#N canvas 495 74 487 362 10; #X obj 56 202 readme-frac-format; #X obj 56 221 readme-gen-fractal; #X text 37 183 if you want to add new fractals:; #X obj 56 144 readme-operation; #X obj 56 164 readme-searching; #X text 22 107 Additional Reading \,; #X text 41 126 if you want to us existing fractals:; #X obj 56 240 readme-parameter-ranges; #X text 270 269 Developed using PD 0.36; #X text 93 295 Copyright 2003 \, Ben Bogart and Michael McGonagle; #X text 276 282 Released under GNU GPL; #N canvas 302 96 575 579 available_fractals 0; #X obj 157 264 henon; #X obj 157 302 ikeda; #X obj 157 321 latoocarfian; #X obj 157 340 latoomutalpha; #X obj 157 359 latoomutbeta; #X obj 157 378 latoomutgamma; #X obj 69 208 logistic; #X obj 277 208 lorenz; #X obj 69 227 mlogistic; #X obj 277 246 rossler; #X obj 157 473 standardmap; #X obj 69 246 tent; #X obj 277 265 three_d; #X text 57 187 1 variable; #X text 157 187 2 variables; #X text 273 187 3 variables; #X text 24 136 The remaining outputs represent the variables \, corresponding from left to right as the variables from the '*.frac' data file.; #X text 24 16 Below \, there is an object for each of the fractals currently available in the ChaosII collection.; #X text 23 55 All fractals share the same common structure \, in that the right-most outlet is used as the "results" outlet. This is used during the "Searching" operations to return the results of the search to the user. see 'readme-searching' file for more info on the results of a search.; #X obj 157 207 attract1; #X obj 157 226 dejong; #X obj 157 245 gingerbreadman; #X obj 157 283 hopalong; #X obj 157 416 martin; #X obj 277 227 pickover; #X obj 157 435 popcorn; #X obj 157 454 quadruptwo; #X obj 157 492 strange1; #X obj 157 511 tinkerbell; #X obj 157 530 unity; #X obj 157 397 lotkavolterra; #X restore 43 78 pd available_fractals; #X text 27 28 The Chaos Library provides a means to generate multiple chaotic datastreams \, as well as the ability to search for new attractor sets that produce other chaotic datastreams.;