// mono extern "C" { #include #include #include #include #include #include #include } #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable: 4091) #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include // for _close #define close _close #else #include #endif #include static MonoDomain *monodomain; static MonoClass *clr_symbol,*clr_pointer,*clr_atom,*clr_atomlist,*clr_external; static MonoMethodDesc *clr_desc_main,*clr_desc_ctor; static MonoMethodDesc *clr_desc_bang,*clr_desc_float,*clr_desc_symbol,*clr_desc_pointer,*clr_desc_list,*clr_desc_anything; static MonoMethod *ext_method_bang,*ext_method_float,*ext_method_symbol,*ext_method_list,*ext_method_pointer,*ext_method_anything; typedef std::map ClrMethodMap; // this is the class structure // holding the pd and mono class // and our CLR method pointers typedef struct { t_class *pd_class; MonoClass *mono_class; MonoClassField *mono_obj_field; MonoMethod *mono_ctor; // ClrMethodMap *methods; } t_clr_class; typedef std::map ClrMap; // this holds the class name to class structure association static ClrMap clr_map; // this is the class to be setup (while we are in the CLR static Main method) static t_clr_class *clr_setup_class = NULL; // this is the class instance object structure typedef struct { t_object pd_obj; // myself t_clr_class *clr_clss; // pointer to our class structure MonoObject *mono_obj; } t_clr; static void clr_method_bang(t_clr *x) { assert(x && x->clr_clss); MonoMethod *m = mono_object_get_virtual_method(x->mono_obj,ext_method_bang); assert(m); MonoObject *exc; mono_runtime_invoke(m,x->mono_obj,NULL,&exc); if(exc) { error("Exception raised"); } } static void clr_method_float(t_clr *x,t_float f) { assert(x && x->clr_clss); MonoMethod *m = mono_object_get_virtual_method(x->mono_obj,ext_method_float); assert(m); gpointer args = &f; MonoObject *exc; mono_runtime_invoke(m,x->mono_obj,&args,&exc); if(exc) { error("Exception raised"); } } static void clr_method_symbol(t_clr *x,t_symbol *s) { assert(x && x->clr_clss); MonoMethod *m = mono_object_get_virtual_method(x->mono_obj,ext_method_symbol); assert(m); #if 0 MonoObject *symobj = mono_value_box(monodomain,clr_symbol,&s); MonoObject *o = (MonoObject *)mono_object_unbox(symobj); gpointer args = o; #else gpointer args = &s; #endif MonoObject *exc; mono_runtime_invoke(m,x->mono_obj,&args,&exc); if(exc) { error("Exception raised"); } } struct AtomList { int argc; t_atom *argv; AtomList(int c,t_atom *v): argc(c),argv(v) {} }; static MonoObject *new_AtomList(int argc,t_atom *argv) { AtomList al(argc,argv); MonoObject *lstobj = mono_value_box(monodomain,clr_atomlist,&al); MonoObject *o = (MonoObject *)mono_object_unbox(lstobj); return o; } static MonoArray *new_Atoms(int argc,t_atom *argv) { MonoArray *lstobj = mono_array_new(monodomain,clr_atom,argc); t_atom *lstptr = mono_array_addr(lstobj,t_atom,0); memcpy(lstptr,argv,argc*sizeof(t_atom)); return lstobj; } static void clr_method_list(t_clr *x,t_symbol *l, int argc, t_atom *argv) { assert(x && x->clr_clss); MonoMethod *m = mono_object_get_virtual_method(x->mono_obj,ext_method_list); assert(m); #if 1 // make PureData.AtomList value type // MonoObject *lstobj = new_AtomList(argc,argv); // gpointer args = lstobj; AtomList al(argc,argv); gpointer args = &al; #else // make PureData.Atom[] array - copy data MonoArray *lstobj = new_Atoms(argc,argv); gpointer args = lstobj; #endif MonoObject *exc; mono_runtime_invoke(m,x->mono_obj,&args,&exc); if(exc) { error("Exception raised"); } } static void clr_method_pointer(t_clr *x,t_gpointer *p) { assert(x && x->clr_clss); MonoMethod *m = mono_object_get_virtual_method(x->mono_obj,ext_method_pointer); assert(m); #if 0 MonoObject *ptrobj = mono_value_box(monodomain,clr_pointer,&p); MonoObject *o = (MonoObject *)mono_object_unbox(ptrobj); gpointer args = o; #else gpointer args = &p; #endif MonoObject *exc; mono_runtime_invoke(m,x->mono_obj,&args,&exc); if(exc) { error("Exception raised"); } } static void clr_method_anything(t_clr *x,t_symbol *sl, int argc, t_atom *argv) { #if 0 assert(x && x->clr_clss); ClrMethodMap *methods = x->clr_clss->methods; if(methods) { ClrMethodMap::iterator it = methods->find(sl); if(it != methods->end()) { // \TODO call m return; } } if(x->clr_clss->method_anything) { // \TODO call methodanything } else post("CLR - no method for %s found",sl->s_name); #else assert(x && x->clr_clss); #endif } // this function is called by mono when it wants post messages to pd static void PD_Post(MonoString *str) { post("%s",mono_string_to_utf8(str)); } // this function is called by mono when it wants post messages to pd static void PD_PostError(MonoString *str) { error("%s",mono_string_to_utf8(str)); } // this function is called by mono when it wants post messages to pd static void PD_PostBug(MonoString *str) { bug("%s",mono_string_to_utf8(str)); } // this function is called by mono when it wants post messages to pd static void PD_PostVerbose(int lvl,MonoString *str) { verbose(lvl,"%s",mono_string_to_utf8(str)); } static void *PD_SymGen(MonoString *str) { assert(str); t_symbol *s = gensym(mono_string_to_utf8(str)); return s; } static MonoString *PD_SymEval(t_symbol *sym) { assert(sym); return mono_string_new(monodomain,sym->s_name); } #if 0 // this function is called by mono when it wants post messages to pd static void PD_AddMethod(MonoObject *symobj,MonoObject *obj) { assert(clr_setup_class); // char *tag = mono_string_to_utf8(str); // post("register method %s",tag); t_symbol *sym; mono_field_get_value(symobj,clr_symbol_ptr,&sym); // \TODO convert from obj MonoMethod *m = NULL; if(sym == &s_bang) { if(!clr_setup_class->method_bang) class_addbang(clr_setup_class->pd_class,clr_method_bang); clr_setup_class->method_bang = m; } else if(sym == &s_float) { if(!clr_setup_class->method_bang) class_addfloat(clr_setup_class->pd_class,clr_method_float); clr_setup_class->method_bang = m; } else if(sym == &s_symbol) { if(!clr_setup_class->method_symbol) class_addsymbol(clr_setup_class->pd_class,clr_method_symbol); clr_setup_class->method_symbol = m; } else if(sym == &s_list) { if(!clr_setup_class->method_list) class_addlist(clr_setup_class->pd_class,clr_method_list); clr_setup_class->method_list = m; } else if(sym == &s_pointer) { if(!clr_setup_class->method_pointer) class_addpointer(clr_setup_class->pd_class,clr_method_pointer); clr_setup_class->method_pointer = m; } else if(sym == &s_) { if(!clr_setup_class->method_anything && !clr_setup_class->methods) // only register once! class_addanything(clr_setup_class->pd_class,clr_method_anything); clr_setup_class->method_anything = m; } else { if(!clr_setup_class->methods) { // no methods yet clr_setup_class->methods = new ClrMethodMap; if(!clr_setup_class->method_anything) // only register once! class_addanything(clr_setup_class->pd_class,clr_method_anything); } // add tag to map (*clr_setup_class->methods)[sym] = m; } } #endif void *clr_new(t_symbol *classname, int argc, t_atom *argv) { // find class name in map ClrMap::iterator it = clr_map.find(classname); if(it == clr_map.end()) { error("CLR class %s not found",classname->s_name); return NULL; } t_clr_class *clss = it->second; // make instance t_clr *x = (t_clr *)pd_new(clss->pd_class); x->mono_obj = mono_object_new (monodomain,clss->mono_class); if(!x->mono_obj) { pd_free((t_pd *)x); error("CLR class %s could not be instantiated",classname->s_name); return NULL; } // store class pointer x->clr_clss = clss; // store our object pointer in External::ptr member mono_field_set_value(x->mono_obj,clss->mono_obj_field,&x); // ok, we have an object - look for constructor if(clss->mono_ctor) { #if 1 AtomList al(argc,argv); gpointer args = &al; #else MonoObject *lstobj = new_AtomList(argc,argv); gpointer args = lstobj; #endif MonoObject *exc; // call static constructor MonoObject *ret = mono_runtime_invoke(clss->mono_ctor,x->mono_obj,&args,&exc); if(ret) { post("Warning: returned value from %s::.ctor ignored",classname->s_name); // ??? do we have to mark ret as free? } if(exc) { pd_free((t_pd *)x); error("CLR class %s - exception raised in constructor",classname->s_name); return NULL; } } else post("Warning: no constructor for class %s found",classname->s_name); return x; } void clr_free(t_clr *x) { } static int classloader(char *dirname, char *classname) { t_clr_class *clr_class = NULL; t_symbol *classsym; MonoAssembly *assembly; MonoImage *image; MonoMethod *method; char dirbuf[MAXPDSTRING],*nameptr; // search for classname.dll in the PD path int fd; if ((fd = open_via_path(dirname, classname, ".dll", dirbuf, &nameptr, MAXPDSTRING, 1)) < 0) // not found goto bailout; // found close(fd); clr_class = (t_clr_class *)getbytes(sizeof(t_clr_class)); // clr_class->methods = NULL; // try to load assembly char path[MAXPDSTRING]; strcpy(path,dirname); strcat(path,"/"); // strcat(path,dirbuf); // strcat(path,"/"); strcat(path,nameptr); assembly = mono_domain_assembly_open(monodomain,path); if(!assembly) { error("clr: file %s couldn't be loaded!",path); goto bailout; } image = mono_assembly_get_image(assembly); assert(image); // try to find class // "" means no namespace clr_class->mono_class = mono_class_from_name(image,"",classname); if(!clr_class->mono_class) { error("Can't find %s class in %s\n",classname,mono_image_get_filename(image)); goto bailout; } clr_class->mono_obj_field = mono_class_get_field_from_name(clr_class->mono_class,"ptr"); assert(clr_class->mono_obj_field); // ok post("CLR class %s loaded",classname); // make new class (with classname) classsym = gensym(classname); clr_class->pd_class = class_new(classsym,(t_newmethod)clr_new,(t_method)clr_free, sizeof(t_clr), CLASS_DEFAULT, A_GIMME, 0); // find static Main method method = mono_method_desc_search_in_class(clr_desc_main,clr_class->mono_class); if(method) { // set current class clr_setup_class = clr_class; // call static Main method MonoObject *ret = mono_runtime_invoke(method,NULL,NULL,NULL); // unset current class clr_setup_class = NULL; if(ret) { post("CLR - Warning: returned value from %s.Main ignored",classname); // ??? do we have to mark ret as free? } } else post("CLR - Warning: no %s.Main method found",classname); // find and save constructor clr_class->mono_ctor = mono_method_desc_search_in_class(clr_desc_ctor,clr_class->mono_class); #if 0 // find && register methods if((clr_class->method_bang = mono_method_desc_search_in_class(clr_desc_bang,clr_class->mono_class)) != NULL) class_addbang(clr_class->pd_class,clr_method_bang); if((clr_class->method_float = mono_method_desc_search_in_class(clr_desc_float,clr_class->mono_class)) != NULL) class_addfloat(clr_class->pd_class,clr_method_float); if((clr_class->method_symbol = mono_method_desc_search_in_class(clr_desc_symbol,clr_class->mono_class)) != NULL) class_addsymbol(clr_class->pd_class,clr_method_symbol); if((clr_class->method_pointer = mono_method_desc_search_in_class(clr_desc_pointer,clr_class->mono_class)) != NULL) class_addpointer(clr_class->pd_class,clr_method_pointer); if((clr_class->method_list = mono_method_desc_search_in_class(clr_desc_list,clr_class->mono_class)) != NULL) class_addlist(clr_class->pd_class,clr_method_list); if((clr_class->method_anything = mono_method_desc_search_in_class(clr_desc_anything,clr_class->mono_class)) != NULL) class_addanything(clr_class->pd_class,clr_method_anything); #else // register methods if(ext_method_bang) class_addbang(clr_class->pd_class,clr_method_bang); if(ext_method_float) class_addfloat(clr_class->pd_class,clr_method_float); if(ext_method_symbol) class_addsymbol(clr_class->pd_class,clr_method_symbol); if(ext_method_pointer) class_addpointer(clr_class->pd_class,clr_method_pointer); if(ext_method_list) class_addlist(clr_class->pd_class,clr_method_list); if(ext_method_anything) class_addanything(clr_class->pd_class,clr_method_anything); #endif // put into map clr_map[classsym] = clr_class; // post("Loaded class %s OK",classname); return 1; bailout: if(clr_class) freebytes(clr_class,sizeof(t_clr_class)); return 0; } extern "C" #ifdef _MSC_VER __declspec(dllexport) #endif void clr_setup(void) { #ifdef _WIN32 // set mono paths const char *monopath = getenv("MONO_PATH"); if(!monopath) { error("CLR - Please set the MONO_PATH environment variable to the folder of your MONO installation - CLR not loaded!"); return; } char tlib[256],tconf[256]; strcpy(tlib,monopath); strcat(tlib,"/lib"); strcpy(tconf,monopath); strcat(tconf,"/etc"); mono_set_dirs(tlib,tconf); #endif try { monodomain = mono_jit_init("PureData"); } catch(...) { monodomain = NULL; } if(monodomain) { // add mono to C hooks mono_add_internal_call("PureData.Core::Post",(const void *)PD_Post); mono_add_internal_call("PureData.Core::PostError",(const void *)PD_PostError); mono_add_internal_call("PureData.Core::PostBug",(const void *)PD_PostBug); mono_add_internal_call("PureData.Core::PostVerbose",(const void *)PD_PostVerbose); mono_add_internal_call("PureData.Core::SymGen", (const void *)PD_SymGen); mono_add_internal_call("PureData.Core::SymEval", (const void *)PD_SymEval); MonoAssembly *assembly = mono_domain_assembly_open (monodomain, "PureData.dll"); if(!assembly) { error("clr: assembly PureData.dll not found!"); return; } MonoImage *image = mono_assembly_get_image(assembly); assert(image); // load important classes clr_symbol = mono_class_from_name(image,"PureData","Symbol"); assert(clr_symbol); clr_pointer = mono_class_from_name(image,"PureData","Pointer"); assert(clr_pointer); clr_atom = mono_class_from_name(image,"PureData","Atom"); assert(clr_atom); clr_atomlist = mono_class_from_name(image,"PureData","AtomList"); assert(clr_atomlist); clr_external = mono_class_from_name(image,"PureData","External"); assert(clr_external); clr_desc_main = mono_method_desc_new("::Main()",FALSE); assert(clr_desc_main); clr_desc_ctor = mono_method_desc_new("::.ctor(AtomList)",FALSE); assert(clr_desc_ctor); clr_desc_bang = mono_method_desc_new("::MethodBang()",FALSE); assert(clr_desc_bang); clr_desc_float = mono_method_desc_new("::MethodFloat(single)",FALSE); assert(clr_desc_float); clr_desc_symbol = mono_method_desc_new("::MethodSymbol(Symbol)",FALSE); assert(clr_desc_symbol); clr_desc_pointer = mono_method_desc_new("::MethodPointer(Pointer)",FALSE); assert(clr_desc_pointer); clr_desc_list = mono_method_desc_new("::MethodList(AtomList)",FALSE); assert(clr_desc_list); clr_desc_anything = mono_method_desc_new("::MethodAnything(Symbol,AtomList)",FALSE); assert(clr_desc_anything); // find abstract methods ext_method_bang = mono_method_desc_search_in_class(clr_desc_bang,clr_external); ext_method_float = mono_method_desc_search_in_class(clr_desc_float,clr_external); ext_method_symbol = mono_method_desc_search_in_class(clr_desc_symbol,clr_external); ext_method_pointer = mono_method_desc_search_in_class(clr_desc_pointer,clr_external); ext_method_list = mono_method_desc_search_in_class(clr_desc_list,clr_external); ext_method_anything = mono_method_desc_search_in_class(clr_desc_anything,clr_external); // install loader hook sys_loader(classloader); // ready! post("CLR - (c)2006 Davide Morelli, Thomas Grill"); } else error("clr: mono domain couldn't be initialized!"); }