/* comport - PD external for unix/windows (c) 1998-2005 Winfried Ritsch (see LICENCE.txt) Institute for Electronic Music - Graz V 1.0 MP 20060603 memset and memcpy arguments were backwards for Windows version. close_serial doesn't crash now. MP 20060618 make sure name is set up in comport_new (x->serial_device = test.serial_device) so help message works. MP 20060619 implemented status outlet MP 20060620 Add DTR and RTS control, add outputs to reflect CTS and DSR states. MP 20060621 Do all the above for Windows too. MP 20060709 All status goes out the status outlet when an info message is received MP 20060824 added clock_delay call in comport_devicename */ #include "m_pd.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning( disable : 4244 ) #pragma warning( disable : 4305 ) #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include #include #else #include #include #include /* for ioctl DTR */ #include /* for TERMIO ioctl calls */ #include #include #define HANDLE int #define INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE -1 #endif /* _WIN32 */ #include #include #include typedef struct comport { t_object x_obj; long n; /* the state of a last input */ HANDLE comhandle; /* holds the comport handle */ #ifdef _WIN32 DCB dcb; /* holds the comm pars */ DCB dcb_old; /* holds the comm pars */ COMMTIMEOUTS old_timeouts; #else struct termios oldcom_termio; /* save the old com config */ struct termios com_termio; /* for the new com config */ #endif t_symbol *serial_device; char serial_device_name[FILENAME_MAX]; short comport; /* holds the comport # */ t_float baud; /* holds the current baud rate */ t_float data_bits; /* holds the current number of data bits */ t_float parity_bit; /* holds the current parity */ t_float stop_bits; /* holds the current number of stop bits */ int xonxoff; /* nonzero if xonxoff handshaking is on */ int ctsrts; /* nonzero if ctsrts handshaking is on */ short rxerrors; /* holds the rx line errors */ t_clock *x_clock; int x_hit; double x_deltime; int verbose; t_outlet *x_data_outlet; t_outlet *x_status_outlet; } t_comport; #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #endif #ifndef ON #define ON 1 #define OFF 0 #endif /* Serial Port Return Values */ #define NODATAAVAIL -1 #define RXERRORS -2 #define RXBUFOVERRUN -4 #define TXBUFOVERRUN -5 #define COMPORT_MAX 99 #ifdef _WIN32 static long baudspeedbittable[] = { CBR_256000, CBR_128000, CBR_115200, CBR_57600, CBR_56000, CBR_38400, CBR_19200, CBR_14400, CBR_9600, CBR_4800, CBR_2400, CBR_1200, CBR_600, CBR_300, CBR_110 }; #else /* _WIN32 */ #ifdef IRIX #define OPENPARAMS (O_RDWR|O_NDELAY|O_NOCTTY) #define TIONREAD FIONREAD /* re map the IOCTL function */ #define BAUDRATE_256000 -1 #define BAUDRATE_128000 -1 #define BAUDRATE_115200 -1 #define BAUDRATE_57600 -1 #define BAUDRATE_56000 -1 #define BAUDRATE_38400 B38400 #define BAUDRATE_14400 B19200 /* 14400 gibts nicht */ #else /* IRIX */ #define OPENPARAMS (O_RDWR|O_NDELAY|O_NOCTTY) #define BAUDRATE_256000 -1 #define BAUDRATE_128000 -1 #define BAUDRATE_115200 B115200 #define BAUDRATE_57600 B57600 #define BAUDRATE_56000 B57600 /* 56000 gibts nicht */ #define BAUDRATE_38400 B38400 #define BAUDRATE_14400 B19200 /* 14400 gibts nicht */ #endif /* else IRIX */ static short baudspeedbittable[] = { BAUDRATE_256000, /* CPU SPECIFIC */ BAUDRATE_128000, /* CPU SPECIFIC */ BAUDRATE_115200, /* CPU SPECIFIC */ BAUDRATE_57600, /* CPU SPECIFIC */ BAUDRATE_56000, BAUDRATE_38400, /* CPU SPECIFIC */ B19200, BAUDRATE_14400, B9600, B4800, B2400, B1200, B600, B300, B110 }; struct timeval null_tv; #endif /* else _WIN32 */ #define BAUDRATETABLE_LEN 15 static long baudratetable[] = { 256000L, 128000L, 115200L, 57600L, 56000L, 38400L, 19200L, 14400L, 9600L, 4800L, 2400L, 1200L, 600L, 300L, 110L }; /* holds the baud rate selections */ t_class *comport_class; static long get_baud_ratebits(t_float *baud); static void comport_pollintervall(t_comport *x, t_floatarg g); static void comport_tick(t_comport *x); static float set_baudrate(t_comport *x,t_float baud); static float set_bits(t_comport *x, int nr); static float set_parity(t_comport *x,int n); static float set_stopflag(t_comport *x, int nr); static int set_ctsrts(t_comport *x, int nr); static int set_dtr(t_comport *x, int nr); static int set_rts(t_comport *x, int nr); static int set_xonxoff(t_comport *x, int nr); static int set_serial(t_comport *x); static int write_serial(t_comport *x, unsigned char serial_byte); int comport_get_dsr(t_comport *x); int comport_get_cts(t_comport *x); #ifdef _WIN32 static HANDLE open_serial(unsigned int com_num, t_comport *x); static HANDLE close_serial(t_comport *x); #else static int open_serial(unsigned int com_num, t_comport *x); static int close_serial(t_comport *x); #endif static void comport_pollintervall(t_comport *x, t_floatarg g); static void comport_tick(t_comport *x); static void comport_float(t_comport *x, t_float f); static void *comport_new(t_floatarg com_num, t_floatarg fbaud); static void comport_free(t_comport *x); static void comport_baud(t_comport *x,t_floatarg f); static void comport_bits(t_comport *x,t_floatarg f); static void comport_parity(t_comport *x,t_floatarg f); static void comport_stopbit(t_comport *x,t_floatarg f); static void comport_rtscts(t_comport *x,t_floatarg f); static void comport_dtr(t_comport *x,t_floatarg f); static void comport_rts(t_comport *x,t_floatarg f); static void comport_xonxoff(t_comport *x,t_floatarg f); static void comport_close(t_comport *x); static void comport_open(t_comport *x, t_floatarg f); static void comport_devicename(t_comport *x, t_symbol *s); static void comport_print(t_comport *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv); static void comport_output_status(t_comport *x, t_symbol *selector, t_float output_value); static void comport_output_port_status(t_comport *x); static void comport_output_dsr_status(t_comport *x); static void comport_output_cts_status(t_comport *x); static void comport_output_baud_rate(t_comport *x); static void comport_output_parity_bit(t_comport *x); static void comport_output_stop_bits(t_comport *x); static void comport_output_data_bits(t_comport *x); static void comport_output_rtscts(t_comport *x); static void comport_output_xonxoff(t_comport *x); static void comport_info(t_comport *x); static void comport_verbose(t_comport *x, t_floatarg f); static void comport_help(t_comport *x); void comport_setup(void); /* --------- sys independent serial setup helpers ---------------- */ static long get_baud_ratebits(t_float *baud) { int i = 0; while(i < BAUDRATETABLE_LEN && baudratetable[i] > *baud) i++; /* nearest Baudrate finding */ if(i==BAUDRATETABLE_LEN || baudspeedbittable[i] < 0) { post("*Warning* The baud rate %d is not supported or out of range, using 9600\n",*baud); i = 7; } *baud = baudratetable[i]; return baudspeedbittable[i]; } /* ------------ sys dependent serial setup helpers ---------------- */ /* --------------------- NT ------------------------------------ */ #ifdef _WIN32 static float set_baudrate(t_comport *x,t_float baud) { x->dcb.BaudRate = get_baud_ratebits(&baud); return baud; } /* bits are 5,6,7,8(default) */ static float set_bits(t_comport *x, int nr) { if(nr < 4 && nr > 8) nr = 8; /* number of bits/byte, 4-8 */ return x->dcb.ByteSize = nr; } /* 1 ... Parity even, -1 parity odd , 0 (default) no parity */ static float set_parity(t_comport *x,int n) { switch(n) { case 1: x->dcb.fParity = TRUE; /* enable parity checking */ x->dcb.Parity = 2; /* 0-4=no,odd,even,mark,space */ return 1; case -1: x->dcb.fParity = TRUE; /* enable parity checking */ x->dcb.Parity = 1; /* 0-4=no,odd,even,mark,space */ return -1; default: x->dcb.fParity = FALSE; /* enable parity checking */ x->dcb.Parity = 0; /* 0-4=no,odd,even,mark,space */ } return 0; } /* activate second stop bit with 1, 0(default)*/ static float set_stopflag(t_comport *x, int nr) { if(nr == 1) { x->dcb.StopBits = 1; /* 0,1,2 = 1, 1.5, 2 */ return 1; } else x->dcb.StopBits = 0; /* 0,1,2 = 1, 1.5, 2 */ return 0; } /* never tested */ static int set_ctsrts(t_comport *x, int nr) { if(nr == 1) { x->dcb.fOutxCtsFlow = TRUE; /* CTS output flow control */ x->dcb.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE; /* RTS flow control */ return 1; } x->dcb.fOutxCtsFlow = FALSE; /* CTS output flow control */ x->dcb.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE; /* RTS flow control */ return 0; } static int set_dtr(t_comport *x, int nr) { HANDLE fd = x->comhandle; BOOL status; DWORD dwFunc = (nr==0)?CLRDTR:SETDTR; if (fd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return -1; status = EscapeCommFunction(fd, dwFunc); if (status != 0) return nr; return -1; /* didn't work, GetLastError tells why */ } static int set_rts(t_comport *x, int nr) { HANDLE fd = x->comhandle; BOOL status; DWORD dwFunc = (nr==0)?CLRRTS:SETRTS; if (fd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return -1; status = EscapeCommFunction(fd, dwFunc); if (status != 0) return nr; return -1; /* didn't work, GetLastError tells why */ } static int set_xonxoff(t_comport *x, int nr) { /* x->dcb.fTXContinueOnXoff = FALSE; XOFF continues Tx */ if(nr == 1) { x->dcb.fOutX = TRUE; /* XON/XOFF out flow control */ x->dcb.fInX = TRUE; /* XON/XOFF in flow control */ return 1; } x->dcb.fOutX = FALSE; /* XON/XOFF out flow control */ x->dcb.fInX = FALSE; /* XON/XOFF in flow control */ return 0; } static int set_serial(t_comport *x) { if (SetCommState(x->comhandle, &(x->dcb))) return 1; return 0; } static HANDLE open_serial(unsigned int com_num, t_comport *x) { HANDLE fd; COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts; char buffer[MAX_PATH]; float *baud = &(x->baud); DWORD dw; if(com_num < 1 || com_num >= COMPORT_MAX) { post("comport number %d out of range (0-%d)", com_num, COMPORT_MAX); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } sprintf(buffer, "%s%d", x->serial_device_name, com_num); x->serial_device = gensym(buffer); post("Opening %s",x->serial_device->s_name); fd = CreateFile( x->serial_device->s_name, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 0); if(fd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dw = GetLastError(); post("** ERROR ** could not open device %s:\n failure(%d)\n", x->serial_device->s_name,dw); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } /* Save the Current Port Configuration */ if (!GetCommState(fd, &(x->dcb_old))) { post("** ERROR ** could not get old dcb of device %s\n", x->serial_device->s_name); CloseHandle(fd); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } memset(&(x->dcb), 0, sizeof(DCB)); if (!GetCommState(fd, &(x->dcb))) { post("** ERROR ** could not get new dcb of device %s\n", x->serial_device->s_name); CloseHandle(fd); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } x->dcb.fBinary = TRUE; /* binary mode, no EOF check */ /* x->dcb.fOutxDsrFlow = FALSE; DSR output flow control */ /* x->dcb.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE; DTR flow control type */ /* x->dcb.fDsrSensitivity = FALSE; DSR sensitivity */ x->dcb.fErrorChar = FALSE; /* enable error replacement */ /* x->dcb.fNull = FALSE; enable null stripping */ /* DWORD x->dcb.fAbortOnError:1; abort reads/writes on error */ /* char x->dcb.XonChar; Tx and Rx XON character */ /* char x->dcb.XoffChar; Tx and Rx XOFF character */ /* char x->dcb.ErrorChar; error replacement character */ /* char x->dcb.EofChar; end of input character */ /* char x->dcb.EvtChar; received event character */ set_bits(x, x->data_bits); /* CS8 */ set_stopflag(x, x->stop_bits); /* ~CSTOPB */ set_ctsrts(x, x->ctsrts); /* ~CRTSCTS;*/ set_xonxoff(x, x->xonxoff); /* (IXON | IXOFF | IXANY) */ set_baudrate(x, *baud); x->comhandle = fd; if(set_serial(x)) { post("[comport] opened serial line device %d (%s)\n", com_num,x->serial_device->s_name); } else { error("[comport] ** ERROR ** could not set params to control dcb of device %s\n", x->serial_device->s_name); CloseHandle(fd); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if (!GetCommTimeouts(fd, &(x->old_timeouts))) { post("[comport] Couldn't get old timeouts for serial device"); } /* setting new timeouts for read to immediately return */ timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = MAXDWORD; timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0; timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 0; if (!SetCommTimeouts(fd, &timeouts)) { post("Couldn't set timeouts for serial device"); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } x->comport = com_num;/* output on next tick */ return fd; } static HANDLE close_serial(t_comport *x) { if(x->comhandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (!SetCommState(x->comhandle, &(x->dcb_old))) { post("[comport] ** ERROR ** couldn't reset params to DCB of device %s\n", x->serial_device->s_name); } if (!SetCommTimeouts(x->comhandle, &(x->old_timeouts))) { post("[comport] Couldn't reset old_timeouts for serial device"); } CloseHandle(x->comhandle); post("[comport] closed %s",x->serial_device->s_name); } return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } static int write_serial(t_comport *x, unsigned char serial_byte) { OVERLAPPED osWrite = {0}; DWORD dwWritten; DWORD dwToWrite = 1; DWORD dwErr; char cErr[100]; osWrite.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (osWrite.hEvent == NULL) { post("Couldn't create event. Transmission aborted."); return 0; } if (!WriteFile(x->comhandle, &serial_byte, dwToWrite, &dwWritten, &osWrite)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); if (dwErr != ERROR_IO_PENDING) { sprintf(cErr, "WriteFile error: %d", (int)dwErr); post(cErr); return 0; } } CloseHandle(osWrite.hEvent); return 1; } int comport_get_dsr(t_comport *x) { short dsr_state = 0; if(x->comhandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD modemStat; /* get the DSR input state and if it's changed, output it */ BOOL status = GetCommModemStatus(x->comhandle, &modemStat); if (status) { dsr_state = ((modemStat&MS_DSR_ON)!=0);/* read the DSR input line */ } else { ;/* call GetLastError, only once so as not to hang pd */ } } return dsr_state; } int comport_get_cts(t_comport *x) { short cts_state = 0; if (x->comhandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD modemStat; /* get the DSR input state and if it's changed, output it */ BOOL status = GetCommModemStatus(x->comhandle, &modemStat); if (status) { cts_state = ((modemStat&MS_CTS_ON)!=0);/* read the CTS input line */ } else { ;/* call GetLastError, only once so as not to hang pd */ } } return cts_state; } #else /* NT */ /* ----------------- POSIX - UNIX ------------------------------ */ static float set_baudrate(t_comport *x,t_float baud) { struct termios *tio = &(x->com_termio); long baudbits = get_baud_ratebits(&baud); cfsetispeed(tio, baudbits); cfsetospeed(tio, baudbits); return baud; } /* bits are 5,6,7,8(default) */ static float set_bits(t_comport *x, int nr) { struct termios *tio = &(x->com_termio); tio->c_cflag &= ~CSIZE; switch(nr) { case 5: tio->c_cflag |= CS5; return 5; case 6: tio->c_cflag |= CS6; return 6; case 7: tio->c_cflag |= CS7; return 7; default: tio->c_cflag |= CS8; } return 8; } /* 1 ... Parity even, -1 parity odd , 0 (default) no parity */ static float set_parity(t_comport *x,int n) { struct termios *tio = &(x->com_termio); switch(n) { case 1: tio->c_cflag |= PARENB; tio->c_cflag &= ~PARODD; return 1; case -1: tio->c_cflag |= PARENB | PARODD; return -1; default: tio->c_cflag &= ~PARENB; } return 0; } /* activate second stop bit with 1, 0(default)*/ static float set_stopflag(t_comport *x, int nr) { struct termios *tio = &(x->com_termio); if(nr == 1) { tio->c_cflag |= CSTOPB; return 1; } else tio->c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB; return 0; } /* never tested */ static int set_ctsrts(t_comport *x, int nr) { struct termios *tio = &(x->com_termio); if(nr == 1) { tio->c_cflag |= CRTSCTS; return 1; } tio->c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS; return 0; } static int set_dtr(t_comport *x, int nr) { int fd = x->comhandle; int status; if (fd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return -1; ioctl(fd, TIOCMGET, &status); if (nr == 0) status &= ~TIOCM_DTR; else status |= TIOCM_DTR; ioctl(fd, TIOCMSET, &status); return (nr !=0); } static int set_rts(t_comport *x, int nr) { int fd = x->comhandle; int status; if (fd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return -1; ioctl(fd, TIOCMGET, &status); if (nr == 0) status &= ~TIOCM_RTS; else status |= TIOCM_RTS; ioctl(fd, TIOCMSET, &status); return (nr !=0); } static int set_xonxoff(t_comport *x, int nr) { struct termios *tio = &(x->com_termio); if(nr == 1) { tio->c_iflag |= (IXON | IXOFF | IXANY); return 1; } tio->c_iflag &= ~IXON & ~IXOFF & ~IXANY; return 0; } static int open_serial(unsigned int com_num, t_comport *x) { HANDLE fd; struct termios *old = &(x->oldcom_termio); struct termios *new = &(x->com_termio); float *baud = &(x->baud); glob_t glob_buffer; /* if com_num == 9999, use device name directly, else try port # */ if(com_num != 9999) { if(com_num >= COMPORT_MAX) { post("[comport] ** WARNING ** port %d not valid, must be between 0 and %d", com_num, COMPORT_MAX - 1); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } /* post("[comport] globbing %s",x->serial_device_name);*/ /* get the device path based on the port# and the glob pattern */ switch( glob( x->serial_device_name, 0, NULL, &glob_buffer ) ) { case GLOB_NOSPACE: error("[comport] out of memory for \"%s\"",x->serial_device_name); break; #ifdef GLOB_ABORTED case GLOB_ABORTED: error("[comport] aborted \"%s\"",x->serial_device_name); break; #endif #ifdef GLOB_NOMATCH case GLOB_NOMATCH: error("[comport] no serial devices found for \"%s\"",x->serial_device_name); break; #endif } if(com_num < glob_buffer.gl_pathc) { x->serial_device = gensym(glob_buffer.gl_pathv[com_num]); } else { post("[comport] ** WARNING ** port #%d does not exist! (max == %d)", com_num,glob_buffer.gl_pathc - 1); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } globfree( &(glob_buffer) ); } if((fd = open(x->serial_device->s_name, OPENPARAMS)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { error("[comport] ** ERROR ** could not open device %s:\n failure(%d): %s\n", x->serial_device->s_name,errno,strerror(errno)); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } /* set no wait on any operation */ fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, FNDELAY); /* Save the Current Port Configuration */ if(tcgetattr(fd, old) == -1 || tcgetattr(fd, new) == -1) { error("[comport] ** ERROR ** could not get termios-structure of device %s\n", x->serial_device->s_name); close(fd); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } /* Setup the new port configuration...NON-CANONICAL INPUT MODE .. as defined in termios.h */ /* enable input and ignore modem controls */ new->c_cflag |= (CREAD | CLOCAL); /* always nocanonical, this means raw i/o no terminal */ new->c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO | ECHOE | ISIG); /* no post processing */ new->c_oflag &= ~OPOST; /* setup to return after 0 seconds ..if no characters are received TIME units are assumed to be 0.1 secs */ /* not needed anymore ??? in new termios in linux new->c_cc[VMIN] = 0; new->c_cc[VTIME] = 0; */ /* defaults, see input */ set_bits(x, x->data_bits); /* CS8 */ set_stopflag(x, x->stop_bits); /* ~CSTOPB */ set_ctsrts(x, x->ctsrts); /* ~CRTSCTS;*/ set_xonxoff(x, x->xonxoff); /* (IXON | IXOFF | IXANY) */ set_baudrate(x, *baud); if(tcsetattr(fd, TCSAFLUSH, new) != -1) { post("[comport] opened serial line device %d (%s)\n", com_num,x->serial_device->s_name); } else { error("[comport] ** ERROR ** could not set params to ioctl of device %s\n", x->serial_device->s_name); close(fd); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } x->comport = com_num; /* output at next comport_tick */ return fd; } static int close_serial(t_comport *x) { struct termios *tios = &(x->com_termio); HANDLE fd = x->comhandle; if(fd != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, tios); close(fd); post("[comport] closed %s",x->serial_device->s_name); } return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } static int set_serial(t_comport *x) { if(tcsetattr(x->comhandle, TCSAFLUSH, &(x->com_termio)) == -1) return 0; return 1; } static int write_serial(t_comport *x, unsigned char serial_byte) { int result = write(x->comhandle,(char *) &serial_byte,1); if (result != 1) post ("[comport] write returned %d, errno is %d", result, errno); return result; /* flush pending I/O chars */ /* but nowadays discards them ;-( else { ioctl(x->comhandle,TCFLSH,TCOFLUSH); } */ } int comport_get_dsr(t_comport *x) { short dsr_state = 0; if (x->comhandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { int status;/*dsr outlet*/ /* get the DSR input state and if it's changed, output it */ ioctl(x->comhandle, TIOCMGET, &status);/*dsr outlet*/ dsr_state = ((status&TIOCM_LE)!=0);/* read the DSR input line */ } return dsr_state; } int comport_get_cts(t_comport *x) { short cts_state = 0; if (x->comhandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { int status;/*cts outlet*/ /* get the CTS input state and if it's changed, output it */ ioctl(x->comhandle, TIOCMGET, &status); cts_state = ((status&TIOCM_CTS)!=0);/* read the CTS input line */ } return cts_state; } #endif /* else NT */ /* ------------------- serial pd methods --------------------------- */ static void comport_pollintervall(t_comport *x, t_floatarg g) { if (g < 1) g = 1; x->x_deltime = g; } static void comport_tick(t_comport *x) { int err; HANDLE fd = x->comhandle; x->x_hit = 0; if(fd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; /* while there are bytes, read them and send them out, ignore errors */ #ifdef _WIN32 { unsigned char serial_byte[1000]; DWORD dwRead; OVERLAPPED osReader = {0}; DWORD dwX; err = 0; osReader.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if(ReadFile(x->comhandle, serial_byte, 1000, &dwRead, &osReader)) { if(dwRead > 0) { for(dwX=0;dwXx_data_outlet, (t_float) serial_byte[dwX]); } } } else { err = -1; } CloseHandle(osReader.hEvent); } #else { unsigned char serial_byte; fd_set com_rfds; FD_ZERO(&com_rfds); FD_SET(fd,&com_rfds); while((err=select(fd+1,&com_rfds,NULL,NULL,&null_tv)) > 0) { err = read(fd,(char *) &serial_byte,1); /* while( (err = read(fd,(char *) &serial_byte,1)) > 0){ */ outlet_float(x->x_data_outlet, (t_float) serial_byte); } } #endif if(err < 0) { /* if a read error detected */ if(x->rxerrors == 0) /* post it once */ post("RXERRORS on serial line\n"); x->rxerrors = 1; /* remember */ } if (!x->x_hit) clock_delay(x->x_clock, 1); } static void comport_float(t_comport *x, t_float f) { unsigned char serial_byte = ((int) f) & 0xFF; /* brutal conv */ if (write_serial(x,serial_byte) != 1) { post("Write error, maybe TX-OVERRUNS on serial line"); } } static void *comport_new(t_floatarg com_num, t_floatarg fbaud) { t_comport test; t_comport *x; HANDLE fd; /* for UNIX, this is a glob pattern for matching devices */ #ifdef _WIN32 const char *serial_device_name = "COM"; #else # ifdef __APPLE__ const char *serial_device_name = "/dev/tty.*"; # else # ifdef IRIX const char *serial_device_name = "/dev/ttyd*"; # else const char *serial_device_name = "/dev/tty[SU]*"; # endif /* IRIX */ # endif /* __APPLE__ */ #endif /* _WIN32 */ /* Open the Comport for RD and WR and get a handle */ strncpy(test.serial_device_name, serial_device_name, strlen(serial_device_name)+1); test.baud = fbaud; test.data_bits = 8; /* default 8 data bits */ test.parity_bit = 0;/* default no parity bit */ test.stop_bits = 0;/* default 1 stop bit */ test.ctsrts = 0; /* default no hardware handshaking */ test.xonxoff = 0; /* default no software handshaking */ fd = open_serial((unsigned int)com_num, &test); /* Now nothing really bad could happen so we create the class */ x = (t_comport *)pd_new(comport_class); x->comport = test.comport;/* com_num */ strncpy(x->serial_device_name,serial_device_name,strlen(serial_device_name)+1); x->serial_device = test.serial_device; /* we need this so 'help' doesn't crash */ x->baud = test.baud; x->data_bits = test.data_bits; x->parity_bit = test.parity_bit; x->stop_bits = test.stop_bits; x->ctsrts = test.ctsrts; x->xonxoff = test.xonxoff; x->comhandle = fd; /* holds the comport handle */ if(fd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { /* postings in open routine */ post("[comport] invalid handle for %s",x->serial_device_name); } else { #ifdef _WIN32 memcpy(&(x->dcb_old), &(test.dcb_old), sizeof(DCB)); /* save the old com config */ memcpy(&(x->dcb), &(test.dcb), sizeof(DCB)); /* for the new com config */ #else /* save the old com and new com config */ bcopy(&(test.oldcom_termio),&(x->oldcom_termio),sizeof(struct termios)); bcopy(&(test.com_termio),&(x->com_termio),sizeof(struct termios)); #endif } x->rxerrors = 0; /* holds the rx line errors */ x->x_data_outlet = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float); x->x_status_outlet = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float); x->x_hit = 0; x->x_deltime = 1; x->x_clock = clock_new(x, (t_method)comport_tick); clock_delay(x->x_clock, x->x_deltime); x->verbose = 0; return x; } static void comport_free(t_comport *x) { post("free serial..."); clock_unset(x->x_clock); clock_free(x->x_clock); x->comhandle = close_serial(x); } /* ---------------- use serial settings ------------- */ static void comport_baud(t_comport *x,t_floatarg f) { if(f == x->baud) { post("baudrate already %f\n",x->baud); return; } x->baud = set_baudrate(x,f); if(x->comhandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)return; if(set_serial(x) == 0) { error("[comport] ** ERROR ** could not set baudrate of device %s\n", x->serial_device->s_name); } else if(x->verbose > 0) post("set baudrate of %s to %f\n",x->serial_device->s_name,x->baud); } static void comport_bits(t_comport *x,t_floatarg f) { f = set_bits(x,f); if(x->comhandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)return; if(set_serial(x) == 0) { error("[comport] ** ERROR ** could not set bits of device %s\n", x->serial_device->s_name); return; } else if(x->verbose > 0) post("set bits of %s to %f\n",x->serial_device->s_name,f); x->data_bits = f; } static void comport_parity(t_comport *x,t_floatarg f) { f = set_parity(x,f); if(x->comhandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)return; if(set_serial(x) == 0) { error("[comport] ** ERROR ** could not set extra paritybit of device %s\n", x->serial_device->s_name); return; } else if(x->verbose > 0) post("[comport] set extra paritybit of %s to %f\n",x->serial_device->s_name,f); x->parity_bit = f; } static void comport_stopbit(t_comport *x,t_floatarg f) { f = set_stopflag(x,f); if(x->comhandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)return; if(set_serial(x) == 0) { error("[comport] ** ERROR ** could not set extra stopbit of device %s\n", x->serial_device->s_name); return; } else if(x->verbose > 0) post("[comport] set extra stopbit of %s to %f\n",x->serial_device->s_name,f); x->stop_bits = f; } static void comport_rtscts(t_comport *x,t_floatarg f) { f = set_ctsrts(x,f); if(x->comhandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)return; if(set_serial(x) == 0) { error("[comport] ** ERROR ** could not set rts_cts of device %s\n", x->serial_device->s_name); return; } else if(x->verbose > 0) post("[comport] set rts-cts of %s to %f\n",x->serial_device->s_name,f); x->ctsrts = f; } static void comport_dtr(t_comport *x,t_floatarg f) { f = set_dtr(x,f); if(x->comhandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)return; if(f < 0) { error("[comport] ** ERROR ** could not set dtr of device %s\n", x->serial_device->s_name); } else if(x->verbose > 0) post("[comport] set dtr of %s to %f\n",x->serial_device->s_name,f); } static void comport_rts(t_comport *x,t_floatarg f) { f = set_rts(x,f); if(x->comhandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)return; if(f < 0) { error("[comport] ** ERROR ** could not set rts of device %s\n", x->serial_device->s_name); } else if(x->verbose > 0) post("[comport] set rts of %s to %f\n",x->serial_device->s_name,f); } static void comport_xonxoff(t_comport *x,t_floatarg f) { f = set_xonxoff(x,f); if(x->comhandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)return; if(set_serial(x) == 0) { error("[comport] ** ERROR ** could not set xonxoff of device %s\n", x->serial_device->s_name); return; } else if(x->verbose > 0) post("[comport] set xonxoff of %s to %f\n",x->serial_device->s_name,f); x->xonxoff = f; } static void comport_close(t_comport *x) { clock_unset(x->x_clock); x->x_hit = 1; x->comhandle = close_serial(x); x->comport = -1; /* none */ if (x->x_status_outlet != NULL) outlet_float(x->x_status_outlet, (float)x->comport); } static void comport_open(t_comport *x, t_floatarg f) { if(x->comhandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) comport_close(x); x->comhandle = open_serial(f,x); clock_delay(x->x_clock, x->x_deltime); } /* dangerous but if you really have some stupid devicename ... you can open any file on systems if suid is set on pd be careful */ static void comport_devicename(t_comport *x, t_symbol *s) { x->serial_device = s; x->comhandle = open_serial(9999,x); clock_delay(x->x_clock, x->x_deltime); } static void comport_print(t_comport *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { static char buf[256]; char *pch = buf; while(argc--) { atom_string(argv++, buf, 255); while(*pch != 0) { write_serial(x, *pch++); } if(argc > 0) { write_serial(x, ' '); } } } static void comport_output_status(t_comport *x, t_symbol *selector, t_float output_value) { t_atom *output_atom = getbytes(sizeof(t_atom)); SETFLOAT(output_atom, output_value); outlet_anything( x->x_status_outlet, selector, 1, output_atom); freebytes(output_atom,sizeof(t_atom)); } static void comport_output_port_status(t_comport *x) { comport_output_status(x, gensym("port"), (float)x->comport); } static void comport_output_dsr_status(t_comport *x) { comport_output_status(x, gensym("dsr"), (float)comport_get_dsr(x)); } static void comport_output_cts_status(t_comport *x) { comport_output_status(x, gensym("cts"), (float)comport_get_cts(x)); } static void comport_output_baud_rate(t_comport *x) { comport_output_status(x, gensym("baud"), x->baud); } static void comport_output_parity_bit(t_comport *x) { comport_output_status(x, gensym("parity"), x->parity_bit); } static void comport_output_stop_bits(t_comport *x) { comport_output_status(x, gensym("stop"), x->stop_bits+1); } static void comport_output_data_bits(t_comport *x) { comport_output_status(x, gensym("data"), x->data_bits); } static void comport_output_rtscts(t_comport *x) { comport_output_status(x, gensym("rtscts"), x->ctsrts); } static void comport_output_xonxoff(t_comport *x) { comport_output_status(x, gensym("xonxoff"), x->xonxoff); } static void comport_info(t_comport *x) { comport_output_port_status(x); comport_output_baud_rate(x); comport_output_dsr_status(x); comport_output_cts_status(x); comport_output_parity_bit(x); comport_output_stop_bits(x); comport_output_data_bits(x); comport_output_rtscts(x); comport_output_xonxoff(x); } /* ---------------- HELPER ------------------------- */ static void comport_verbose(t_comport *x, t_floatarg f) { x->verbose = f; if(f > 0) post("[comport] verbose is on: %d", (int) f); } static void comport_help(t_comport *x) { post("[comport] serial port %d (baud %f):", x->comport, x->baud); if(x->comport >= 0 && x->comport < COMPORT_MAX) { post("\tdevicename: %s",x->serial_device->s_name); } post(" Methods:"); post(" baud ... set baudrate to nearest possible baud\n" " bits ... set number of bits (7 or 8)\n" " stopbit <0|1> ... set off|on stopbit\n" " rtscts <0|1> ... set rts/cts off|on\n" " parity <0|1> ... set parity off|on\n" " xonxoff <0|1> ... set xon/xoff off|on\n" " dtr <0|1> ... set dtr off|on\n" " rts <0|1> ... set rts off|on\n" " close ... close device\n" " open ... open device number num\n" " devicename ... set device name to s (eg. /dev/ttyS8)\n" " print ... print list of atoms on serial\n" " pollintervall ... set poll interval to t ticks\n" " verbose ... for debug set verbosity to level\n" " info ... output info on status outlet\n" " help ... post this help"); } /* ---------------- SETUP OBJECTS ------------------ */ void comport_setup(void) { comport_class = class_new(gensym("comport"), (t_newmethod)comport_new, (t_method)comport_free, sizeof(t_comport), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addfloat(comport_class, (t_method)comport_float); /* class_addbang(comport_class, comport_bang */ class_addmethod(comport_class, (t_method)comport_baud, gensym("baud"),A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(comport_class, (t_method)comport_bits, gensym("bits"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(comport_class, (t_method)comport_stopbit, gensym("stopbit"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(comport_class, (t_method)comport_rtscts, gensym("rtscts"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(comport_class, (t_method)comport_dtr, gensym("dtr"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(comport_class, (t_method)comport_rts, gensym("rts"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(comport_class, (t_method)comport_parity, gensym("parity"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(comport_class, (t_method)comport_xonxoff, gensym("xonxoff"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(comport_class, (t_method)comport_close, gensym("close"), 0); class_addmethod(comport_class, (t_method)comport_open, gensym("open"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(comport_class, (t_method)comport_devicename, gensym("devicename"), A_SYMBOL, 0); class_addmethod(comport_class, (t_method)comport_print, gensym("print"), A_GIMME, 0); class_addmethod(comport_class, (t_method)comport_pollintervall, gensym("pollintervall"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(comport_class, (t_method)comport_verbose, gensym("verbose"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(comport_class, (t_method)comport_help, gensym("help"), 0); class_addmethod(comport_class, (t_method)comport_info, gensym("info"), 0); #ifndef _WIN32 null_tv.tv_sec = 0; /* no wait */ null_tv.tv_usec = 0; #endif /* NOT _WIN32 */ post("comport - PD external for unix/windows\n" "LGPL 1998-2006, Winfried Ritsch and others (see LICENCE.txt)\n" "Institute for Electronic Music - Graz"); }