path: root/Counter
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Counter')
2 files changed, 124 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/Counter/Counter.cs b/Counter/Counter.cs
index 416cb3b..7b370d9 100755
--- a/Counter/Counter.cs
+++ b/Counter/Counter.cs
@@ -1,29 +1,32 @@
using System;
+using PureData;
/// <summary>
/// Descrizione di riepilogo per Counter.
/// </summary>
public class Counter:
- PureData.External
+ External
int i_count,i_down,i_up;
float step;
- public Counter(PureData.AtomList args)
+ public Counter() { }
+ public Counter(Atom[] args)
- this.step = args.Count >= 3?(float)args[2]:1;
+ this.step = args.Length >= 3?(float)args[2]:1;
- float f2 = args.Count >= 2?(float)args[1]:0;
- float f1 = args.Count >= 1?(float)args[0]:0;
+ float f2 = args.Length >= 2?(float)args[1]:0;
+ float f1 = args.Length >= 1?(float)args[0]:0;
- if(args.Count < 2) f2 = f1;
+ if(args.Length < 2) f2 = f1;
this.i_down = (int)((f1<f2)?f1:f2);
this.i_up = (int)((f1>f2)?f1:f2);
this.i_count = this.i_down;
- AddInlet(_list,new PureData.Symbol("bound"));
+ AddInlet(_list,new Symbol("bound"));
AddInlet(ref step);
@@ -33,14 +36,15 @@ public class Counter:
// this function MUST exist
private static void Setup(Counter obj)
- AddMethod(0,new Method(obj.Bang));
- AddMethod(0,"reset",new Method(obj.Reset));
- AddMethod(0,"set",new MethodFloat(obj.Set));
- AddMethod(0,"bound",new MethodList(obj.Bound));
+ AddMethod(obj.Bang);
+ AddMethod(0,"reset",obj.Reset);
+ AddMethod(0,"set",obj.Set);
+ AddMethod(0,"bound",obj.Bound);
protected void Bang()
float f = this.i_count;
int step = (int)this.step;
this.i_count += step;
@@ -56,7 +60,7 @@ public class Counter:
- Outlet(0,f);
+ Outlet(0,f);
protected void Reset()
@@ -69,7 +73,7 @@ public class Counter:
this.i_count = (int)f;
- protected void Bound(PureData.AtomList args)
+ protected void Bound(Atom[] args)
float f1 = (float)args[0];
float f2 = (float)args[1];
@@ -77,5 +81,4 @@ public class Counter:
this.i_down = (int)((f1<f2)?f1:f2);
this.i_up = (int)((f1>f2)?f1:f2);
diff --git a/Counter/Counter.csproj b/Counter/Counter.csproj
index 4502d55..ab8a5eb 100644
--- a/Counter/Counter.csproj
+++ b/Counter/Counter.csproj
@@ -1,105 +1,107 @@
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