/* Gphoto PD External */ /* Copyright Ben Bogart, 2009 */ /* This program is distributed under the params of the GNU Public License */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* This file is part of the Gphoto PD External. */ /* */ /* Gphoto PD External is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* The Gphoto PD External is distributed in the hope that they will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with the Chaos PD Externals; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include t_class *gphoto_class; typedef struct gphoto_struct { t_object x_obj; t_outlet *doneOutlet; int busy; pthread_attr_t threadAttr; //thread attributes int capturing; } gphoto_struct; // Struct to store A_GIMME data passed to thread. typedef struct gphoto_gimme_struct { gphoto_struct *gphoto; t_symbol *s; int argc; t_atom *argv; } gphoto_gimme_struct; void *getConfigDetail(void *threadArgs) { int gp_ret; const char *textVal; const int *toggleVal; const float rangeVal; const char *label, *info; float rangeMax, rangeMin, rangeIncr; float floatVal; int intVal, i; t_symbol *key; Camera *camera; CameraWidget *config = NULL; CameraWidget *child = NULL; CameraWidgetType type; key = atom_getsymbol( ((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->argv ); // config key gp_ret = gp_camera_new (&camera); if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); gp_camera_unref(camera); return(NULL);} // INIT camera (without context) gp_ret = gp_camera_init (camera, NULL); if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock();} if (gp_ret == -105) { sys_lock(); error("gphoto: Are you sure the camera is supported, connected and powered on?"); sys_unlock(); gp_camera_unref(camera); ((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->gphoto->busy = 0; // no longer busy if we got an error. return(NULL); } gp_ret = gp_camera_get_config (camera, &config, NULL); // get config from camera if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); gp_camera_unref(camera); return(NULL);} gp_ret = gp_widget_get_child_by_name (config, key->s_name, &child); // get item from config if (gp_ret != 0) { sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); ((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->gphoto->busy = 0; // no longer busy if we got an error. gp_camera_unref(camera); return(NULL); } gp_ret = gp_widget_get_type (child, &type); if (gp_ret != 0) { sys_lock; error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); error("gphoto: Invalid config key."); sys_unlock(); } else { switch (type) { case GP_WIDGET_RADIO: gp_ret = gp_widget_get_label (child, &label); sys_lock(); post("gphoto: Label: %s", label); post("gphoto: Type: Radio"); sys_unlock(); for (i=0; igphoto->busy = 0; // Send bang out 2nd outlet when operation is done. sys_lock(); outlet_bang(((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->gphoto->doneOutlet); sys_unlock(); return(NULL); } // Wrap getConfigDetail static void wrapGetConfigDetail(gphoto_struct *gphoto, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { int ret; pthread_t thread1; if (!gphoto->busy) { // instance of structure gphoto_gimme_struct *threadArgs = (gphoto_gimme_struct *)malloc(sizeof(gphoto_gimme_struct)); // packaging arguments into structure threadArgs->gphoto = gphoto; threadArgs->s = s; threadArgs->argc = argc; threadArgs->argv = argv; // We're busy gphoto->busy = 1; // Create thread ret = pthread_create( &thread1, &gphoto->threadAttr, getConfigDetail, threadArgs); } else { error("gphoto: ERROR: Already executing a command, try again later."); } return; } // list configuration void *listConfig(void *threadArgs) { int gp_ret, numsections, numchildren, i, j; Camera *camera; CameraWidget *config = NULL; CameraWidget *child = NULL; CameraWidget *child2 = NULL; CameraWidgetType type; char *childName; gp_ret = gp_camera_new (&camera); if (gp_ret != 0) {error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); gp_camera_unref(camera); return(NULL);} // INIT camera (without context) gp_ret = gp_camera_init (camera, NULL); if (gp_ret != 0) {error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret));} if (gp_ret == -105) { sys_lock(); error("gphoto: Are you sure the camera is supported, connected and powered on?"); sys_unlock(); gp_camera_unref(camera); ((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->gphoto->busy = 0; // no longer busy if we got an error. return(NULL); } gp_ret = gp_camera_get_config (camera, &config, NULL); // get config from camera if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); gp_camera_unref(camera); return(NULL);} numsections = gp_widget_count_children(config); for (i=0; igphoto->x_obj.ob_outlet, gensym(childName)); sys_unlock(); } } } // Free memory (not child?) gp_widget_unref (config); gp_camera_unref (camera); // We are done and other messsages can now be sent. ((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->gphoto->busy = 0; // Send bang out 2nd outlet when operation is done. sys_lock(); outlet_bang(((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->gphoto->doneOutlet); sys_unlock(); return(NULL); } // Wrap listConfig static void wrapListConfig(gphoto_struct *gphoto) { int ret; pthread_t thread1; if (!gphoto->busy) { // instance of structure gphoto_gimme_struct *threadArgs = (gphoto_gimme_struct *)malloc(sizeof(gphoto_gimme_struct)); // packaging arguments into structure threadArgs->gphoto = gphoto; // We're busy gphoto->busy = 1; // Create thread ret = pthread_create( &thread1, &gphoto->threadAttr, listConfig, threadArgs); } else { error("gphoto: ERROR: Already executing a command, try again later."); } return; } void *getConfig(void *threadArgs) { int gp_ret; const char *textVal; const int *toggleVal; const float rangeVal; float value; t_symbol *key; Camera *camera; CameraWidget *config = NULL; CameraWidget *child = NULL; CameraWidgetType type; key = atom_getsymbol( ((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->argv ); // config key gp_ret = gp_camera_new (&camera); if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); gp_camera_unref(camera); return(NULL);} // INIT camera (without context) gp_ret = gp_camera_init (camera, NULL); if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock();} if (gp_ret == -105) { sys_lock(); error("gphoto: Are you sure the camera is supported, connected and powered on?"); sys_unlock(); gp_camera_unref(camera); ((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->gphoto->busy = 0; // no longer busy if we got an error. return(NULL); } gp_ret = gp_camera_get_config (camera, &config, NULL); // get config from camera if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); gp_camera_unref(camera); return(NULL);} gp_ret = gp_widget_get_child_by_name (config, key->s_name, &child); // get item from config if (gp_ret != 0) { sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); ((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->gphoto->busy = 0; // no longer busy if we got an error. gp_camera_unref(camera); return(NULL); } gp_ret = gp_widget_get_type (child, &type); if (gp_ret != 0) { sys_lock; error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); error("gphoto: Invalid config key."); sys_unlock(); } else { switch (type) { case GP_WIDGET_RADIO: gp_ret = gp_widget_get_value(child, &textVal); sys_lock(); outlet_symbol(((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->gphoto->x_obj.ob_outlet, gensym(textVal)); sys_unlock(); break; case GP_WIDGET_TOGGLE: gp_ret = gp_widget_get_value (child, &toggleVal); // get widget value sys_lock(); outlet_float(((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->gphoto->x_obj.ob_outlet, (int) toggleVal); sys_unlock(); break; case GP_WIDGET_TEXT: gp_ret = gp_widget_get_value (child, &textVal); sys_lock(); outlet_symbol(((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->gphoto->x_obj.ob_outlet, gensym(textVal)); sys_lock(); break; case GP_WIDGET_RANGE: gp_ret = gp_widget_get_value (child, &rangeVal); if (gp_ret != 0) {error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret));} sys_lock(); outlet_float(((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->gphoto->x_obj.ob_outlet, rangeVal); sys_lock(); break; } } // Free memory (not child?) gp_widget_unref (config); gp_camera_unref (camera); // We are done and other messsages can now be sent. ((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->gphoto->busy = 0; // Send bang out 2nd outlet when operation is done. sys_lock(); outlet_bang(((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->gphoto->doneOutlet); sys_unlock(); return(NULL); } // Wrap getConfig static void wrapGetConfig(gphoto_struct *gphoto, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { int ret; pthread_t thread1; if (!gphoto->busy) { // instance of structure gphoto_gimme_struct *threadArgs = (gphoto_gimme_struct *)malloc(sizeof(gphoto_gimme_struct)); // packaging arguments into structure threadArgs->gphoto = gphoto; threadArgs->s = s; threadArgs->argc = argc; threadArgs->argv = argv; // We're busy gphoto->busy = 1; // Create thread ret = pthread_create( &thread1, &gphoto->threadAttr, getConfig, threadArgs); } else { error("gphoto: ERROR: Already executing a command, try again later."); } return; } void *setConfig(void *threadArgs) { int gp_ret, intValue; float floatValue; t_symbol *key, *textValue; char charkey[MAXPDSTRING]; Camera *camera; CameraWidget *config = NULL; CameraWidget *child = NULL; CameraWidgetType type; sys_lock(); key = atom_getsymbol( ((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->argv ); // config key sys_unlock(); gp_ret = gp_camera_new (&camera); if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock();} // INIT camera (without context) gp_ret = gp_camera_init (camera, NULL); if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock();} if (gp_ret == -105) { sys_lock(); error("gphoto: Are you sure the camera is supported, connected and powered on?"); sys_unlock(); gp_camera_unref(camera); ((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->gphoto->busy = 0; // no longer busy if we got an error. return(NULL); } gp_ret = gp_camera_get_config (camera, &config, NULL); // get config from camera if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); gp_camera_unref(camera); return(NULL);} gp_ret = gp_widget_get_child_by_name (config, key->s_name, &child); // get item from config if (gp_ret != 0) { sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); ((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->gphoto->busy = 0; // no longer busy if we got an error. gp_camera_unref(camera); return(NULL); } gp_ret = gp_widget_get_type (child, &type); if (gp_ret != 0) { sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); error("gphoto: Invalid config key."); sys_unlock(); } else { switch (type) { // same method as TOGGLE type case GP_WIDGET_RADIO: sys_lock(); textValue = atom_getsymbol( ((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->argv+1 ); post("argument: %s", textValue->s_name); strcpy(charkey,(char *)textValue->s_name); post("charkey: %s", charkey); sys_unlock(); gp_ret = gp_widget_set_value (child, &charkey); // set widget value if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); } gp_ret = gp_camera_set_config (camera, config, NULL); // set new config if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); } break; case GP_WIDGET_TOGGLE: sys_lock(); intValue = atom_getint( ((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->argv+1 ); sys_unlock(); gp_ret = gp_widget_set_value (child, &intValue); // set widget value if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); } gp_ret = gp_camera_set_config (camera, config, NULL); // set new config if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); } break; case GP_WIDGET_RANGE: sys_lock(); floatValue = atom_getfloat( ((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->argv+1 ); sys_unlock(); gp_ret = gp_widget_set_value (child, &floatValue); // set widget value if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); } gp_ret = gp_camera_set_config (camera, config, NULL); // set new config if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); } break; } } // Free memory gp_widget_unref (config); gp_camera_unref(camera); // We are done and other messsages can now be sent. ((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->gphoto->busy = 0; // Send bang out 2nd outlet when operation is done. sys_lock(); outlet_bang(((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->gphoto->doneOutlet); sys_unlock(); return(NULL); } // Wrap setConfig // TODO is there a way to have one wrapper for all funcs? static void wrapSetConfig(gphoto_struct *gphoto, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { int ret; pthread_t thread1; if (!gphoto->busy) { // instance of structure gphoto_gimme_struct *threadArgs = (gphoto_gimme_struct *)malloc(sizeof(gphoto_gimme_struct)); // packaging arguments into structure threadArgs->gphoto = gphoto; threadArgs->s = s; threadArgs->argc = argc; threadArgs->argv = argv; // We're busy gphoto->busy = 1; // Create thread ret = pthread_create( &thread1, &gphoto->threadAttr, setConfig, threadArgs); } else { error("gphoto: ERROR: Already executing a command, try again later."); } return; } void *captureImage(void *threadArgs) { int gp_ret, fd; Camera *camera; CameraFile *camerafile; CameraFilePath camera_file_path; t_symbol *filename; sys_lock(); filename = atom_getsymbol( ((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->argv ); // destination filename sys_unlock(); gp_ret = gp_camera_new (&camera); if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); gp_camera_unref(camera); return(NULL);} // INIT camera (without context) gp_ret = gp_camera_init (camera, NULL); if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); } if (gp_ret == -105) { sys_lock(); error("gphoto: Are you sure the camera is supported, connected and powered on?"); sys_unlock(); gp_camera_unref(camera); ((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->gphoto->busy = 0; // no longer busy if we got an error. return(NULL); } gp_ret = gp_camera_capture(camera, GP_CAPTURE_IMAGE, &camera_file_path, NULL); if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); gp_camera_unref(camera); return(NULL);} fd = open( filename->s_name, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0644); // create file descriptor gp_ret = gp_file_new_from_fd(&camerafile, fd); // create gphoto file from descriptor if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); gp_camera_unref(camera); return(NULL);} gp_ret = gp_camera_file_get(camera, camera_file_path.folder, camera_file_path.name, GP_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL, camerafile, NULL); // get file from camera if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); gp_camera_unref(camera); return(NULL);} gp_ret = gp_camera_file_delete(camera, camera_file_path.folder, camera_file_path.name, NULL); if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); gp_camera_unref(camera); return(NULL);} // Free memory gp_camera_free(camera); // We are done and other messsages can now be sent. ((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->gphoto->busy = 0; // Send bang out 2nd outlet when operation is done. sys_lock(); outlet_bang(((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->gphoto->doneOutlet); sys_unlock(); pthread_exit(NULL); //return(NULL); // needed? } // Wrap captureImage // TODO is there a way to have one wrapper for all funcs? static void wrapCaptureImage(gphoto_struct *gphoto, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { int ret; pthread_t thread1; post("busy state: %d", gphoto->busy); if (!gphoto->busy) { // instance of structure gphoto_gimme_struct *threadArgs = (gphoto_gimme_struct *)malloc(sizeof(gphoto_gimme_struct)); // packaging arguments into structure threadArgs->gphoto = gphoto; threadArgs->s = s; threadArgs->argc = argc; threadArgs->argv = argv; // We're busy gphoto->busy = 1; // Create thread ret = pthread_create( &thread1, &gphoto->threadAttr, captureImage, threadArgs); post("pthread return: %d", ret); } else { error("gphoto: ERROR: Already executing a command, try again later."); } } // Reset internal state to accept new commands. static void reset(gphoto_struct *gphoto) { gphoto->busy = 0; return; } void *captureImages(void *threadArgs) { int gp_ret, fd; Camera *camera; CameraFile *camerafile; CameraFilePath camera_file_path; t_symbol *format; char filename[MAXPDSTRING]; int count; int sleepTime; sys_lock(); format = atom_getsymbol( ((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->argv ); // destination filename sleepTime = atom_getint ( ((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->argv+1 ); // loop sleep delay sys_unlock(); // we don't want a delay of 0! (1 ok?) if (sleepTime <=0) { sleepTime = 1; sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: The minimum sleep value is 1 second. Sleep set to 1 second."); sys_unlock(); } gp_ret = gp_camera_new (&camera); if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); gp_camera_unref(camera); return(NULL);} // INIT camera (without context) gp_ret = gp_camera_init (camera, NULL); if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); } if (gp_ret == -105) { sys_lock(); error("gphoto: Are you sure the camera is supported, connected and powered on?"); sys_unlock(); gp_camera_unref(camera); ((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->gphoto->busy = 0; // no longer busy if we got an error. return(NULL); } count = 0; while (((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->gphoto->capturing) { // Create filename from format. This does not check if the format string is suitable. sprintf(&filename, format->s_name, count); gp_ret = gp_camera_capture(camera, GP_CAPTURE_IMAGE, &camera_file_path, NULL); if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); gp_camera_unref(camera); return(NULL);} fd = open( filename, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0644); // create file descriptor gp_ret = gp_file_new_from_fd(&camerafile, fd); // create gphoto file from descriptor if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); gp_camera_unref(camera); return(NULL);} gp_ret = gp_camera_file_get(camera, camera_file_path.folder, camera_file_path.name, GP_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL, camerafile, NULL); // get file from camera if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); gp_camera_unref(camera); return(NULL);} gp_ret = gp_camera_file_delete(camera, camera_file_path.folder, camera_file_path.name, NULL); if (gp_ret != 0) {sys_lock(); error("gphoto: ERROR: %s\n", gp_result_as_string(gp_ret)); sys_unlock(); gp_camera_unref(camera); return(NULL);} close(fd); // close file descriptor // Send bang out 2nd outlet for each iteration. sys_lock(); outlet_bang(((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->gphoto->doneOutlet); sys_unlock(); sleep(sleepTime); count++; } // Free memory gp_camera_free(camera); // We are done and other messsages can now be sent. ((gphoto_gimme_struct *)threadArgs)->gphoto->busy = 0; pthread_exit(NULL); } // Wrap captureImage // TODO is there a way to have one wrapper for all funcs? static void wrapCaptureImages(gphoto_struct *gphoto, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { int ret; pthread_t thread1; if (strcmp(atom_getsymbol(argv)->s_name, "stop") == 0) { gphoto->capturing = 0; // Stop Capturing. gphoto->busy = 0; // No longer busy } else if (!gphoto->busy) { if (argc != 2) { error("gphoto: ERROR: usage: captureimages [filename-format] [sleeptime (seconds)]"); } else { gphoto->capturing = 1; // Now capturing. // instance of structure gphoto_gimme_struct *threadArgs = (gphoto_gimme_struct *)malloc(sizeof(gphoto_gimme_struct)); // packaging arguments into structure threadArgs->gphoto = gphoto; threadArgs->s = s; threadArgs->argc = argc; threadArgs->argv = argv; // We're busy gphoto->busy = 1; // Create thread ret = pthread_create( &thread1, &gphoto->threadAttr, captureImages, threadArgs); } } else { error("gphoto: ERROR: Already executing a command, try again later."); } return; } static void *gphoto_new(void) { gphoto_struct *gphoto = (gphoto_struct *) pd_new(gphoto_class); outlet_new(&gphoto->x_obj, NULL); gphoto->doneOutlet = outlet_new(&gphoto->x_obj, &s_bang); // Initially the external is not "busy" gphoto->busy = 0; // When we create a thread, make sure it is deatched. pthread_attr_init(&gphoto->threadAttr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&gphoto->threadAttr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); return (void *)gphoto; } static void *gphoto_destroy(gphoto_struct *gphoto) { pthread_attr_destroy(&gphoto->threadAttr); return(NULL); } void gphoto_setup(void) { gphoto_class = class_new(gensym("gphoto"), (t_newmethod) gphoto_new, (t_method) gphoto_destroy, sizeof(gphoto_struct), 0, CLASS_DEFAULT, 0); class_addmethod(gphoto_class, (t_method) wrapGetConfig, gensym("getconfig"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(gphoto_class, (t_method) wrapGetConfigDetail, gensym("configdetail"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(gphoto_class, (t_method) wrapCaptureImage, gensym("captureimage"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(gphoto_class, (t_method) wrapCaptureImages, gensym("captureimages"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(gphoto_class, (t_method) wrapSetConfig, gensym("setconfig"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(gphoto_class, (t_method) wrapListConfig, gensym("listconfig"), 0); class_addmethod(gphoto_class, (t_method) reset, gensym("reset"), 0); }