AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2005-07-25added licensesIOhannes m zmölnig
2005-07-25updated to version 0.3IOhannes m zmölnig
2005-07-25fixed a bug that didn't enumerate all connections when one sender was connect...IOhannes m zmölnig
2005-07-12a gui for aconnectIOhannes m zmölnig
2005-07-08hopefully this is the last checkin regarding the ACONNECT_VERSIONIOhannes m zmölnig
2005-07-08moved ACONNECT_VERSION from aconnect.c to configure.acIOhannes m zmölnig
2005-07-08added a version information (and immediately increased it to 0.2)IOhannes m zmölnig
2005-07-08fixed clean and install targetsIOhannes m zmölnig
2005-07-08initial checkin: a port of takashi iwai's "aconnect" to pure-datasvn2git-rootIOhannes m zmölnig