path: root/neural.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'neural.c')
1 files changed, 157 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/neural.c b/neural.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3f23523
--- /dev/null
+++ b/neural.c
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+#include "m_pd.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define MAX_LAYERS 3
+#define MAX_UNITS 3
+static t_class *mlp_class;
+typedef struct _mlp {
+ t_object x_obj;
+ int nr_inputunits;
+ int nr_hiddenunits;
+ int nr_outunits;
+ int nr_layers;
+ t_float weights[2][MAX_UNITS][MAX_UNITS];
+ t_float output[3][MAX_UNITS];
+ t_float bias[2][MAX_UNITS];
+ t_float input[MAX_UNITS];
+ t_float target[MAX_UNITS];
+ float eta;
+ t_outlet *out,*error_out;
+} t_mlp;
+void calculateOutput(t_mlp *x) {
+ int i,k,l;
+ for (k=0;k<x->nr_hiddenunits;k++) {
+ x->output[1][k] = x->bias[0][k];
+ for (l=0;l<x->nr_inputunits;l++) {
+ x->output[1][k] += x->output[0][l]*x->weights[0][l][k];
+ }
+ x->output[1][k] = 1.0/(1.0-exp(-x->output[1][k]));
+ }
+ for (k=0;k<x->nr_outunits;k++) {
+ x->output[2][k] = x->bias[1][k];
+ for (l=0;l<x->nr_hiddenunits;l++) {
+ x->output[2][k] += x->output[1][l]*x->weights[1][l][k];
+ }
+ x->output[2][k] = 1.0/(1.0-exp(-x->output[2][k]));
+ }
+void measureError(t_mlp *x) {
+//post("Measuring Error");
+int i,k,j;
+float Error = 0.0;
+float SumDOW[MAX_UNITS];
+float DeltaH[MAX_UNITS];
+float DeltaO[MAX_UNITS];
+float DeltaWeightIH[MAX_UNITS][MAX_UNITS];
+float DeltaWeightHO[MAX_UNITS][MAX_UNITS];
+ for(k=0 ;k<x->nr_outunits;k++) {
+ Error +=0.5*(x->target[k]-x->output[2][k])*(x->target[k]-x->output[2][k]);
+ DeltaO[k] = (x->target[k]-x->output[2][k]);//*x->output[2][k] * (1 - x->output[2][k]);
+ }
+ post("Target: %f Error: %f Delta: %f", x->target[0], Error, DeltaO[0]);
+ outlet_float(x->error_out, Error);
+ for(j=0;j<x->nr_hiddenunits;j++) { /* 'back-propagate' errors to hidden layer */
+ SumDOW[j] = 0.0 ;
+ for(k=0 ; k<=x->nr_outunits; k++ ) {
+ SumDOW[j] += x->weights[1][j][k]*DeltaO[k] ;
+ }
+ DeltaH[j] = SumDOW[j] * x->output[1][j]* (1.0 - x->output[1][j]);
+ }
+ for(j = 0 ;j<x->nr_hiddenunits; j++) { /* update weights WeightIH */
+ //DeltaWeightIH[0][j] = + x->alpha*DeltaWeightIH[0][j];
+ x->bias[0][j] += x->eta*DeltaH[j];
+ for(i = 0; i < x->nr_inputunits ; i++ ) {
+ DeltaWeightIH[i][j] = x->eta * x->output[0][i] * DeltaH[j];// + x->alpha * DeltaWeightIH[i][j];
+ x->weights[0][i][j] += DeltaWeightIH[i][j];
+ }
+ }
+ for( k = 0; k < x->nr_outunits; k++) { /* update weights WeightHO */
+ x->bias[1][k] += x->eta*DeltaO[k];
+// DeltaWeightHO[0][k] = x->eta * DeltaO[k] + x->alpha * DeltaWeightHO[0][k] ;
+// x->weights[1][0][k] += DeltaWeightHO[0][k];
+ for(j = 0; j < x->nr_hiddenunits; j++ ) {
+ DeltaWeightHO[j][k] = x->eta * x->output[1][j] * DeltaO[k];// + x->alpha * DeltaWeightHO[j][k] ;
+ x->weights[1][j][k] += DeltaWeightHO[j][k];
+ }
+void mlp_bang(t_mlp *x)
+ calculateOutput(x);
+ outlet_float(x->out, x->output[2][0]);
+void mlp_inputed(t_mlp *x,t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {
+int i;
+post("inputed called");
+for (i=0;i<argc;i++) {
+ if (i > x->nr_inputunits) break;
+ x->output[0][i] = atom_getfloat(&argv[i]);
+void mlp_setTarget(t_mlp *x,t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {
+int i;
+//post("target called: %d",argc);
+for (i=0;i<argc-1;i++) {
+ if (i > x->nr_inputunits) break;
+ x->output[0][i] = atom_getfloat(&argv[i]);
+post("set targetto: %f",atom_getfloat(&argv[argc-1]));
+x->target[0] = atom_getfloat(&argv[argc-1]);
+void initializeWeights(t_mlp *x) {
+ int i,k,l;
+ for (k=0;k<x->nr_hiddenunits;k++) {
+ x->bias[0][k] = 0;//((t_float) rand())/RAND_MAX;
+ for (i=0;i<x->nr_inputunits;i++)
+ x->weights[0][i][k] = ((t_float) rand())/RAND_MAX;
+ for (l=0;l<x->nr_outunits;l++)
+ x->weights[1][k][l] = ((t_float) rand())/RAND_MAX;
+ }
+ for (l=0;l<x->nr_outunits;l++)
+ x->bias[1][l] = 0;//((t_float) rand())/RAND_MAX;
+void mlp_train(t_mlp *x) {
+post("train called");
+void *mlp_new(void)
+ int i;
+ t_mlp *x = (t_mlp *)pd_new(mlp_class);
+ x->eta = 0.1;
+ x->nr_layers = 3;
+ x->nr_hiddenunits = 4;
+ x->nr_inputunits = 8;
+ x->nr_outunits = 1;
+ //for (i=0;i<x->nr_inputunits;i++)
+ //x->output[0][i] = ((t_float) rand())/RAND_MAX*5;
+ initializeWeights(x);
+ inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd,gensym("list"), gensym("target"));
+ x->out = outlet_new(&x->x_obj,&s_float);
+ x->error_out = outlet_new(&x->x_obj,&s_float);
+ return (void *)x;