outlet_float(x->x_obj.ob_outlet, 1); } } else perror("call to sendOSC_connect() against unavailable socket handle"); } void sendOSC_disconnect(t_sendOSC *x) { if (x->x_htmsocket) { post("sendOSC: disconnecting htmsock (hSock=%d)...", x->x_htmsocket); CloseHTMSocket(x->x_htmsocket); x->x_htmsocket = 0; // {{raf}} semi-quasi-semaphorize this outlet_float(x->x_obj.ob_outlet, 0); } else { perror("call to sendOSC_disconnect() against unused socket handle"); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // this is the real and only sending routine now, for both typed and // undtyped mode. static void sendOSC_sendtyped(t_sendOSC *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { char messageName[MAXPDSTRING]; // char *token; typedArg args[MAX_ARGS]; int i; messageName[0] = '\0'; // empty if(argc>MAX_ARGS) { post ("sendOSC: too many arguments! (max: %d)", MAX_ARGS); return; } // this sock needs to be larger than 0, not >= .. if (x->x_htmsocket > 0) { #ifdef DEBUG post ("sendOSC: type tags? %d", useTypeTags); #endif atom_string(&argv[0], messageName, MAXPDSTRING); // messageName = strtok(targv[0], ","); for (i = 0; i < argc-1; i++) { // token = strtok(targv[i],","); args[i] = ParseAtom(&argv[i+1]); #ifdef DEBUG switch (args[i].type) { case INT_osc: printf("cell-cont: %d\n", args[i].datum.i); break; case FLOAT_osc: printf("cell-cont: %f\n", args[i].datum.f); break; case STRING_osc: printf("cell-cont: %s\n", args[i].datum.s); break; case NOTYPE_osc: printf("unknown type\n"); break; } printf(" type-id: %d\n", args[i].type); #endif } if(WriteMessage(x->x_oscbuf, messageName, i, args)) { post("sendOSC: usage error, write-msg failed: %s", OSC_errorMessage); return; } if(!x->x_bundle) { SendBuffer(x->x_htmsocket, x->x_oscbuf); OSC_initBuffer(x->x_oscbuf, SC_BUFFER_SIZE, bufferForOSCbuf); } } else post("sendOSC: not connected"); } void sendOSC_send(t_sendOSC *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { if(!argc) { post("not sending empty message."); return; } if(x->x_typetags) { useTypeTags = 1; sendOSC_sendtyped(x,s,argc,argv); useTypeTags = 0; } else { sendOSC_sendtyped(x,s,argc,argv); } } static void sendOSC_free(t_sendOSC *x) { sendOSC_disconnect(x); } void sendOSC_setup(void) { sendOSC_class = class_new(gensym("sendOSC"), (t_newmethod)sendOSC_new, (t_method)sendOSC_free, sizeof(t_sendOSC), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(sendOSC_class, (t_method)sendOSC_connect, gensym("connect"), A_SYMBOL, A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(sendOSC_class, (t_method)sendOSC_disconnect, gensym("disconnect"), 0); class_addmethod(sendOSC_class, (t_method)sendOSC_settypetags, gensym("typetags"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(sendOSC_class, (t_method)sendOSC_send, gensym("send"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(sendOSC_class, (t_method)sendOSC_send, gensym("senduntyped"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(sendOSC_class, (t_method)sendOSC_send, gensym("sendtyped"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(sendOSC_class, (t_method)sendOSC_openbundle, gensym("["), 0, 0); class_addmethod(sendOSC_class, (t_method)sendOSC_closebundle, gensym("]"), 0, 0); class_sethelpsymbol(sendOSC_class, gensym("sendOSC-help.pd")); } /* Exit status codes: 0: successful 2: Message(s) dropped because of buffer overflow 3: Socket error 4: Usage error 5: Internal error */ typedArg ParseAtom(t_atom *a) { typedArg returnVal; t_float f; t_int i; t_symbol s; char buf[MAXPDSTRING]; atom_string(a, buf, MAXPDSTRING); #ifdef DEBUG post("sendOSC: atom type %d (%s)", a->a_type, buf); #endif /* It might be an int, a float, or a string */ switch (a->a_type) { case A_FLOAT: f = atom_getfloat(a); i = atom_getint(a); if (f == (t_float)i) { // assume that if the int and float are the same, it's an int returnVal.type = INT_osc; returnVal.datum.i = i; } else { returnVal.type = FLOAT_osc; returnVal.datum.f = f; } return returnVal; case A_SYMBOL: s = *atom_getsymbol(a); returnVal.type = STRING_osc; returnVal.datum.s = s.s_name; return returnVal; default: atom_string(a, buf, MAXPDSTRING); error("sendOSC: atom type %d not implemented (%s)", a->a_type, buf); returnVal.type = NOTYPE_osc; returnVal.datum.s = NULL; return returnVal; } } int WriteMessage(OSCbuf *buf, char *messageName, int numArgs, typedArg *args) { int j, returnVal; returnVal = 0; #ifdef DEBUG printf("WriteMessage: %s ", messageName); for (j = 0; j < numArgs; j++) { switch (args[j].type) { case INT_osc: printf("%d ", args[j].datum.i); break; case FLOAT_osc: printf("%f ", args[j].datum.f); break; case STRING_osc: printf("%s ", args[j].datum.s); break; default: error("Unrecognized arg type %d", args[j].type); break; } } printf("\n"); #endif if (!useTypeTags) { returnVal = OSC_writeAddress(buf, messageName); if (returnVal) { error("Problem writing address: %s\n", OSC_errorMessage); } } else { /* First figure out the type tags */ char typeTags[MAX_ARGS+2]; typeTags[0] = ','; for (j = 0; j < numArgs; ++j) { switch (args[j].type) { case INT_osc: typeTags[j+1] = 'i'; break; case FLOAT_osc: typeTags[j+1] = 'f'; break; case STRING_osc: typeTags[j+1] = 's'; break; default: error("sendOSC: arg %d type is unrecognized(%d)", j, args[j].type); break; } } typeTags[j+1] = '\0'; returnVal = OSC_writeAddressAndTypes(buf, messageName, typeTags); if (returnVal) { error("Problem writing address: %s\n", OSC_errorMessage); } } for (j = 0; j < numArgs; j++) { switch (args[j].type) { case INT_osc: if ((returnVal = OSC_writeIntArg(buf, args[j].datum.i)) != 0) { return returnVal; } break; case FLOAT_osc: if ((returnVal = OSC_writeFloatArg(buf, args[j].datum.f)) != 0) { return returnVal; } break; case STRING_osc: if ((returnVal = OSC_writeStringArg(buf, args[j].datum.s)) != 0) { return returnVal; } break; default: break; // just skip bad types (which we won't get anyway unless this code is buggy) } } return returnVal; } void SendBuffer(void *htmsocket, OSCbuf *buf) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Sending buffer...\n"); #endif if (OSC_isBufferEmpty(buf)) { post("SendBuffer() called but buffer empty"); return; } if (!OSC_isBufferDone(buf)) { fatal_error("SendBuffer() called but buffer not ready!, not exiting"); return; //{{raf}} } SendData(htmsocket, OSC_packetSize(buf), OSC_getPacket(buf)); } void SendData(void *htmsocket, int size, char *data) { if (!SendHTMSocket(htmsocket, size, data)) { post("SendData::SendHTMSocket()failure -- not connected"); CloseHTMSocket(htmsocket); } }