path: root/pso/main.cpp
diff options
authorB. Bogart <bbogart@users.sourceforge.net>2003-09-30 17:17:09 +0000
committerB. Bogart <bbogart@users.sourceforge.net>2003-09-30 17:17:09 +0000
commit293f18985e3b9ffdf3956768e2fa3c299ac80992 (patch)
tree9422d3216ac8bc4124c4a5e2cd87a657c9273422 /pso/main.cpp
This is the first release of PSO! makefiles for OSX and Linux only, borrowed from pool and prepend.svn2git-root
svn path=/trunk/externals/bbogart/; revision=1054
Diffstat (limited to 'pso/main.cpp')
1 files changed, 486 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pso/main.cpp b/pso/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5837530
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pso/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+# #
+# This file is part of PSO (Particle Swarm Optimizer) #
+# Copyright Ben Bogart 2003, based on code from Thomas Grill & Jim McKenzie #
+# #
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
+# (at your option) any later version. #
+# #
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
+# GNU General Public License for more details. #
+# #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #
+# #
+// include flext header
+#include <flext.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+// check for appropriate flext version
+#if !defined(FLEXT_VERSION) || (FLEXT_VERSION < 400)
+#error You need at least flext version 0.4.0
+class pso:
+ // inherit from basic flext class
+ public flext_base
+ // obligatory flext header (class name,base class name)
+ FLEXT_HEADER(pso,flext_base)
+ // constructor
+ pso(int Popsize, int Dimen, int HoodSize);
+ // override default flext help function
+ virtual void m_help();
+ // flext deconstructor
+ ~pso();
+ // PSO Functions
+ void init(); // Initialize the PSO
+ void copy_positions(); // Copy the current positions to previous positions
+ float minimize(int particle); // The function to Minimize (sphere)
+ void set_pop(int argc,t_atom *argv); // Set values to the population
+ void set_particle(int argc,t_atom *argv); // Set values for a single particle
+ void set_target(int argc,t_atom *argv); // Set the PSO target
+ void rand_pop(float min, float max); // Randomize the values of the population
+ void optim_thresh(float threshold); // Optimization Threshold
+ void rand_vel(); // Randomize the velocities
+ void iterate(); // Iterate the PSO
+ void reset(); // Rerun the PSO init
+ void output_positions(); // Send out the lists of Particles' positions
+ // PSO Init Variables
+ int popsize;
+ int dimen;
+ int hoodsize;
+ int gbest;
+ float Min;
+ float Max;
+ float optimization_threshold;
+ // PSO Arrays
+ float *current_position;
+ float *velocity;
+ float *previous_best_position;
+ int *neighbors;
+ float *previous_best;
+ float *target;
+ // PSO Callbacks to functions
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(set_pop);
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(set_particle);
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(set_target);
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK_FF(rand_pop);
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK_F(optim_thresh);
+ FLEXT_CALLBACK(iterate);
+// instantiate the class
+FLEXT_NEW_3("pso",pso, int,int,int)
+pso::pso(int Popsize, int Dimen, int HoodSize)
+ // Say hello
+ post("--------------------------------------------\nParticle Swarm Optimizer (PSO)\nCopyright Ben Bogart 2003.\nBased on code by Thomas Grill & Jim Kennedy.\n--------------------------------------------");
+ // var defines
+ int i,j,k;
+ // default vars
+ this->Min = 0;
+ this->Max = 1;
+ this->optimization_threshold = 5;
+ // Copy Arguments to the class variables
+ this->popsize = Popsize;
+ this->dimen = Dimen;
+ this->hoodsize = HoodSize;
+ // Create particle Arrays (single dimensional!)
+ this->current_position = new float[this->popsize*this->dimen];
+ this->velocity = new float[this->popsize*this->dimen];
+ this->previous_best_position = new float[this->popsize*this->dimen];
+ this->neighbors = new int[this->popsize*this->hoodsize];
+ this->previous_best = new float[this->popsize];
+ // Create target array
+ this->target = new float[this->dimen];
+ // define inlets:
+ // first inlet must always by of type anything (or signal for dsp objects)
+ AddInAnything(); // add one inlet for any message
+ // define outlets:
+ AddOutList("Particle positions.");
+ AddOutFloat("Current minimization.");
+ AddOutBang("Bang when minimization has been reached.");
+ // register methods
+ FLEXT_ADDMETHOD_(0,"set_pop",set_pop);
+ FLEXT_ADDMETHOD_(0,"set_part", set_particle);
+ FLEXT_ADDMETHOD_FF(0,"rand_pop",rand_pop);
+ FLEXT_ADDMETHOD_F(0,"optimization_threshold", optim_thresh);
+ FLEXT_ADDBANG(0,iterate);
+ FLEXT_ADDMETHOD_(0,"reset",reset);
+ FLEXT_ADDMETHOD_(0,"help",m_help);
+ FLEXT_ADDMETHOD_(0,"target",set_target);
+ // init pso
+ pso::init();
+float pso::minimize(int particle)
+ float result=0;
+ int d;
+ for (d=0; d< this->dimen; d++)
+ {
+ // Pythagoras - c^2=(a^2+b^2) - for each dimension!!
+ result += pow( this->current_position[particle*this->dimen+d]-(float)this->target[d],2);
+ }
+ return result;
+void pso::copy_positions()
+ int p,d;
+ // For each particle and each dimension
+ for (p=0; p< this->popsize; p++)
+ {
+ for (d=0; d< this->dimen; d++)
+ {
+ this->previous_best_position[p*this->dimen+d] = this->current_position[p*this->dimen+d];
+ }
+ }
+// Deconstructor
+ // Remove Arrays from memmory space
+ delete[] this->current_position;
+ delete[] this->velocity;
+ delete[] this->previous_best_position;
+ delete[] this->neighbors;
+ delete[] this->previous_best;
+ delete[] this->target;
+// The population must be set before this function is run!
+void pso::init()
+ int p,n;
+ // Do stuff for random # generator
+ time_t timer = time(NULL);
+ srand((unsigned)timer);
+ // set initial population
+ pso::rand_vel();
+ pso::copy_positions();
+ // For each particle
+ for (p=0; p< this->popsize; p++)
+ {
+ // Who has the best solutions?
+ this->previous_best[p]=pso::minimize(p);
+ // Create neighborhood topology
+ for (n=0; n< this->hoodsize; n++)
+ {
+ /* Connect each neighbor to its previous and next particle */
+ this->neighbors[p*this->hoodsize+n]=p-1+n;
+ /* Make a ring so the first and last particles are connected */
+ if(this->neighbors[p*this->hoodsize+n] < 0)
+ {
+ this->neighbors[p*this->hoodsize+n]=this->popsize-this->neighbors[p*this->hoodsize+n]-2;
+ } else if(this->neighbors[p*this->hoodsize+n] >= this->popsize)
+ {
+ this->neighbors[p*this->hoodsize+n]=this->neighbors[p*this->hoodsize+n]-this->popsize;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Set initial global best solution
+ this->gbest=0;
+void pso::set_pop(int argc,t_atom *argv)
+ int i;
+ // If the number of arguments matches the number of particles*dimensions
+ if (argc == this->dimen*this->popsize )
+ {
+ for (i=0; i< this->dimen*this->popsize; i++)
+ {
+ this->current_position[i] = GetFloat(argv[i]);
+ }
+ post("%s: Population Set.", thisName() );
+ } else {
+ post("%s: There must be %d arguments for each of the %d particles.\n You entered %d/%d arguments.", thisName(), this->dimen, this->popsize, argc, this->dimen*this->popsize);
+ }
+ // Do init stuff again
+ pso::copy_positions();
+ // Send out new values
+ pso::output_positions();
+void pso::set_particle(int argc,t_atom *argv)
+ int i,particle,in,out;
+ // If the number of arguments matches the number of dimensions plus the index value
+ if ( argc == this->dimen+1 )
+ {
+ // Which particle are we setting?
+ // Check to make sure the particle <= this->popsize
+ particle = GetAInt(argv[0]);
+ if (particle < this->popsize && particle >= 0)
+ {
+ // Set particle
+ for (i=1; i< argc; i++)
+ {
+ this->current_position[particle*this->dimen+(i-1)] = GetAFloat(argv[i]);
+ }
+ post("%s: Particle %d Set.", thisName(), particle);
+ // Do init stuff again
+ pso::copy_positions();
+ // Send out new values
+ pso::output_positions();
+ } else {
+ post("%s: The particle %d is not within the population limits of 0 to %d.", thisName(), particle, this->popsize-1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ post("%s: There must be %d arguments for each particle.\n You entered %d arguments.", thisName(), this->dimen, argc);
+ }
+void pso::set_target(int argc,t_atom *argv)
+ int i;
+ // If the number of arguments matches the number of dimensions
+ if (argc == this->dimen )
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<dimen; i++)
+ {
+ this->target[i] = GetFloat(argv[i]);
+ }
+ post("%s: Target Set.", thisName() );
+ } else {
+ post("%s: There must be one argument for each of the %d dimensions.\n You entered %d arguments.", thisName(), this->dimen, argc);
+ }
+void pso::optim_thresh(float threshold)
+ this->optimization_threshold = threshold;
+ post("%s: Optimization Threshold set to %f.", thisName(), (threshold/100000000) );
+void pso::rand_pop(float min, float max)
+ // set the class variables to the min and max values
+ this->Min = min;
+ this->Max = max;
+ int p,d;
+ for(p = 0; p < this->popsize; p++)
+ {
+ for(d = 0; d < this->dimen; d++)
+ {
+ // set to random numbers min-max
+ this->current_position[p*this->dimen+d] = ((float)rand()/RAND_MAX)*(max-min)+min;
+ }
+ }
+ pso::copy_positions();
+ post("%s: Population Randomized.", thisName() );
+ // Output new positions
+ pso::output_positions();
+void pso::rand_vel()
+ int p,d;
+ for(p = 0; p < this->popsize; p++)
+ {
+ for(d = 0; d < this->dimen; d++)
+ {
+ // set to random numbers 0-1
+ this->velocity[p*this->dimen+d] = ((float)rand()/RAND_MAX);
+ // Set a random number of the velocities to negative
+ if ( ((float)rand()/RAND_MAX) < 0.5 )
+ this->velocity[p*this->dimen+d] = this->velocity[p*this->dimen+d]*-1;
+ }
+ }
+void pso::iterate()
+ int p,d,n,g,neighbor,index_p,index_g;
+ float current_minima,rand1,rand2;
+ // Create constants
+ float khi=0.729;
+ float HalfPhi=2.05;
+ // For each particle
+ for (p=0; p< this->popsize; p++)
+ {
+ // Who has the best solution?
+ current_minima = pso::minimize(p);
+ // Set initial neighbor with which to compare (first neighbor)
+ // Changed this to fix segfault (from popsize to hoodsize)
+ g=neighbors[p*this->hoodsize];
+ // For each neighbor
+ for (n=0; n< this->hoodsize; n++)
+ {
+ neighbor=this->neighbors[p*this->hoodsize+n];
+ if (this->previous_best[neighbor] < this->previous_best[g])
+ {
+ // If the current neighbor has a better solution then make g (the best neighbor) the current neighbor
+ g=neighbor;
+ }
+ if (current_minima < this->previous_best[p])
+ {
+ if (current_minima < this->previous_best[this->gbest])
+ {
+ this->gbest = p;
+ }
+ for (d=0; d< this->dimen; d++)
+ {
+ this->previous_best_position[p*this->dimen+d] = this->current_position[p*this->dimen+d];
+ }
+ this->previous_best[p]=current_minima;
+ }
+ for (d=0; d< this->dimen; d++)
+ {
+ rand1 = (float)rand()/RAND_MAX;
+ rand2 = (float)rand()/RAND_MAX;
+ index_p = p*this->dimen+d;
+ index_g = g*this->dimen+d;
+ if ( (index_p < dimen*popsize && index_p >= 0) && (index_g < dimen*popsize && index_g >= 0) )
+ {
+ this->velocity[index_p]=khi*(this->velocity[index_p] + rand1*HalfPhi*(this->previous_best_position[index_p] - this->current_position[index_p]) + rand2*HalfPhi*(this->previous_best_position[index_g] - this->current_position[index_p]));
+ this->current_position[index_p]=this->current_position[index_p]+this->velocity[index_p];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Have we minimized yet?
+ // For Small systems (Nell) use 0.0000005
+ // This constant 0.0000005 is user specified add a method for it? Will be send enough digits of percision?
+ if (this->previous_best[this->gbest] <= (this->optimization_threshold/10000000))
+ {
+ // Send bang out the last outlet (numOutlets-1)
+ ToOutBang( CntOut()-1 );
+ }
+ // Output current minimization
+ ToOutFloat(1, this->previous_best[this->gbest]);
+ // Output the current position of the particles
+ pso::output_positions();
+void pso::output_positions()
+ int d,p,atoms;
+ t_atom atom;
+ t_atom p_atom;
+ AtomList list;
+ // Construct a list of particle positions for each dimension
+ for (p=0; p< this->popsize; p++)
+ {
+ // Clear the list first
+ list.Clear();
+ // start the lists with the index of the particle
+ SetFloat(p_atom, (float)p );
+ list.Append(p_atom);
+ for (d=0; d< this->dimen; d++)
+ {
+ SetFloat(atom, this->current_position[p*this->dimen+d]);
+ list.Append(atom);
+ }
+ // Send out list
+ ToOutList(0, list);
+ }
+// Population must be randomized or set FIRST!
+void pso::reset()
+ // Reinitialize the PSO
+ pso::init();
+ post("%s: Reset.", thisName());
+void pso::m_help()
+ post("%s Help:", thisName());
+ post("Arguments: [Population Size] [Number of Dimensions] [Neighborhood Size]");
+ post("");
+ post("PSO Help Method:");
+ post(" 'help'\t\t\t- This message.");
+ post("");
+ post("PSO Setup Methods:");
+ post(" 'target [list]'\t\t- Specify the optimization target with list of values for each dimension.");
+ post(" 'rand_pop [min] [max]'\t- Randomize the population with values ranging from min to max.");
+ post(" 'set_pop [list]'\t\t- Set population with list of values for each particle for each dimension.");
+ post(" 'set_part [particle] [list]'\t- Set particle with values for each dimension.");
+ post(" 'optim_thresh [int]'\t\t- Set the threshold at which minimization is considered reached. (0-10)");
+ post("");
+ post("PSO Run-Time Methods:");
+ post(" 'reset'\t\t\t- Reset the PSO.");
+ post(" bang\t\t\t\t- Calculate one interation of the PSO.");